lip tint

Chapter 202 The first drop of blood

Chapter 202 The first drop of blood
Ashburn had never used chopsticks before, and the blood race had always used silver forks or small spoons. He glanced at the two wooden sticks in his hand and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Xicilia watched from the side, and noticed his hesitation, so she came to his side and reached out her hand: "I will teach you how to use chopsticks. First, the index finger and thumb should be placed on the middle and lower ends of the chopsticks. Then the ring finger rests between the two chopsticks."

Before her hand touched Ashburn, a hand stretched out from the sidelines and grabbed Ashbourne's right hand holding the chopsticks.Qi Zhi who was still eating had nothing to do with himself suddenly put down the bowl in his hand, with an unhappy expression on his face: "I'll teach him."

"Oh", Xicilia backed away, seeing the two people in front of her close together, holding hands tightly, for some reason, the adrenaline hormone suddenly began to surge, she patted her red cheeks, trying to put It all comes down to the fact that the two are finally able to live in harmony.

Qi Zhi's complexion is stinky, and Ashburn's expression is not very good-looking, but the two of them are exceptionally good-looking, and the picture of staying together is so refreshing and pleasing to the eye.

Qi Zhi only held Ashbourn's hand for a while to pick up the food, and then hurriedly let go: "Okay."

"Yeah." Ashburn's ability to comprehend was very good, and he glanced lightly at Cecilia who was sitting aside, covering her mouth and giggling, with a somewhat helpless look in her eyes.

He didn't know what the dishes on this table were, so he glanced at Qi Zhi, followed him to put a chopstick into the bowl, and stuffed the white rice into his mouth.

A pungent smell rose to the tip of his nose, and his throat was hot, as if being burnt by fire. In an instant, he put down his chopsticks, turned his head and began to cough violently.

Coughing woke up Cecilia, she quickly poured a glass of water for Ashburn, he began to pour water violently, glanced at the red pepper in his bowl, and gave the perpetrator a bad look.

"Brother, how are you, are you alright?" Cecilia patted Ashburn on the back, and asked him with concern after his cough was not so severe.

"It's okay. Keke" Ashburn waved his hand, but his light green eyes were surprisingly bright, and such a strange smell ignited all his taste buds.

Seeing his reaction, Xicilia knew that he should be the same as herself and could accept the spicy taste, so she breathed a sigh of relief, took a few tissues from the tissue box on the table, walked up to Qi Zhi, and handed them to him: " Spit it out."

Qi Zhi glanced at her, but just put down his chopsticks and didn't speak.There are dots of watery light in the dark and deep eyes, looking stubborn and wronged.

Sighing, Xicilia forcefully stuffed the tissue into his palm, her voice softened: "I don't blame you, your stomach is bad, you can't eat spicy food, spit out the pepper in your mouth .”

Qi Zhi listened to her quietly, and then took action.Spitting out the pepper in his mouth, he took a bowl of rice and began to stuff it into his mouth.

Xicilia felt very helpless, and didn't know why he was so stubborn. He looked smart before, but why he became more and more stupid, hurting the enemy a thousand, and hurting himself eight hundred. The stupid things are always happy to do .Following the drawing of a gourd, he fetched him a glass of water: "Drink quickly."

Qi Zhi didn't pick it up, and drank a whole glass of water along Xicilia's hand. Before she could leave, he put his arms around her waist and gently pulled her into his arms. Like a white rabbit, he sat on the lap of the big bad wolf.

Xicilia was stunned for a while, her face was flushed, she didn't dare to look in Ashburn's direction, and warned Qi Zhi in a low voice: "What are you doing, eat your food well, let go I!"

Qi Zhi tightly pinched her waist, making her unable to move at all, and kissed her loudly on the cheek with one side of his head: "Thank you, my little princess, for caring about me."

It may be that his throat was smoked by the chili pepper just now, his voice was low and hoarse, it sounded like gravel was rubbing against it, and it was numb to the bone.Cecilia only felt that her ears had been killed in battle, and her tense body softened.

This dog man is so good at grasping her sensitive spots!

Ashburn sat at the other end of the table, eating silently with his head down. For some reason, the dishes on the table seemed tasteless.

He finished the rice in the bowl as if he had completed a task, put his chopsticks away, and praised Xicilia earnestly: "The craftsmanship is great."

He didn't taste the specific taste of these dishes, he just felt sour and bitter in his mouth.

"Really! Brother, you like to eat, so I'll make it for you every day!" Xicilia was filled with joy, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she was the brightest and most vivid.

Ashburn went out, and he said he wanted to go back to his room to rest.

Qi Zhi and Xicilia were the only ones left in the huge study room, which made him feel very happy. He patted his thigh and said, "Sit here, let me give you a hug."

Give you a hammer.Cecilia is very irritable and doesn't want to talk to him at all.

Qi Zhi laughed silently, and suddenly loosened the chopsticks from his hand, the chopsticks fell off, hitting the porcelain bowl with a crisp sound, he covered his stomach, frowned deeply, half bent down, An unbearable groan came out of his mouth.

"what happened to you?"

Xicilia, who was leaning against the window and pretending to watch the wind calmly, immediately came to her senses and rushed to Qi Zhi's side with an anxious expression on her face: "Does your stomach hurt again? I'll call the medical officer for you, you bear with it for a while. "

The blood race has doctors, but blood race people seldom get sick, and the existence of a medical officer is dispensable. She is not at all sure whether the blood race's medical officer can cure such serious stomach problems as humans.

As soon as she turned around, her hand was firmly held by someone, and as soon as she tried hard, she fell into his arms.Xicilia felt that she was being teased again, so she pushed Qi Zhi away and wanted to leave.

"Don't move, it really hurts."

Qi Zhi hugged her, put his head on Xicilia's neck, sniffed the fragrance of her body deeply, and said coquettishly, "I don't want a medical officer, just rub it for me."

Xicilia couldn't resist his attack at all, she rubbed his hands along his waist and abdomen, forcing herself to ignore the tight and undulating muscles below: "How is it, is it a little more comfortable? "

"En." Qi Zhi nodded lightly, pulled her hand up, and pressed it against his heart, letting her feel the intense rhythm below, and leaned into her ear: "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Hearing my heart, it is telling you loudly: it is full of you."

My blood is dirty, even my heart is black, only the apex of my heart is soft, and you are placed on it, and I can’t leave even an inch, so the whole world is beautiful.

 Thanks to "cute Zhou Xuan", "Yue Lan Fei Se", "First Quarter Moon 690", "A Ju Ju", "Zhang's best friend is a lemon essence" and other little ones for the gifts and red beans!
  Thank you for the monthly pass from "Baji Yiyanyanyan" and "I'm the thinnest"~
  Thank you for the recommendation tickets sent by "Han Li loves Bicao, Ming Feng lives in Qingwu", "Yue Lan Fei Se" and "????"~
(End of this chapter)

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