Chapter 108

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather gradually warmed up. From mid-May, it suddenly rained for ten days in a row. The rain was not small, and there was a slight waterlogging in the suburbs of Beijing.

The main reason is that the fields are heavily irrigated by the rain, and it is time to plant crops, so the common people are worried all of a sudden.

If this continues, a lot of things will be lost this year, and half a year will be wasted.

Fortunately, on the fourth day of June, it finally stopped.

This is a good day, it happens that Wang Xiuyuan is confinement, and the second princess is full moon.

Last time, it was their mother and daughter who ended the haze in the palace, and this time they encountered a natural disaster, and even Ye Yun, who didn't believe in fate, would sigh for good fortune.

So the full moon banquet for the two princesses was very lively.

Wang Xiuyuan is recovering well, but she is a little plumper than before, but it is normal to eat well and not exercise during confinement, and it does not affect her appearance at all.

After coming out with the second princess in his arms, he saluted with a smile, "My concubine greets the emperor, queen, and sisters."

The high position received her salute, and the concubines below saluted her again.

It took me a while to sit down.

"Hurry up and bring the princess to show me, such a lucky child, I really like it." The queen smiled and waved.

Wang Xiuyuan asked the girl to carry the second princess over.

The queen had never given birth, so she didn't know how to hold her. She was afraid that she might fall the baby, so she didn't do it, she just looked at it.

His eyes were full of envy and sourness.

Ning Chen took it and hugged it for a while. He has hugged the eldest princess and the eldest prince before, and he is more skilled than the empress.

"I see that the child was born round and white, like the moon, and is very cute. Wang Xiuyuan raised the child very well."

"Wang Xiuyuan is a careful person. Our second princess is also the jewel in the emperor's palm. The proud daughter of heaven is the most blessed, but she is not born beautiful and cute. She will definitely be a beauty in the future." Concubine Wende accepted with a smile. said a word.

Concubine Shu was sitting by the side, feeling jealous in her heart.

Wang's family is only a sixth-rank county magistrate, luckily they gave birth to the second princess, and at such a good time, the second princess looks more sacred than the eldest princess.

No matter how unfavorable she is, she is also a concubine, and her family background is good, how can she allow others' daughters to surpass hers.

Looking at the three-year-old daughter in her arms, she put the child down with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Didn't Jia Yu say that she likes her younger sister? Go over and have a look at her sister, okay? You still remember the poem my mother and concubine taught you to recite yesterday. Recite it to your father."

The Eldest Princess is a small one, too reserved, she looks at Ning Chen timidly, her little hand grabs Concubine Shu's sleeve and refuses to let go.

Concubine Shu is not favored, and Ning Chen rarely goes to Changchun Palace, so naturally he is not very close to the eldest princess.

"Jiayu, don't be afraid, quickly recite it to your father." Concubine Shu raised her hand and patted her daughter's head.

The eldest princess finally mustered up her courage and said in a low voice, "Brothers are friends, younger brothers are respectful, brothers are harmonious, and filial piety is in the midst; mother and concubine teach daughters, as older sisters, to be friendly to younger brothers and sisters, and let, let father and emperor be happy."

"Eldest Princess is so young, she can recite these things. It seems that Concubine Shu has taught her a lot." The queen said lightly.

A child who has just turned three years old still can't speak clearly. It's really embarrassing for the princess to start learning these things.

Ye Yun glanced at Concubine Shu calmly, and seeing that she was still very complacent, she couldn't help but want to roll her eyes.

This is really forcing my daughter to do it if I can't do it myself.

"Jia Yu, come here and let Father see you." Ning Chen lowered his voice and waved slightly.

The Eldest Princess was still afraid, and was pushed slowly by Concubine Shu before walking over slowly.

Ning Chen held her hand and looked her up and down. She was still well-raised, but she was too timid. These, the princes also started to learn things seriously when they were six years old, the daughter’s family does not demand fame and fame, as long as they are educated and reasonable.”

"My daughter understands." The eldest princess imitated what the nuns taught her, and saluted crookedly.

In fact, she may not know that such a young child can always learn as the adults teach him.

And these words are not for her, but for Concubine Shu.

No matter how stupid Concubine Zi Shu is now, she will get over it again, she immediately put away her complacency, and becomes cautious again.

Without her stirring up inside, the second princess's full moon banquet passed smoothly.

After seeing off everyone, the nanny carried the princess down to rest, and Wang Xiuyuan finally had time to sit down and look at the congratulatory gifts from the palaces.

"The empress dowager rewarded a pair of warm jade bracelets. They are of excellent quality. This kind of thing is the most healthy for my daughter to wear. Our princess will definitely use it in the future." Hongdou said with a smile.

Wang Xiuyuan took a look and nodded, "It's my granddaughter. Although I didn't go to the Dragon Boat Festival a while ago, I knew that the trouble was not good. The emperor didn't go to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to pay his respects these few days. The queen mother also wanted to borrow the second princess's favor. For the full moon banquet, please give in to the emperor."

I really don't know what the fuss is about, I make a fuss over and over again, and I bow my head again and again, I know that the emperor has a tough temper, and he still insists on doing it.

"Don't talk about that, what did the queen and the emperor send?" Wang Xiuyuan asked with a smile.

Xiangsi looked at the gift list and replied, "The emperor gave you the Eight Treasures Ruyi Necklace and a Longevity Lock, but the Queen Mother gave you a lot of good materials, which are very suitable for tailoring the princess."

After a pause, he continued, "Others gave similar gifts, but Ming Jieyu's gift is special."

Wang Xiuyuan looked up, "What is it?"

"Hui Niangniang, it is a crib. It is written in the gift list that the folks got a daughter, and as a token of love, they ordered craftsmen to make Qiangong Babu bed from the day the daughter was born, and took it to her in-law's house when she got married. This crib came from the empress. When she was pregnant, she began to order people to do it, no matter whether she gave birth to a boy or a girl, it showed her heart."

When Xiangsi replied, Wang Xiuyuan laughed.

"Ming Jieyu really put her heart into this gift, I will visit her in person someday."

Mrs. Wang is smart, so she wouldn't have the idea that Ye Yun deliberately asked her to have a daughter. Instead, she could see Ye Yun's intentions from the crib.

The beloved son of parents must have far-reaching plans for him.

If it was said that he wanted to form an alliance with Ye Yun in the past because of himself, but now Wang Xiuyuan is for his daughter.

She knew very well that her favor was rare, and she was blessed to be able to give birth to a princess. She was afraid that she would not have another chance in the future. Now that she has a daughter, she must not stop here.

Only when she walks high can her daughter marry well in the future and stand up straight in her husband's house.

In her opinion, Ye Yun rose to Jieyu's position so quickly, she might be able to enter the ninth concubine even without having a child, which is beyond her ability.

After all, family background and love are there.

It's not that Wang Xiuyuan is not envious, but she is a rational person, even if she gave birth to a prince, she would not covet impossible things, not to mention that she only gave birth to a princess, so she only wanted stability.

Since Ye Yun also expressed her attitude, she will follow.

Looking at the harem, the Ye family is now the least involved. As long as Ye Yun does not make mistakes, he will not be without a high position.

(End of this chapter)

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