Chapter 136
The queen mother woke up at night, and when she got the news, all the palaces rushed over immediately, filling the room with people.

Ning Chen fed her the medicine himself, and then said, "Is there any discomfort in the queen mother? The imperial doctor said that if you take good care of her, there will be no hidden diseases. You don't have to worry too much."

"Your servant in the palace, the son has not yet made a conclusion, how to deal with it, but it is up to the queen mother to decide."

After all, the Empress Dowager is an elder, so Ning Chen could not get past her and punished the servants of the Compassionate Ning Palace directly, which is also respect.

"I've heard what Fu Zhi said about the matter. Those sweeping slaves are lazy, so let's drive them out with [-] boards. Now that Chongyang is approaching, it's not good to make a big move." The queen mother is still sober at this moment.

After a slight movement, it was painful, and the brows were tightly locked.

The weather is still hot, there are too many people in the room and the air is not ventilated, and the smell of medicine is stuffy in the room, which is very unpleasant.

The queen noticed the discomfort of the queen mother and hurriedly ordered.

"You all go outside and wait, it's very boring to get together, Suqin, you go and open the window in the corner to get some air."

Everyone was blessed, except for a few concubines and the empress and emperor, everyone retreated outside.

Concubine Yao Taigui wiped her tears, "My good sister, why did you fall, I can't eat the food that worried me, now that you're awake, it's better, I'm fine on weekdays, so I come to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to attend to the sick Bar."

"You're not too young, and it's just for the children to do things like waiting for sickness. If you get tired and sick, Ai's family will be uneasy instead." The queen mother will definitely not agree.

Although he also wanted to train the imperial concubine, but he was irritable when he was ill, and when he saw her, he remembered the past and became very annoyed, so he hurriedly sent her away.

"Alright, after all, it's time for the children to show their filial piety." The imperial concubine said respectfully.

Anyway, they are just going through the motions, one is not sincere, and knows that the other will not agree.

After hearing this scene, Ning Chen said calmly, "Let the empress arrange the matter of serving the sick. Now that there are not many high-ranking people, all those above Jieyu will come, and no one else will be needed."

"The concubine knows, that beauty Chen." The queen glanced at the queen mother, but hesitated to speak.

"Didn't I just say, those above Jieyu are here."


Seeing that Ning Chen's complexion was not good, the queen hurriedly lowered her head.

The Queen Mother originally wanted to mention it, but seeing this, she had no choice but to give up.

In fact, Ning Chen was also on guard.

This time, if Chen Meiren is asked to come to serve the disease again, the Queen Mother may be promoted to the rank of the Chen family in the name of serving the disease in the end.

But now that the Chen family is in power, Beauty Chen's status should not be too high. If she is not pregnant, she will have to be a beauty for a few more years.

It is enough to have a queen mother of the Chen family in the harem, and Ning Chen will not promote a high-ranking concubine of the Chen family.

The mother and son have been separated for the past two years, and they sat down and said a few words before they were silent.

It was Fuzhi who mentioned that the Empress Dowager needs to rest more, so as to send the Empress Dowager and others away

"Fuzhi, Aijia feels more and more that the emperor is not like Aijia's own child, and there seems to be something between Aijia and him."

The Queen Mother looked at the cranes embroidered on the top of the tent. This tent was specially made by Ning Chen when she was born a few years ago.

"Your Majesty has been thinking a lot lately. The emperor is your own. It's just that when the child grows up, he will have his own opinions, which makes your Majesty feel that he is born. Now, Madam, don't think about anything, let's get sick first." Fuzhi sighed.

I don't dare to persuade it too much. It is very good that the empress dowager can feel some feelings now, so I can't act too hastily.

I only hope that the queen mother will wake up sooner and stop putting the Chen family first in everything. Then the emperor will not treat the queen mother so coldly.

The injury of the mother of the country is not a trivial matter, and the sickness is not only the concubines in the palace, but also Princess Ping and Princess Kang, as well as the married eldest princess and the second princess in the boudoir.

Because someone has to be guarded day and night, so there are only two people a day.

Needless to say, the two concubines and the eldest princess outside the palace must come during the day, but the second princess invites herself to be with the eldest princess, the elder sister during the day and her at night.

The other concubines and queens came watching.

Originally, he wanted to deliberately call Concubine Wen De and Concubine Shu for one day, Concubine Shu during the day, Concubine Wen De at night, but the emperor ordered that when there are children, the children cannot be separated at night, so they will be arranged during the day.

So it didn't work out.

The pregnant Yi Jieyu didn't need to be sick, and Ye Yun couldn't get out. Yao Xiang was the only one in this group of newcomers.

In any case, Ye Yun was really spared from the exhaustion.

For example, Yao Xiang, she was arranged at night, and the sickness could not sleep, and the queen mother was so painful that she couldn't sleep well, so she was tormented.

I have to drink tea for a while, sit up for a while, and eat something for a while, anyway, I don’t stop.

It's a good thing to go there every few days, but even so, it's too much for people.

Yao Xiang was so angry that he wished that a bowl of medicine would poison the old woman to death.

Here the Empress Dowager is ill, all the attention in the palace is in the Compassionate Ning Palace, and the side is not so eye-catching.

At this time, in Hanluxuan, Sun Xiurong began to feel very uncomfortable in the joints of the bones, cold and sore.

Yichun boiled hot water to apply to her knees.

"In autumn, the cold air is getting worse. I haven't taken care of my body in the face-cultivating plague. It has rained again in the past two days. I think I have caught a cold."

"Ask the imperial physician to prescribe a prescription, it's really uncomfortable." Sun was very irritable.

This kind of chill is like the deepest potential, and kneading and massage can't relieve it in half, only when the hot towel is applied to it is a little more comfortable.

Obviously it's only just entered September, and she wants to roast it with charcoal fire.

Yichun nodded, but felt troubled in his heart, now there is any imperial doctor who is willing to treat his master with all his heart.

In fact, Sun Xiurong himself didn't understand, but Yichun knew that he might have rheumatism.

Once this disease is acquired, it is not easy to cure.

It's okay that the weather is hot now, but when winter comes, if there are not enough charcoal-fired quilts, it will be fatal.

But fortunately, Mrs. Sun was favored before, and her family background was not bad, so she saved some things so that she wouldn't have a thick quilt.

But it is not known what is published in the case of charcoal fire.

Coming out of the house, Yichun poured water and prepared to go to Tai Hospital.

The master grounded his feet, but the slaves could still come out. It didn't mean that the whole Hanluxuan couldn't be entered or left.

When Dan Ruo saw her, she quickly took two steps to stop her, "My good sister, just rest and leave the errands to me. You have been tired from serving your mother all morning. Are you angry? Come back with some licorice and make tea."

"Then you go, I'll go to the small kitchen to cook porridge for the empress, the food from the imperial dining room is really not decent, where is it for the master to eat." Yichun sighed.

Dan Ruo patted her on the shoulder without saying a word, but when she turned her back, her eyes flickered.

No matter what, Sun Xiurong's illness won't make anyone care.

And this year's Double Ninth Ceremony will not be held because of the Queen Mother's fall.

On the ninth day of September, the dinner party was held as usual, and clan relatives outside the palace, as well as dignified ministers and honorable ministers, all entered the palace.

 I had a wedding banquet today, the bride is so beautiful, so the update is late (trust me), there is another chapter
(End of this chapter)

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