Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 135 Relegation

Chapter 135 Relegation
Ye Yun took a deep breath, as if he had been greatly wronged.

After a pause, he opened his mouth.

"The concubine came out of the Compassionate Ning Palace, thinking about the rare coolness after the rain, so she walked back with Zhou Cairen, passed by the rockery next to Yuehu Lake, and happened to bump into Sun Xiuyi scolding Xia Meiren, and even slapped her involuntarily. The concubine didn't want to get involved, so she wanted to leave, but Sun Xiuyi saw the concubine and the concubine, and this temper led to the concubine and Zhou Cairen."

"This slap was intended to hit the concubine on the face, but it was blocked by Zhou Cairen. Sun Xiuyi was wearing armor and forcibly made a slap. The concubine was annoyed for a while, and also slapped Sun Xiuyi."

"However, it's one size fits all. After all, Zhou Cairen suffered an innocent disaster. My concubine doesn't know the inside story of Xia Meiren's affairs. I did something wrong when I beat Sun Xiuyi. My concubine is willing to be punished!"

After saying this sentence, Ye Yun knelt down without hesitation.

When she knelt, Xia Meiren and Zhou Cairen were stunned for a moment, and then followed suit.

Zhou's reaction was quick and she hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, forgive me. Ming Jieyu lost her sense of propriety for the sake of my concubine. If the emperor wants to punish me, I will punish my concubine. Ming Jieyu is chivalrous and has good intentions."

Xia Meiren, with her head down, hesitated for a moment, and then followed suit.

"Your Majesty, today's affairs are all started by the concubines, and they have caused Ming Jieyu and Zhou Cairen to suffer. The emperor should punish the concubines."

Ning Chen looked at the concubines who were kneeling together, especially Ye Yun who was the leader, he was really angry and funny.

This woman was so courageous that she hit Mrs. Sun who was the concubine at once, but she admitted her mistake quickly and had a good attitude, and only pushed out the grievances of the other two, so no one could punish her severely.

Sighing, she still stood up and helped Ye Yun up herself.

"With your temper, I don't even know what to say. It's true that Sun Xiuyi broke the rules by beating Zhou Cairen, but you shouldn't beat her either. She is Xiuyi anyway, so I'll punish you for a month behind closed doors."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, my concubine is willing to accept the punishment." Ye Yun blessed her body.

Ning Chen looked at Mrs. Zhou again, "The wound on your face, you should ask the imperial doctor to take a look at it quickly, if you use some good medicine, it won't leave a scar."

After he finished speaking, he paused, then looked at Xia Shi again, "How did you and Sun Xiuyi get into an argument?"

"Xia Meiren has a very good temper, and I think she is in a hurry." Ye Yun said lightly, "The rabbit bites when it is in a hurry."

This sentence is also to remind Xia family that everyone should have a temper.

It's not very reasonable for Ye Yun to take a high position. Zhou's status is not high and he is not favored, so he really can't do anything to Sun Xiuyi.

Whether she can bite Mrs. Sun hard today depends on Xia Meiren.

In fact, Ye Yun wouldn't have made such a fuss if it wasn't for Xia Meiren's presence. Since there is a fuss, he can't suffer.

Mrs. Xia was not stupid, so she quickly understood what she meant, and cried out as soon as her eyes turned red.

"Your majesty, the concubine has no children, and she will never have any more children in the future. The concubine is more miserable than anyone else, but Sun Xiuyi, she said that the concubine is humble and deserves to die. She shouldn't be so stupid and follow other people's ways. She didn't give birth to an emperor's heir, and said that the concubine's children were also short-lived and would not survive at full term, causing her to suffer from being neglected."

"Your Majesty, the concubine knows that her fate is cheap, and the greatest blessing is to serve the emperor. She failed to give birth to a healthy heir. The concubine knows that the crime is serious, but the youngest son is innocent!"

"That child is not pitiful at all, but he still has to be humiliated by Sun Xiuyi like this. As a mother, how can I not feel pain! How can I not argue with others!"

Xia's words are not nonsense, just a little embellishment, but the hatred and grief in his heart are real.

So she cried very sincerely, even Ye Yun couldn't bear the sadness.

Even outsiders are like this, Ning Chen is the father of the child after all, so naturally the feeling is deeper in his heart.

And Xia Meiren was also really sad, since her confinement was actually not fully healed, she was so emotional that she cried and passed out.

There was chaos again for a while, so people hurriedly sent it back to Yunqi Pavilion, and sent the imperial physician to look at it.

Ning Chen was bored because of the Queen Mother's broken leg, and seeing Zhou Cairen's injury, Xia Meiren, who was crying faint, and the wronged Ye Yun, and then thinking about all kinds of Sun's actions, he was still angry up.

A decree will bring people down and repair their appearance.

The original words are that the Sun family has no achievements and no children, and I have been entrusted with the title of Xiuyi for many years. Now that the virtue is not worthy, I have been reduced to Xiurong, and I have been thinking behind closed doors for three months.

In fact, if Mrs. Sun didn't die and lived peacefully, Ning Chen might not be able to touch her. After a long time, she would rise up again. It's just that her love is not as good as before.

But she was dishonest. Ning Chen had already investigated what she did to Xia Meiren secretly. He hadn't killed her on the charge of murdering the emperor's heir.

So far, but even the slightest affection is gone.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the Sun family was a third-rank official, it would have to be used right now, and Sun Xiurong might not even be able to keep his position as the last of the nine concubines.

After all, this matter did not cause any serious problems. After all, the Queen Mother was ill, and no one dared to come forward again at this moment.

Demotion of Sun Xiurong and grounding of Ming Jieyu all of a sudden is also scary.

Ming Jieyu has been favored so much recently, she was punished for this.

Everyone sighed, but Ye Yun, the person involved, was very big-hearted.

After returning to Yuxiu Pavilion, he first ordered someone to deliver the best scar-removing medicine to Mrs. Zhou.

This was the one she had used when she was wounded in Zasak before. Such a long knife wound left only a white mark. It is indeed a good thing.

Not only did she send it, but Wang Xiuyuan also sent something there.

Anyway, it is clear that he and Ye Yun are of one mind.

Of course some people don't understand why Wang should be with Ye Yun after having a child and being a concubine, but this kind of thing depends on one's own opinion.

Wang Xiuyuan concluded that Ye Yun would not stop here, and it was better to make friends early than to come back later.

It's just that Ye Yun's foot restraint pushed back Fang Xiuyi's plan.

That is to say, after waiting for an extra month, something really happened in the end.

Of course, this is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

Right now Ye Yun is drinking tea, drawing pictures leisurely.

Huiyue stood aside grinding the ink, but finally couldn't help it.

"Why is Jieyu in no hurry? The Double Ninth Ceremony will be held in a few days. You won't be able to go even if you're grounded. If you're grounded for a month, that's great!"

"Hey, didn't I give myself a holiday? The queen mother is sick, and Bao Qi will have to be sent to attend to the sick when she wakes up. I am Jieyu now, and there are few high-ranking harem officials. If you can't say it, I will be arrested. I won't do it." How about going, to avoid being tortured soon after being grounded?"

"Besides, the Empress Dowager fell and injured, and the Double Ninth Ceremony is not going to be lively. It's the same whether you go or not."

"Huiyue, let's be more confident. The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, right? I can't go out if I am grounded, but if the emperor really misses me, I will come."

Huiyue sighed in her heart, thinking to herself what if the emperor doesn't come?

But I dare not say such unlucky words after all, I just hope that the emperor will come.

 Two updates are over~
(End of this chapter)

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