Chapter 109
"Some time ago I thought it was raining and humid, but now it has been sunny for two days, and I feel sunburned again."

In the yard, Ye Yun waved a round fan with carp playing in the water, and leaned lazily on the porch to watch the girls drying their quilts and clothes.

It has been raining continuously for so long, and these things are made of precious materials. It is not good to be damp, and they should be stacked and stored in the sun.

Bai Shu took the watermelon and handed it over with a smile, "Jieyu eats two pieces to cool off the heat. This watermelon was soaked in well water and just scooped up."

"It's only the beginning of June, how can there be watermelons?" Eyue wondered.

Bai Shu chuckled, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs just sent it over this morning. They said it was transported by water from the south. They are very expensive. There are three frames in total, only twenty. We got one from Yuxiu Pavilion."

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows, picked up the silver chopsticks and ate one.

Although it is not as sweet as the watermelon in July and August, it tastes pretty good, especially now that it is a rarity.

"Where else can I get?" Ye Yun put down his chopsticks and asked.

"Apart from the queen mother and empress, that is, there are a few children, and then you, Fang Xiuyi, Yimeiren, and a few others who have been sent outside the palace to the two princes and Princess Jiahe." Bai Shu said truthfully.

Ye Yun nodded, looking at the two consecutive rewards, her label of being favored should be firmly established in the harem.

Just thinking about it here, I saw Huai'an coming in from outside.

"My servant greets Jieyu, and the emperor invites Jieyu to Jiuchen Palace to talk!"

"After eating the emperor's watermelon, I was going to thank you, so I don't need to change my clothes, so I can save the emperor from waiting." Ye Yun raised his eyebrows.

Huai'an hurriedly laughed, "Jieyu's beauty is beautiful even in coarse linen clothes, not to mention that this body looks plain but it is made of brocade. The emperor will definitely like it when he sees it."

"Eunuch Huai'an is getting sweeter, I don't have anything to reward you, so I'll give this pearl hairpin to Eunuch."

Saying that, Ye Yun pulled out a hairpin from her head and handed it over.

Can the hairpin in her hair be ordinary things?Huaian was overjoyed after seeing it.

Sitting in the sedan chair and driving all the way to Jiuchen Palace, it's fine not to walk, and I didn't break a sweat even shaking my fan.

It's not the time to get hot and sweaty when you walk over it in the past.

Yuan Jiu waited outside the hall, smiling and opening the door whenever anyone came.

Ye Yun went in and saw Ning Chen sitting on the couch beside the bed reading a book.

"My concubine please greet the emperor." The girl Yingying bowed down, her soft and sweet voice pulled the man back from his thoughts.

Ning Chen raised his head, and saw that pink and white figure, which looked charming.

"Come and sit down, I ordered someone to serve your favorite snacks, and there are also fruits."

"The concubine thanked the emperor first." Ye Yun looked like a naughty little daughter, sat down and made a piece of snack first, took a bite, "What books does the emperor read?"

"It's all about the book of war." Ning Chen took a sip from his teacup and threw the book on the table, "I haven't seen you in the past two days, why have you lost weight?"

Before, it was raining continuously, and I was worried about going outside the palace. Afterwards, I saw her once at the second princess's full moon banquet, and it was hard to see her too much. After careful calculation, I haven't been alone for more than [-] days.

Looking at it today, this girl seems to be a little thinner again.

"It's raining continuously and it's very boring. The concubine doesn't have a good appetite. If she eats less, she will naturally lose weight." Ye Yun didn't care much.

After all, she is not very thin, and her current figure is quite satisfactory, and there is a lot of flesh where there should be flesh.

Ning Chen saw that her face was ruddy, she didn't look like she was ill, so she didn't mention this matter, and talked about other things instead.

"Last time you talked about the emperor's business, I discussed it with all the ministers, and most of them think it is feasible, but there are still some people who don't want to, and now there is still a deadlock, but there is good news in the north, your brother brought someone in disguise Acting like a bandit, they attacked the border of the Liao Kingdom and took away a large number of cattle and sheep from their camp, which is very satisfying!"

There are two brothers and sisters from the Ye family, one planned well and the other did an excellent job, which made Ning Chen really satisfied.

Ye Yun was helpless anyway, and now Ning Chen really did not shy away from talking to her about some things in the court.

"The matter of the emperor's business will inevitably affect the interests of many people. The emperor has taken their money bags. Can they agree?"

He ate another snack and took a sip of tea, "Besides, Chen Qie thought that my brother was pretty smart since she was a child, so it's not surprising that he can accomplish this. Unfortunately, he's still a little worse than Chen Qie."

As he spoke, he stretched out his little finger to make a gesture.

Such a hippie action only made Ning Chen laugh.

After laughing, Ye Yun thought of another thing, "Su Wanrong has learned the rules for a month, when does the emperor plan to ask her to learn it? The concubine heard that the teacher is very strict. "

"Isn't that just fulfilling your wish?" Ning Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Bah, bah, the concubine is so bad, the concubine is obviously doing it for Su Wanrong's good, and she is afraid that she will make a mistake and lose face." Ye Yun snorted twice.

It is impossible to admit it, anyway, this life is definitely going to be a bully.

Ning Chen looked at her, with a faint smile in his phoenix eyes, he shook his head helplessly, and said lightly, "News came from Zasak that Zhuoligetu died of a sudden illness, and now his second sons En and Jin Succession."

Ye Yun paused for a moment, then returned to normal in an instant, "Does Su Wanrong know about this?"

After all, it is clear at a glance which one is closer and which one is farther between the biological father and the half-brother.

"I haven't told her yet, I'm planning to send someone to pass on the message later." Ning Chen narrowed his eyes.

To say why he doesn't like the beautiful Su Diya who is good at singing and dancing, there is only one thing, how Dolan's face was scratched, he was the first to suspect Su Diya.

She could have used other methods, but she chose to hurt Dolan's face. Ning Chen hated such a cruel woman.

"Let's not talk about that, is the emperor hungry? The concubines don't have much for breakfast, but they want to eat." Ye Yun changed the subject.

Yuan Jiu smiled and stepped forward, "I remember that Jieyu likes to eat fish and shrimp. The dining room said that June Yellow is just available now. Why don't you make it and try it?"

"That's really a good thing, ask the dining room to make it spicy, or fried crispy, it's fine!"

Ye Yun's eyes lit up.

This June yellow is the boy crab. This time is when the crabs change their shells. The crab meat is fresh and tender, and the shell is soft. It is not big, and it tastes the best when fried.

Ning Chen didn't like these smelly ones at first, but seeing Ye Yun's preference, he tasted a few of them, and they were really good.

The two ate a plate together, and the servants stopped serving it.

Crabs are cold in nature, so it is not good to eat too much.

After lunch, Ning Chen was going to critique papers, but Ye Yun was acting like a baby and wanted to sleep for a while.

Unable to resist her, a certain emperor could only watch the little concubine sleeping soundly, and went to critique the papers by himself.

Here, Ye Yun was sleeping comfortably. In Feihong Pavilion, Su Diya had just had lunch after learning the rules all morning.

After eating two mouthfuls, a stranger came, although she didn't recognize Huai An, but there were other servants who did, and when they heard that it was the emperor's deputy chief, she was overjoyed.

I thought that I was finally going to make it through, but who knows, I have learned enough of this rule, but I also got a bad news.

Her father, Zoligetu, fell ill and died.

(End of this chapter)

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