Chapter 137
In the front, the emperor and empress brought the harem concubines to celebrate the festive season with the ministers and clansmen, but then there was a bit of silence in the back.

It was at this time that Ye Yun was late for dinner for the first time.

It was not delivered an hour later than usual.

Ye Yun laughed angrily, "Look at me being grounded, can't you think that I have fallen out of favor and can't get up? It's only been less than ten days, and you dare to do this."

"This group of dogs look down upon people as low-skinned, how dare they be so negligent, the servants will go to them to judge!"

Nan Zhi was short of breath and was about to go outside as she spoke.

"No, I don't have much appetite anyway, I'll wait for the bath first, I want to see when it will be delivered." Ye Yun said coldly.

There was a cold light in those eyes, obviously angry.

Huiyue was steady, persuaded Nan Zhi, and asked Lu He to go to the small kitchen to warm up the cakes, and then waited on Ye Yun to wash up.

After another hour, Ye Yun washed up and sat for a while, finally heard the movement outside.

An unfamiliar little eunuch came in unhurriedly carrying a food box.

"Excuse me, Jieyu, there is a banquet ahead of us today, and the cooks are too busy making the dishes for the banquet, so it's too late."

"You bastard! I think you are being honest and neglecting our Jieyu!" Nan Zhi couldn't help but cursed.

Huiyue hurriedly stopped her, but she was also angry.

"You're trembling now, is it because you're sure that our Jieyu has no future? Go back and tell your stewards that you've memorized everything about today, so don't have no place to cry in the future!"

The little eunuch's face was bitter, and he was still reckless, "Oh, my two aunts, the emperor holds a banquet, and we have to pay close attention to the front in the imperial dining room, right? We can't put the cart before the horse. This dish has also been delivered, and Jieyu will use it slowly. The slave will leave first."

After speaking, he put down the food box and went out.

Nan Zhi angrily followed and took a deep breath.

When she came back, her eyes turned red, "Jieyu, they are too bold!"

Ye Yun took a deep breath, closed her eyes slightly, and opened them after a while.

"Okay, let's see what is delivered."

Huiyue nodded, and opened the food box, which contained four dishes and one soup.

A stir-fried bitter gourd, a cold cucumber, braised pork and pigeon soup.

It looks nothing like this, but Ye Yun doesn’t eat bitter gourd, and the cucumber looks wilted, and the braised pork is not so soft at all, it’s still white and miserable, and there is a thin breast in the pigeon soup. Pigeon, the soup is like clear water.

It's not something for the master to eat at all!

Ye Yun glanced at it, and his complexion became even more serious.

"Pretend it, where is the emperor, just take it for me intact, just say, the dishes sent to me by the imperial dining room today are very good, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and give it to the emperor to taste."

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if they were being too bold.

Bai Shu was agile, and went forward to pack the things and picked them up, "The banquet will be over now, Jieyu don't worry, the servant will definitely deliver it."

Ye Yun smiled as soon as he saw him, and took out a pair of suet jade earrings from the dowry and put them in his hands.

"Do it well, the girls are not as courageous as you."

"Your servant obeys!" Bai Shu cupped his hands and retreated respectfully.

Huiyue and Nan Zhi were a little embarrassed, and Lvhe, Lvmei, and Lvzhi also lowered their heads behind them.

Ye Yun waved his hand, "Don't think too much, the people around me have their own strengths, Bai Shu is bold, but it is inevitable to be reckless, women are steady in mind, you should complement each other, now I am grounded, but I will not keep grounding forever , I relaxed my mind and worked on my errands, the Ye family has made outstanding achievements, the emperor will not treat me lightly."

"Yes, the servants must be loyal!" Several girls said in unison.

On the other side, the banquet ended, and Ning Chen went back to Jiuchen Palace alone.

The empress wanted to invite her, but Ning Chen drank a little more today and wanted to be alone, so he didn't go.

Walking outside Jiuchen Palace, he saw a familiar eunuch waiting there.

Yuan Jiu recognized it first, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, it seems to be Bai Shu next to Ming Jieyu."

Ning Chen slightly squinted his eyes and took a look, and recognized it.

I can't figure out how to meet him at this moment.

Could it be that Mrs. Ye was grounded and was in a hurry?

Thinking of this, Ning Chen frowned slightly, he never liked women who were so restless, what's more, his punishment was not severe at all, he couldn't even sit on such a cold bench.

But vaguely felt no.

Mrs. Ye is smart, and she looks domineering, but she is not unsteady.

After thinking about it for a while, I'd better call someone to go, Bai Shu summoned.

"Come to Jiuchen Palace so late, why?"

Bai Shu knelt down, "Go back to the emperor, Jieyu said, the food prepared in the dining room today is very good, so I brought it to the emperor to taste."

"Is there anything she can praise like this, open it and see." Ning Chen was puzzled.

Yuan Jiu responded, stepped forward and opened the box, and his face changed when he saw it.

"Your Majesty, this."

Where is the good dish, it is not something that can be served on the table at all!
Seeing Yuan Jiu faltering and fumbling, Ning Chen's eyes darkened a bit, and he stepped forward to scan the contents of the food box, his face turned dark immediately.

"Who is the steward of the dining room, dare to neglect the master so much, since the service is not good, get out of the palace, and replace it with someone who can do things!"

It's true that he grounded Ye Yun, but it was just a scene, not really a punishment.

The dining room treats her so harshly, how can the picky Jiaojiao handle it.

Thinking about it this way, Ning Chen felt that the delicate woman might not be able to eat anything these days, and the anger in his heart became even greater.

Ben had already drank, and felt irritable in his heart, so he directly ordered that all the slaves who had eaten the meal in Yuxiu Pavilion today be beaten for [-] boards and sent to other places to work on errands.

The incident didn't even last overnight, and someone was ordered to go immediately.

In the dining room, a group of people were arrested as soon as they got the reward money for hosting the Double Ninth Banquet.

Press it in the yard and beat it, and then send it out after the beating.

Naturally, such a big matter couldn't be kept secret from the harem, and the news soon spread everywhere.

The queen had just finished her bath, and her complexion darkened when she heard this.

"The emperor defended Ye Shi like this, and he was grounded, and he still stood up for her like this."

Nanny Ding twisted her hair, and said in a low voice, "After all, the Ye family has made great military achievements. The emperor will not treat those who have made meritorious service harshly. What's more, the Ye family has skills and is favored. She has the confidence to make a fuss."

That's right, it's not that he has the confidence. If he is someone else, he is still in the confinement. How dare he speak out after being treated harshly, and even make a scene in front of the emperor.

"If no one gave permission, the dining room wouldn't dare to step down and uplift so quickly, I'm afraid the people behind it didn't expect Mrs. Ye to dare to poke it out like this." The queen raised the corners of her lips coldly.

Nanny Ding laughed lightly, "It's good for the empress to know, no matter who it is, colluding with the dining room is a taboo in the harem, and the emperor's daily affairs will inevitably be neglected. The empress is in charge of the harem, so it should be meticulous."

"That's natural. Ming Jieyu is the emperor's favorite right now. I and the emperor have one heart. How can she be wronged for no reason."

The queen looked at herself in the bronze mirror, her eyes gradually turned cold.

There are not many people in the harem who can buy the servants of the dining room, and they can only be high-ranking.

No matter who is found out in the end, it can be smeared severely.

(End of this chapter)

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