lip tint

Chapter 201 The first drop of blood

Chapter 201 The first drop of blood
Several Michelin-level chefs gathered around to prepare dishes, and several plates of Chinese home-cooked dishes were quickly finished.

Several people neatly arranged the carefully cooked dishes on the table. They wiped the sweat dripping from their heads because of the hot fire, and praised her sincerely: "His Royal Highness Princess Cecilia is really ingenious." , the dishes made according to your suggestion are indeed novel and delicious, thanks to you indeed!"

Xicilia stood up a little uncomfortably, tugged at the hem of her skirt, collected the scattered melon seeds on the table beside her, gathered them together, put them calmly into Qi Zhi's suit pocket, and cleared her throat : "Haha, no hard work, no hard work."

Qi Zhi raised his eyebrows, and saw a snow-white slender hand start to secretly stuff garbage into his expensive suit again, the smooth and neat movements were really breathtaking.

have a look!As expected of their noble and beautiful princess, she is indeed humble and gentle!The admiration and admiration in everyone's eyes became stronger.

"Ahem, all right, all right, pack the vegetables and send them to Duke Ashburn's study."

"Okay." Several people hurriedly started to act.

Qi Zhi, who had been standing beside Xicilia as a human-shaped melon seed peeling machine and a trash can, suddenly put his hand to his mouth and coughed lightly.

Cecilia looked along the voice, met a pair of dark and waveless eyes, saw him open his mouth, and silently said two words:

I promised to cook for me myself, but how did it become the skill of this group of cooks, and they directly brought the cooked meals to Ashburn's study.

What's the matter, my grassland can't support your wild horse anymore?


Xicilia looked around, took advantage of everyone's busy work, didn't look here, pulled Qi Zhi's cuffs to the kitchen window, and covered the two of them from head to toe with the bed curtain.

"I know you're going to be angry again, and I'll reason with you."

Qi Zhi didn't speak, folded his arms around his chest, and raised his eyebrows at her—start your performance, I'd like to hear more about it.

Xicilia spoke seriously for a while: "Look, my brother has just become a human being, and he is definitely not used to eating for the first time. Since you want to eat, then you should go together. It will save trouble for you to accompany him. And caring, kill two birds with one stone."

"I'll accompany him?" Qi Zhi's voice raised a little bit, squinting at her: "So I'm passing by?"

"Oh, no, no." Xicilia hurriedly waved her hands, and said nonsense with her eyes open: "How could you be by the way, I made it for you. Besides, look at my hands."

She shook her snow-white palm in front of him, her voice was soft and sweet: "You see, my hands are so beautiful. I always cook, smoky, are you willing? Besides, my hands Isn't it more useful!"

Qi Zhi pinched her little hand, and rubbed his thumb against her delicate and soft palm. He didn't know what to think of, and his voice suddenly became hoarse: "Well, there is indeed a more important use."

"That's not true." Xicilia smiled at him, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, pure and bright, completely ignorant of what Qi Zhi was thinking, she held his little finger Shaking: "Then let's go? I'm afraid you're starving."

Qi Zhi has a new pursuit, and he no longer fights for that bit of appetite. Anyway, he can eat what Ashbourn can eat, but what he can eat, he can't taste it in his life.Thinking of this, he decided to be generous, and followed Xicilia's strength to go out.

"Knock Knock", the door of the room was knocked, Yahiber Wain woke up from a light sleep, looked at his position, and suddenly realized that he had fallen asleep after only such a short time. The human body is indeed not stronger than the vampire's body.His head was a little groggy, he kneaded his temples, and sat up after being awake for a while: "Come in."

"Brother, how did you sleep?"

Cecilia poked his head in, playful and lively, and made his dull mood better for no reason. When he opened his eyes, the person he saw was the person he loved. This is indeed a pleasant thing.

"sleep good."

"You've been exhausted recently. I didn't intend to wake you up, but you haven't eaten for a long time. I'm afraid your body won't be able to hold on. I made you some food. You have to finish eating before resting." what."

"Okay." Ashburn listened patiently to Hecilia's chatter, with gentle eyes.

Xicilia leaned in first, and then waved behind her: "Come in."

Stepping in, a pair of long legs came in, and the shiny black leather shoes went up. They were straight long legs wrapped in black trousers. The well-tailored suit fit him closely, outlining a lean waist and strong and broad shoulders. The person who came was Qi Zhi.

He was holding an exquisite basket in his hand, the mahogany was inlaid with gold-edged patterns, his face was pale, and he didn't even look in the direction of Ashburn, as if he didn't notice his existence at all, so he carried the basket and put it in the study On the coffee table in the center, the dishes began to be served outside one by one.

As soon as the lid was lifted, a strange fragrance floated in the air, and slowly wandered around Ashburn.This is a fragrance that he has never smelled before, not like the seductive fragrance of blood, not like the fragrance of flowers, it is a kind of smell that gets into your nose and can cause your salivary glands to start to secrete continuously, This feeling was too strange for Ashburn.

Seeing Qi Zhi's self-serving actions, Xicilia was a little bit embarrassed, but she also knew that it was really rare for him to make such a concession. In fact, she couldn't understand why he had such a heavy heart for Ashburn. When he was in the human world, he had never resisted Xiong Qi or Yin Shi like this before.

"Let's go, let's try my cooking skills. I don't know what you like to eat. I have prepared a dish of various tastes."

"You made it?" Ashburn was a little surprised looking at the delicate dishes on the table.He knows best about his sister. She never entered the kitchen when she was in the blood race. Although he has not tasted the dishes on this table, they are all delicious in color and fragrance. Could it be that she trained them in the human world? cooking?

"Almost, the people in the kitchen helped a little."

Xicilia didn't change her expression, she pulled Ashburn to sit down, stuffed a pair of chopsticks into his hands, rested her cheeks on her hands, and looked forward to it: "Quickly try my handicraft."

(End of this chapter)

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