Chapter 150 Suicide
Liu Zhi had obviously been tortured, with whip marks on his body, and blood dripping from ten fingers pricked by silver needles.

The eunuch of the Department of Punishment dragged her in and threw her on the ground like a rag.

"Jieyu. Jieyu, save your slaves, save your slaves!"

Seeing Ye Yun, Liu Zhi quickly crawled over to save Ye Yun's leg as if seeing a life-saving straw.

Her hands were stained with blood, which was particularly dazzling on Ye Yun's light-colored skirt.

"The emperor and empress are here, as long as you tell what you know, you will not be wronged for nothing."

Concubine Wen De stared at the maid, very much looking forward to what she would really say.

Liu Zhi swallowed her saliva, a look of confusion flashed in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "I said it, I said it, it was Ming Jieyu who was jealous of Yi Jieyu's pregnancy, and that's why he ordered the servant to find a way to poison Yi Jieyu , Qionghua next to Yijieyu is a slave from the same village, Yijieyu was unwell during pregnancy, and occasionally beat and scolded, Qionghua was not angry, so she talked to the slave a few times, the slave found the trouble from her, and went to Yijie Yu's incense burner has musk added."

"Ming Jieyu, just plead guilty, you will be beheaded for murdering the emperor's heir, I really can't hide it for you!"

Liu Zhi lay on the ground and wept bitterly, not knowing whether it was fear or guilt.

Concubine Wen De pulled the veil, her heartbeat accelerated slightly, and she spoke to Ning Chen in a subdued tone.

"Your Majesty, here is the testimony. Ye has been perverse and domineering since he entered the palace, and now that he has to be reused in the family, he may be even more defiant. It is not impossible to be jealous of Yi Jieyu's pregnancy and kill her next time."

"Your Majesty is eager to convict my concubine after only listening to this girl's one-sided words." Ye Yun said in a cold voice, "Or, with this concubine's death, who will just take the blame for this crime?"

"Mr. Ye, don't you want to spitting blood! You."

"Enough! Shut up!"

Ning Chen shouted angrily, Concubine Wen De shrank in fright, and lowered her head suppressing the annoyance in her heart.

The queen watched from the side, not to mention how comfortable she was.

This was the first time Concubine Wen De was yelled at by the emperor.

"Ming Jieyu, the person has already been brought, if you want to confront, just ask."

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty." Ye Yun smiled slightly.

At this moment, she had roughly sorted out some clues in her mind, and opened her mouth without hesitation.

"Since you said that I ordered you, then tell me where this musk came from, when I gave it to you, and how much."

"I don't know where it came from, I don't know, this thing was given to my servant two or three days after you were grounded. I don't remember how much, it's just a small bag. I gave it to Qionghua and told her to go to Yijieyu every day. Put some in your incense burner."

"Your majesty, my concubine also asks the emperor to send someone to call this court lady named Qionghua, and then search her residence." Ye Yun said neatly.

Yuan Jiu stepped forward with a embarrassed face and said that the palace lady named Qionghua was dead.

It turned out that he had been beaten with a board before entering the Punishment Department, and the injury could not be healed, so it was not very good. He just went in and received a little punishment, but he couldn't hold on.

Ning Chen frowned, "Then ask someone to search her residence, and don't let a single corner go."

Yuan Jiu responded and went in person.

At this end, Ye Yun clearly felt cowardice in Liu Zhi's eyes, and his mind tightened, and he kept his emotions steady and continued to question.

"After I gave you the musk, on what day did you give it to Qionghua?"

"My maidservant remembers that it was Jieyu's birthday. The maidservant got a reward and secretly saved two pieces of glutinous rice cakes for Qionghua to eat."

"Oh, that's a coincidence. The person next to Fang Xiuyi came to give her a gift that day. It was Lu He who sent her away. Then you went. You haven't returned for a long time. You said you went too I went to the hospital and took the medicine for wind and cold, is there such a thing?"

"Yes, there is such a thing, but the maidservant did not go to the imperial hospital. Yes, she went to the Yingyan Pavilion and gave the musk to Qionghua, and also gave her cakes. Because she was on a business trip and couldn't leave casually, she took the opportunity to give it away. go out."

"Okay, that day is October 24th, today is October [-]th, there will be six days, am I not afraid of long nights and dreams, just let Yi Jieyu not have a miscarriage after smelling the musk for so long, but just feel unwell? "

Ye Yun stared at her, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.

Liu Zhi was guilty at first, and being suppressed by such arrogance, he became more and more flustered, "Maybe, maybe it's not enough."

"I've always been decisive in my actions. I really want to make Yi Jieyu have a miscarriage. Could it be that I won't give you enough musk, or is it just a joke?"

"No, no, it's the musk that has to be used all the time, and it will fall off after a long time." Liu Zhi swallowed.

"How long will it take? I won't even tell you this, will I just tell you to prescribe the medicine and not to deal with the aftermath?"

"I, Jieyu said it, I remember, the appointment is one month"

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows and said quickly, "This dose is clearly enough for twenty days!"

Liu Zhi froze slightly, her lips trembled, and she nodded hurriedly, "Yes, it's 20 days, it's 20 days, Jieyu, you said you want to draw it slowly."

"It takes more than a month for this musk to be effective after being mixed with spices. I think you are making nonsense!"

"Your servant just said clearly that it's a month, Jieyu, how can you lie to your servant!" Liu Zhi was already at a loss.

Ye Yun stared at her for a long while, then sneered.

Turning around calmly, facing Ning Chen Fushen, "Your Majesty, this girl didn't follow her words at all, and she involved people in Fangxiuyi Palace during the period. Her words are really unbelievable. This concubine has never done anything to murder the emperor's heir." The act, please the emperor clearly observe."

"Sit down." Ning Chen waved his hand.

The willow branch kneeling on the ground trembled as if its soul had been taken away when it heard these words.

This sentence meant that Ning Chen believed Ye Yun and did not drug Yi Jieyu.

Since he believed Ye Yun, then Liu Zhi's words are not credible. Murdering the emperor's heir and slandering the master are both capital crimes.

And this time, Yuan Jiu brought a new news.

The musk found in the palace lady Qionghua's residence is only half a penny. The imperial doctor has seen it. It is not a very good musk. If you use up all the rest, it won't make the four-month fetus look like Yi Jieyu, who is stable. Produce.

However, if the fetal image is not stable in the first three months, this amount is just enough.

"Your Majesty, look, my concubine wants to harm someone, and I can't even calculate the dosage of the medicine." Ye Yun sneered, "I was still grounded for Yijieyu's first three months, it seems that someone deliberately waited for the concubine to frame her." The concubine did not act until he had lifted the restraint, and never thought of missing the step of calculating the dose of medicine."

Ning Chen's eyes darkened terrifyingly.

He said coldly, "Since this court lady refuses to tell the truth, then she will be dragged down and tortured to prevent her from dying. When will she be willing to speak, come see me again."

"Your majesty, this concubine is wondering if there is still someone in the maid's family. If she refuses to tell, you can ask her family members." The queen said.

At this time, Ye Yun's innocence is a foregone conclusion, so she just wants to be a good person to the end.

It's just that she didn't expect her to open her mouth like this, but it made her feel bloody.

Liu Zhi suddenly went crazy, knelt and crawled forward, "Empress, you promise that this servant will not kill my servant's younger siblings, you can't break your promise, empress!"

"Baby maid, what nonsense are you talking about!" Nanny Ding, who was following the queen, turned pale and immediately scolded.

"No, the queen's maidservant is willing to die. You can rest assured if you die. You don't want to hurt my family, uh, uh."

As Liu Zhi spoke, blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

"Your Majesty, she committed suicide by biting her tongue!" Concubine Shu was the closest to the willow branch at this moment, she fell down on the chair in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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