Chapter 138 Rumors
The matter was investigated very quickly, but within half a day it was found on Concubine Wen De.

On the day of the Double Ninth Ceremony, only people from Chuxiu Palace went to the dining room, and it was Bai Shuang, the eldest palace maid next to Concubine Wen De.

As for why it was so easy to find out, it was all due to Concubine Wen De's lack of family background.

If you have no family background, you will have no connections. It is too easy to be discovered if you have to have a few people around you to do anything.

"I think she has so much concentration, so she can't sit still?" The queen sneered while holding a teacup.

Su'e answered from the side, "That's right, after all, those who come from a small family have no confidence even if they give birth to a prince, and Ming Jieyu has not yet entered the ninth concubine, so it's worth her to use such tricks, she really can't get on the stage."

After putting down the teacup, the queen's complexion lightened a little, and there was a little joy in her eyes.

"Didn't the emperor always like to come here to be gentle and peaceful? I want to see, the emperor still thinks that An's temperament is lenient when this new and old favorite is pinched."

"Your maidservant knows what to do, you just need to rest assured." Su'e smiled and turned around.

He was stopped again, "Ming Jieyu, don't forget to let me know."


As for how to get Ning Chen to know the inside story, the queen doesn't have to worry about it, there are always ways to do it.

On the other side, Ye Yun looked at the lunch delivered today, and felt amused.

Sure enough, this group of people just didn't fight and were dishonest, and she had to deal with them to understand the rules.

For yesterday's dinner, I can also think of who gave the order behind the scenes, but she is currently grounded, and she still needs to look introspective, so let's not worry about it for the time being.

After this month, all the accounts that should be settled must be settled.

But at this time, something happened in the Compassionate Ning Palace.

Concubine Ping passed out when she was sick, and the imperial doctor came to see that she was pregnant for more than a month.

The imperial concubine was overjoyed, so she took the man to her palace and sent someone to take care of her, and then asked someone to go out of the palace to deliver the news, and asked Ping Wang to personally pick him up and return to the mansion.

Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are well, but the queen mother is embarrassed.

The concubine's daughter-in-law served the illness, and she was so tired and dizzy. To put it bluntly, if she was so tired that she had a miscarriage, she would be stigmatized as being harsh.

King Ping came to the palace to pick up his wife, and first went to Jiuchen Palace to meet the emperor.

When he came, Ning Chen was reviewing papers.

"I see the emperor!" King Ping knelt down and saluted.

Only then did Ning Chen stop writing, "Excuse me, second brother is here to pick up sister-in-law?"

"Exactly, I didn't know that she was pregnant. I wanted to be filial to the Empress Dowager. I never wanted to cause such a thing. Instead, I disturbed the Empress Dowager's recovery. It is really a crime." King Ping hurriedly pleaded guilty.

Although he has a gentle temper, he is not stupid. After all, the queen mother is the emperor's biological mother, and she knows what to say and what not to say.

For example, if Mrs. Fang fainted today, it could only be due to her negligence and not finding out that she was pregnant.

Seeing him on the road, Ning Chen didn't say much.

Approached and patted King Ping on the shoulder, "It's been a few years since the second sister-in-law gave birth to a niece, and now it's a happy event to be pregnant again. There are also high-quality Dong'e Ejiao supplements in my warehouse, which are most nourishing and nourishing. It is also my wish for my nephews and nieces when I leave the palace and bring them back together."

"I thank the emperor for the reward on behalf of the concubine." Prince Ping breathed a sigh of relief, and slightly cupped his hands, "The weather in autumn is capricious, and the emperor has to take care of the dragon body. I will go to pick up the concubine and return to the mansion, so I won't bother the emperor."

Ning Chen nodded.

Only then did King Ping back out respectfully and cautiously.

Looking at his distant figure, with a bit of estrangement, not as close as when he was a prince, Ning Chen felt a little disappointed.

At the beginning, the eldest prince was both civil and military, and he was the queen's son. Everyone thought that he would be the next prince. How could they have thought that there would be such a change later that he would become the emperor.

To be an emperor is to be a lonely family. Brothers who were close in the past dare not get along with each other wantonly. The dignified and prudent first wife is even more strict with the rules. Because of the change of status, everyone respects him more and more.

The power is there, but it becomes calm and lonely.

In this way, Ning Chen suddenly thought of that bold and bold woman.

Ye Yun treats him with reverence, but she is never afraid of him. She relaxes in front of him without losing her sense of proportion.

Maybe it's because of this freedom and wantonness that he likes getting along with Ye Yun more and more.

Once you start thinking about it, you can't stop it.

Just as she was about to leave for Yuxiu Palace, Yuan Jiu walked in with an unhappy expression.

"Your Majesty, the servant heard some rumors, it's not good."

"What rumors?" Ning Chen frowned, "As the chief of the palace, you never believed these things."

Yuan Jiu considered it before opening his mouth carefully.

"It's not that the slave is credulous, it's really about Concubine Wen De, and the words are so ugly, the slave dare not let the emperor know."

"Concubine Wen De?" Ning Chen's eyes turned cold, and he sat back with his robe lifted, "Say!"

Yuan Jiu paused for a moment, tried not to use those crap words, and told the story.

It turned out that the group of slaves who were driven out from the imperial dining room were boarded and no one treated them properly. Some of them couldn't bear it, and they disappeared overnight.

As a result, the person in charge became even more hated. The one who died was a little palace maid. Her elder sister was in a hurry, so she scolded the person in charge for taking money from Concubine Wen De, deliberately making things difficult for Ming Jieyu, causing everyone to be arrested together. Penalized for accusations.

As soon as she took the lead, there were naturally some people in the palace who knew something, so they scolded along with her.

In the end, it even involved Concubine Wen De, saying that she was jealous, made things difficult for concubines, and was not worthy of the title Wen, let alone being a Concubine De.

Of course, there is something even worse, saying that the eldest prince was born prematurely and weak, probably because the biological mother lost her virtue.

Yuan Jiu didn't dare to say the following sentence about the eldest prince.

But the above words are enough to make Ning Chen angry.

"Concubine Wen De is the master, how can you allow them to criticize! Give me orders, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will order people to sew their mouths!"

"Yes, this servant will tell people to go, the emperor must not get angry." Yuan Jiu hurriedly responded.

Xindao Concubine Wen De deserves to be favored for many years and gave birth to the eldest prince, the emperor still maintains it.

"Wait, let me drive to Chuxiu Palace, I'm going to have dinner at Concubine Wen De's."

Ning Chen's eyes darkened, and he stopped him again.

Yuan Jiu was taken aback for a moment, but he realized it in an instant, and asked someone to prepare the sedan chair.

Today's matter, I'm afraid it won't be good, it depends on how Concubine Wen De will deal with it.

The emperor was willing to go to Chuxiu Palace, on the one hand he believed some rumors, on the other hand he was willing to listen to Concubine Wen De's words and explanations.

In any case, as far as the moment is concerned, Concubine Wen De still has weight.

But whether we can still have such a sufficient portion after today, it all depends on how the dinner is today.

Yu Jia went to Chuxiu Palace in a mighty manner, which still attracted many people's attention.

When the queen heard that the emperor had gone to Concubine Wen De's place, her complexion was not very good.

Rumors spread like this that the emperor still went to see her, and it was indeed Concubine Wen De who was more to be feared.

 I'm working overtime today, I don't have time to code words, so I will update it once, and I will update it twice tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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