Chapter 108

In Si Chenyue's villa, Si Chenyue was staring at Si Xinyue. He always felt that something was wrong with Si Xinyue tonight. She seemed to be pestering him all the time, for fear that he would go out.

He will come up with some tricks for a while, and he will come up with a trick for a while, just to pester Si Chenyue.

"Xinyue, it's almost time, you should go to sleep." Si Chenyue looked at the opposite person who was holding a chess piece and kept yawning.

"What about you?" Si Xinyue immediately asked back, shaking her hands unconsciously.

Si Chenyue saw her subtle movements in his eyes, and the doubts in his heart became more intense.

"Xinyue, brother still has something to go out, you can go to sleep first." Si Chen stood up abruptly, as if he would leave the villa in a second.

"Brother, if you don't like playing chess, we can find something else to do, you don't want to go out!" Si Xinyue hurriedly asked to stay, dropped the chess piece in her hand, pushed the wheelchair to Si Chenyue's side, Grab his clothes.

Si Chenyue turned around and looked at her, staring fiercely until Si Xinyue's eyes became flustered, she loosened his clothes, and twisted her hands unconsciously on her knees.

"Xinyue, are you hiding something from me?" He almost used an affirmative tone, seeing Si Xinyue's guilty look, besides being irritable, there was also anxiety in his heart!

"No, no." Si Xinyue replied angrily, lowering her head, not daring to look into Si Chenyue's frightening eyes.

She knew that she couldn't hold back Si Chenyue for a few hours!From six o'clock in the evening to nine o'clock now, three hours is already her limit!

"Really?" Si Chenyue bit out two words, and the phone was already taken out of his trouser pocket.

"Really not, bro, you know I'm afraid of being alone, I just want you to be with me!" Si Xinyue is not ready to tell the truth yet, whether everything goes well tonight depends on whether she can hold Si Chenyue back .

"Dongfang, check Ren Tianwei's whereabouts immediately!" At some point, Si Chenyue had dialed Dongfang Yu's number.

Si Xinyue was startled suddenly, and looked up at Si Chenyue in horror, holding the phone in one hand and slanting the other in his trouser pocket, looking down at her condescendingly.

Obviously, Si Chenyue had doubts about her words!That look, as if looking at a sinner!
"Xinyue, brother has always spoiled you, but it doesn't mean that I will pamper you all the time. Do you really think that brother doesn't know that you and Ren Tianwei met in private?" Si Chenyue finally said it out, and checked Ren Tianwei's account a few days ago. whereabouts.

However, there was no record of her meeting with José and the others, but instead, she was frequently found meeting with her own sister in a mysterious manner.

At that time, Si Chenyue knew that his sister was far from being as simple as he saw.

"Brother, my meeting with Sister Tianwei doesn't mean that I lied to you." Si Xinyue is still stubborn, and now she can delay it for a while.

She only hoped that Ren Tianwei, Jon, Jos and others could get everything done as soon as possible!
"Xinyue, have you forgotten what you said when my brother and Ren Tianwei got engaged five years ago? You said——you will never recognize her as a sister-in-law! Besides, now that Zuo Youruo has come back, my brother is also married to Ren Tianwei. You said that she is your sister-in-law, so you suddenly get along so well with Ren Tianwei, do you think it makes sense?"

Si Xinyue stopped talking, just lowered her head, tears falling down.

But this time, even Si Xinyue, who was pear-blossoming and rainy, could not soften Si Chenyue's heart.

After a while, Dongfang Yu's call came back, "Boss, I found out that Ren Tianwei seems to have gone to the place where sister-in-law lives, and I called the two people next to sister-in-law, but no one answered them."

Si Chenyue hung up the phone with a snap, his eyes were so sharp that he could shoot someone to death, Si Xinyue trembled nervously.

"Xinyue, why did Ren Tianwei go to Zuo You? What do you know?"

"Brother, don't ask me, I don't know anything!" Si Xinyue turned her wheelchair, trying to avoid Si Chenyue's aggressive aura.

Si Chenyue blocked her way with a stride, knelt down, raised Si Xinyue's face, forced her to look into his eyes, and asked word by word: "Say, why did Ren Tianwei go to Zuo You?!"

Si Xinyue gasped in surprise, she seemed to see blood from Si Chenyue's eyes, and the kind of hatred she couldn't bear.

His heart suddenly became cold, and in Si Chenyue's heart, Zuo Youruo was always more important than himself!

No matter how much she tried to please him, he still only remembered and cared about Zuo Youruo. Since that was the case, she chose not to tell Si Chenyue where Zuo Youruo was now!

"Brother, do you know? I have liked you since I was a child, but you have always regarded me as your younger sister and never let me into your heart, and that woman, she is just an ugly duckling, why can she easily Get your heart, get all of you, why?!"

"Xinyue, you're crazy!" Si Chenyue stopped her words loudly, feeling a little sad in his heart.

It turned out that the younger sister he had always held in his hands and loved so much thought of him this way!How sad!

"I'm not crazy! I just like you, Si Chenyue, I'll tell you right now, I like you, don't say that we are brothers and sisters and can't like you, I'm not your sister at all, I'm just a wild child picked up by Si Boran! "Si Xinyue yelled back even louder, her face full of tears.

Si Chenyue was deeply shocked by the words she yelled out. She——isn't his sister?how is this possible? !
"If I was really Si Boran's own daughter, do you think he would be willing to marry his daughter to a trash? He was just using me. I thank you for sacrificing for me, but what I want is yours, Not your sacrifice!"

"Shut up!" Si Chenyue stood up abruptly, and yelled at her fiercely, his chest heaving sharply, unable to digest the news.

If Si Xinyue wasn't her sister, where did her sister go? !

[Today is still more [-]D!Ask for flowers!Ask for flowers!Ask for flowers!Ask for flowers!Ask for flowers!But you can’t ignore my efforts like this, woohoo]

(End of this chapter)

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