Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 149 It's a Misfortune

Chapter 149 It's a Misfortune

I thought it would take some time to make trouble again, but I didn't think it would happen in only five or six days.

Yi Jieyu in the Yingyan Pavilion felt unwell all the time when she came in, and after careful investigation, she found musk in the tranquilizing incense that she has been using recently.

Musk is forbidden in the harem, and its efficacy needless to say.

Yi Jieyu was still pregnant, so one could imagine the thoughts of the people behind this dirty thing found in her palace.

Wu Shi had had an unexplained miscarriage before, this time Ning Chen would not fail to investigate thoroughly.

For a while, all parts of the palace were strictly guarded by people sent by Jiuchen Palace, and no one was allowed to enter or leave at will until the matter was investigated.

In the past, when accidents happened, everyone was always called to one place, but now the entire harem is grounded, which shows that Ning Chen is extremely angry.

The main reason is that there is more than one person in the harem who is pregnant, the queen's fetus is not yet stable, and Yang Cairen is about to give birth. At this time, musk appeared in Yijieyu Palace, and the other two places were also afraid.

Being able to put the musk into the censer in the inner room of Yingyan Pavilion, it is obvious that there is something wrong with the people around Yi Jieyu.

Ning Chen was not lenient at all, even Yi Jieyu's two dowry girls, Yunxi and Yunxiu, were arrested and interrogated.

The entire harem feels a bit oppressive.

Yi Jieyu was frightened and because of inhaling the musk for too long, her fetus became gassy, ​​so she could only stay in bed at the moment, but fortunately, she had already secured her pregnancy and saved the baby.

It's just that she kept it, but the people behind it were sweating.

In Yuxiu Pavilion, Ye Yun only felt very uncomfortable.

She is still eye-catching among the concubines in the harem, so she has to be more cautious.

Thinking this way, he ordered Huiyue, Nan Zhi and Bai Zhu to search the inside and outside of his yard first.

I didn't find anything unusual, and it was stable for the time being.

One afternoon, people in the palace were panic-stricken, and the eunuchs of the Punishment Department who came in and out of Yingyang Pavilion took away batch after batch of slaves.

At dinner time, the dining room served a table of good dishes as usual.

Based on the principle that people are iron and rice is steel, Ye Yun still eats and sleeps well.

Maybe it was because God was afraid that she would be starving and would not have the strength to fight. The people from the Department of Punishment and Punishment came in less than a cup of tea.

"Jieyu has offended her, and this servant is ordered by the emperor to find a court lady." The leading eunuch said respectfully.

It was obvious that Ning Chen signaled it, otherwise he wouldn't be so polite.

Ye Yun felt cold in his heart.

This is a blessing, not a curse, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

"Whoever the father-in-law wants to find, just take it with you. I don't hide anything here."

She was so generous and calm, not in a hurry or rash, but the chief eunuch took a look at her.

I am used to seeing concubines flustered, angry, or pretending to be calm when something happens in the palace, this one looks really calm today.

However, being able to sit still doesn't necessarily mean you're innocent, maybe it's because you're clever and you think you won't be found out?
The chief eunuch pondered in his heart, but his face was still respectful.

It's not easy to offend people casually in the palace, power and favor change rapidly.

After a while, Liu Zhi, the third-class girl, was taken away.

The place where she lived was searched up and down, but nothing was found in the end.

Lu He remembered what happened a few days ago, her face turned pale.

After the group left, they immediately told about sending Qiwen off that day.

Nan Zhi became anxious after hearing this.

"Jieyu, someone must have bought this hoof and done something dirty. If Jieyu is involved, what should I do!"

"Master Yao has the merits of rescuing the family, and has conferred such a high position on Xiu Yi. Even if Yi Jieyu gave birth, she can't go past her. I'm even worse than her. It's hard to say whether it's her or not. .”

The main reason is that it is too obvious, can't we see the key through this investigation?

If it is true, then it is too bold, using a conspiracy.

"The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. Now there are many mistakes, just wait." Ye Yun frowned.

Huiyue bit her lip, stopped Nan Zhi who wanted to say more, and they followed her into the inner room.

"Wait for me to wash and change my clothes first, maybe someone will come to invite me in a couple of hours."

I can't sleep today.

The two girls thought that they were still in the mood to wash up now?
But the master has to do it, and arrange it immediately.

After Ye Yun took a bath and changed her clothes, before she could put on makeup and comb her hair, Yuan Jiu's voice was heard outside.

Needless to say, he came to invite her.

"There are some things that need Jieyu to go to Jiuchen Palace with the servants, and explain clearly in front of the emperor." Yuan Jiu said.

"Eunuch, wait a moment. I'll comb my hair. It's not good to face like this. It's out of manner." Ye Yun sat calmly.

Yuan Jiu didn't care about such a small matter, so he naturally agreed.

With shaking hands, Huiyue combed a simple ponytail for her as quickly as possible, fixed it with two carved white jade hairpins, and it was done.

In order to avoid the collusion between master and servant to cover each other, Yuan Jiu only took Ye Yun away, and the rest stayed in Yuxiu Pavilion, and they were not allowed to follow.

When they arrived at Jiuchen Palace, Ning Chen and the Empress sat at the top, Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De were at the bottom, and there were no other concubines.

Ye Yun first bowed in a proper manner.

"Ming Jieyu is still in the mood to take a shower. You should be guilty of that lowly maidservant who did such an outrageous thing!"

Concubine Shu is always the first to lose her composure, and this time is no exception.

"How can a third-class court lady have such a precious thing as musk? I think she was ordered by someone." Concubine Wen De echoed softly.

Although the tone was light, the eyes staring at Ye Yun were very cold.

Ye Yun didn't answer, but raised his jaw slightly, and looked at the man sitting in the main seat.

Looking at each other, Ning Chen's heart became quiet.

"I called you here to investigate the case, not to make a fuss."

Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De were ready to move just a second ago, but now it was as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on them, slightly dazed, they all went to the main seat at the same time.

He saw that Ning Chen's eyes were very quiet, and following his eyes, he saw Ye Yun who was also quiet.

Everyone present, including the queen who hadn't spoken just now, was surprised by Ning Chen's attitude.

After all, the news from the Department of Punishment was that the girl named Liu Zhi had confessed, and she was the one who gave Yi Jieyu the medicine.

Unlike the accident of the three queens, Ye Yun was slightly relieved.

Between her and Ning Chen, some trust has finally been established, and it is worthwhile for her to spend a long time planning.

"Your Majesty, this concubine is not afraid of the shadow, and will definitely not take the blame for things she has not done. Empty words are not enough to convince people. Please allow the concubine to confront the court lady face to face."

"That's right, Your Majesty, Ming Jieyu's character is trustworthy even for courtiers and concubines, why don't you ask the people from the Punishment Department to bring that court lady here first."

The queen agreed immediately.

She was naturally unwilling to favor Ye Yun, but she also saw that Ning Chen was partial to Ye Yun.

The more Concubine Wen De and Concubine Shu were anxious to convict Ye Shi, the more she said a few words for Ye Shi, it would highlight her virtuousness and generosity.

Didn't Concubine Wen De used to do this kind of thing not long ago, the emperor felt that she was gentle and kind, now, she should be a good person herself.

The queen glanced at Concubine Wen De without a trace, besides, she still wanted to keep Mrs. Ye to compete with Concubine Wen De.

Ning Chen trusted Ye Yun to some extent, and now the queen interceded, so he naturally went down the steps and ordered someone to bring the willow branches up.

(End of this chapter)

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