Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 159 Weathervane

Chapter 159 Weathervane

"See, I wronged you?" Ning Chen smiled, and took advantage of the situation to grab that troublesome little hand.

Hearing this, the servants of the Sewing Bureau gasped.

No matter how courageous Ming Jieyu is, she can't dislike the low position given by the emperor!
It's just that Ye Yun didn't have the thoughts they thought, and he wasn't afraid at all.

She clasped the man's palm with her small hand, coquettishly winking.

"That's right, the ministers and concubines are so pitiful, and they don't even have a few good clothes to wear. Won't the emperor make two more clothes for the ministers and concubines?"

Knowing that she was acting obedient on purpose, there were countless untouched pieces in the closet, but the little girl acted like a baby, she couldn't help but soften her heart.

Seeing Ning Chen's happy expression, Yuan Jiu rolled his eyes and whispered.

"Your Majesty, Curry still has a few skins of excellent quality from hunting last year. There are fox fur, rabbit fur, and deerskin. They can just make a few clothes."

"Well, I don't remember much. I chose two good ones with fox fur to send to the queen mother and empress. Ming Jieyu has fair skin, so I left one white fox fur for her. I chose a few more rabbit furs, and the deerskins will be taken." One is for Ming Jieyu to make shoes, I think the pair of buckskin boots she wore a few days ago are pretty good."

"Yes, why don't you take a few more pieces of fabric to make a jacket and skirt?" Yuan Jiu smiled.

Ning Chen nodded, anyway, these are not lacking, since the little girl likes it, she can give more.

Leather or something is generally used as a cape or trim or as a scarf, and it must be matched with a good fabric.

It happened that the people from the Sewing Bureau were there, so they simply measured the size, and sent it directly to the Sewing Bureau, and brought it back when it was ready.

The clothes were given, and the jewelry had to be matched, so they paid off with a few new sets of hair.

This time he got a lot of things, Ye Yun was naturally happy.

He grabbed Ning Chen's arm, stepped on his feet and planted a sweet kiss on that handsome face.

"The emperor is so kind!"

"No rules."

Ning Chen let out a low cry, but the tips of his ears involuntarily heated up, and he let the little concubine pull him into the room.

On the other side, the group of Sewing Bureau who had just left Yuxiu Pavilion breathed a sigh of relief.

Be good, in front of the emperor, Ming Jieyu is so casual and bold!
They were kneeling aside, but they could hear everything. Except for the empress dowager and empress, only Ming Jieyu had it, and Concubine Wen De didn't have it.

The leading nun narrowed her small eyes, turned her head and ordered, "The matter of Yuxiu Pavilion is the most important thing in the future, and no one should be neglected. If there is something unclear, offend it indiscriminately." People, don't blame me for not thinking about the camaraderie of colleagues!"

"Yes, the servants are following the instructions!"

The little maids behind hurriedly agreed.

Ming Jieyu is so favored, who would dare to give up her life?

The emperor's reward is the wind vane of the harem, and today such a generous reward has changed the wind direction of the entire harem.

Anyone with a discerning eye can understand that the empress deserves the reward because the empress is the first wife and follows the rules, but among the rest of the people, only Ming Jieyu received the reward, this is the emperor's favor.

Everyone thought that the one in Yuxiu Pavilion would be the next Concubine Wen De?

It's just that some people speculated that this person might be able to overwhelm Concubine Wen De.

After all, Ye Yun's family background is many times better than Concubine Wen De's.

No matter what everyone thinks, Zi Yuxiu Pavilion can just close the door and live a happy life.

It's already evening today, and the things must be delivered tomorrow, so there is no rush at this time.

Before it was time for dinner, Ning Chen proposed to play chess.

Half of it is because of boredom, and the other half is because I want to compare.

After all, the previous chess games were either tied or won by Ye Yun. Does he want to lose face as an emperor?During these times, Ning Chen took the time to read the chess records, so he should earn some face back.

The battle was unfolded, and the first game was a draw.

Obviously Ning Chen was dissatisfied, so he quickly came to the second round.

Ye Yun has a competitive temperament, so he felt a little bit of it, thinking that the emperor might have practiced it secretly.

Although he was thinking about giving way, he was so fascinated that he didn't give up an inch.

Seeing the emperor's face getting darker and Ming Jieyu's face still calm and composed, Yuan Jiu, who was standing aside, broke into a cold sweat from fright.

I was thinking about how to interrupt, but I never thought that Ye Yun would make a quick cut to settle the situation.

"The concubine has won!"

A joyful cheer was quite a bit of a daughter's charming, but it really came from the heart.

Ning Chen kept his face sullen and didn't speak, just picked up his teacup and turned sideways.

It's rare to meet an opponent who can match evenly, and Ye Yun was really fascinated just now, but now he knows it later, and it's a little embarrassing.

Turning her beautiful eyes, she reached out and hooked Ning Chen's sleeve.

"Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, the courtiers and concubines can do both chess and painting. I think the emperor is a gentleman who is proficient in all six arts. I won't play chess today. How about the emperor teach my ministers and concubines to play the piano?"

To be good at is to be good at it. If you say something that is too modest, it is too false, and it is even more annoying, so you simply compare yourself with your own shortcomings, so that Ning Chen can find some sense of superiority.

"It's late today, I'm not in the mood, let's try another day."

A certain dragon was very depressed and unhappy while holding a teacup, and he didn't turn his head to look at people.

Ye Yun rolled her eyes in her heart, and secretly complained about his hypocrisy, while still getting up.

He waved his hands to signal the servants to retreat, then took the teacup from Ning Chen's hand and put it aside, and stuffed himself into his arms.

Ning Chen refused to hug her with a cold face, so Ye Yun put her arms around his neck, leaned over and bit his chin gently.

"Is the emperor angry?"

"I don't, you go down quickly, there are no rules at all!"

"All right."

The girl pursed her lips with reluctance, her peach blossom eyes were full of mist and looked very aggrieved, she muttered in a low voice, she slowly let go of her hands, and lowered her head.

It's just that a cunning flashed in his eyes the moment he lowered his head, and suddenly he let go, and his whole body slipped from the man's lap.


Ning Chen's eyes changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand to hold the girl firmly back in his arms, wrapped his arms around her waist, and protected the girl's head with the other.

The trick succeeded, a slight smile appeared on Ye Yun's lips, and she immediately reached out and hugged Ning Chen tightly.

Feeling the strength of the person in his arms, Ning Chen really thought she was frightened, raised his hand and patted her on the back lightly, "How careless are you when you do things, come and cry with me after bumping into each other."

"It's not that the emperor is protecting his concubines." Ye Yun raised her head, revealing a small head from the man's arms, cute and coquettish, as if acting like a baby, "Does the emperor still teach Qingqing to play the piano?"

Mao'er's eyes pierced people's hearts and softened their hearts, and there was no objection.

Although Ye Yun didn't know how to play the piano very much, but there were two good pianos, and he ordered someone to bring them up immediately.

It's just that I didn't learn the piano in the end.

The main reason is that a certain goblin is always unscrupulous, and can hook up with people by learning the piano.

When others learn to play the piano, they pluck the strings. When she learns the qin, she plucks the heartstrings.

In short, before the dinner was used, the master took him to the inner room for in-depth teaching.

(End of this chapter)

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