Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 160 Be Strong

Chapter 160 Be Strong
Fengqi Palace.

As soon as the queen had her breakfast, Su'e brought over the anti-fetal medicine.

The dark bowl is very disgusting to see.

In the past, my son kept taking medicine in order to be able to conceive a child. Now that she is pregnant, she still needs to drink for the sake of miscarriage. The empress really resisted it from the bottom of her heart.

"Let's put it away for now, I'll drink it later."

"Mother, the temperature of the medicine is just right, it will cool down if you let it go." Ding Momo came over and said softly.

"Nurse, I really don't want to drink it. After drinking it for so many years, my mouth smells like medicine every day, and I can't enjoy my meals."

Ding sighed, but still held the medicine bowl, "But Madam has to bear with it because of the dragon fetus in her stomach. Your fetal image has just stabilized, so what if you don't continue to drink medicine."

"When your fetal image is stable, you don't need to drink this medicine anymore. You can bear it for another two months. Today, I have prepared your favorite candied dates to relieve the pain."

With such gentle persuasion, the queen thought about the child she had finally conceived, and finally endured the nausea and drank the medicine.

As soon as the medicine bowl was put down, people from Jiuchen Palace came outside, bringing some high-quality fox fur and other things.

The queen will be in a good mood when the people are sent away in the future.

Touching the soft leather, a smile appeared on his face.

"I just want to make a new cloak, so let's use this fox fur."

"The emperor treats the empress very well. This is the fur of a red fox, this is the skin of a red fox. The red color is dignified and noble. It is the most suitable to accompany the empress." Suqin laughed.

What she said made the Queen think of something.

"Where has the emperor been resting for the past two days? I don't care about other things when I'm raising a baby. It's been a long time since I asked."

Su'e frowned slightly, and whispered, "Go back to your mother, the emperor has been resting at Ming Jieyu's place for the past two days."

"This Mrs. Ye is gradually getting up." The queen narrowed her eyes and her expression became lighter, "Go out and find out, the emperor's sudden reward was only given to Fengqi Palace or there are also other places."

Su'e responded and backed out gently.

"How is Mrs. Yang's health in the past few days? You should watch her and tell her to take care of her body. It would be the best if she can have another one."

The Queen stood up and paced the room.

Now she has made up her mind, no matter what is in her belly, as long as she can give birth, she will definitely be able to give birth to a son, and the second prince born by Yang can help her child in the future.

If the Yang family is blessed and can be reborn, no matter whether the emperor likes her or not, there will be some affection for her because of the child.

Things like affection are useless at ordinary times, but it is very useful to have someone who can speak for oneself when encountering things.

The queen has already seen clearly that Zhao Jieyu has not been favored for so many years, and it is even less likely that she will have a chance in the future when she grows old, so she can only cultivate the Yang family well.

Furthermore, Yang's temperament is soft and not smart, which is really easy to handle.

Mrs. Zhao, just keep it as a helper.

Nanny Ding naturally understood what the queen meant and replied respectfully.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Yang Cairen's body is recuperating very well. This time the birth of the second prince is also smooth. There is no injury. He will be able to serve him again after confinement. It will be no problem to have another one in a year or two."

"That's good, you go and tell her that I will definitely take good care of her. I am pregnant and cannot raise her child for the time being, but I will not let others take care of her. I will tell the emperor, Then send the second prince to the Ruyi Pavilion to raise her, and she will be promoted to the ninth concubine in the future, and the child can also be brought back."

If the children in the palace are not raised by their mothers, they agree to send them to the Ruyi Pavilion, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs arranges servants to take care of them. This is also the rule of the palace.

Yang's child, even the queen can't keep it under her knees, and she won't let others take it away.

After about a stick of incense, Su'e came back.

Carefully told about Yuxiu Pavilion being rewarded, and the rumors from the Huanyi Bureau.

The queen's expression darkened immediately.

I thought it was because I was pregnant that the emperor specially rewarded her, but I didn't expect that it was because the emperor gave Ye Shi that I thought of giving her some.

And those rumors are even more infuriating.

The joy just now dissipated all of a sudden.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much, the emperor still respects you, otherwise he wouldn't have sent you this thing." Ding hurriedly advised, for fear that the master would be angry.

But pregnant people are emotionally sensitive, and the queen will be very annoyed at this moment.

"Respect, respect, the emperor only respects me in this palace. He has never had a husband and wife relationship with me! If one day even this idea of ​​respect is gone, can I still sit in the position of queen in this palace?!"

The queen suddenly burst into tears, and the servants who left the room ran into the inner room and cried on the pillow.

In fact, she was ashamed of herself.

In terms of appearance, one is not better than the other, and in terms of family background, it is even more general.

Back then, the late emperor pointed her out to Ning Chen as his first wife because the Xie family was not very prominent, and such a family of wives would not bring help to Ning Chen, so as to prevent Ning Chen from wanting to fight for the throne.

There are six divisions of Lihu Libing and Xing Gong, and the Ministry of Industry is the last. Although the Queen's father won the Duke of Li Kingdom because of her, he is still only the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Once upon a time in Qiandi, concubine Shu Yan was the daughter of the second-rank Yuzhou commander's envoy. Her father held military power and her family background was no worse than hers, so she was suppressed for many years.

After entering the palace, Concubine Wen De was favored and had princes, not to mention how many of the younger concubines were from prominent families.

Sitting on the phoenix chair, the queen is really short of breath.

There was never a day when I was really straight.

A room full of servants knelt to persuade, but the queen still cried for a long time.

She originally thought that she could let go of her friendship with Ning Chen, and could only be a powerful empress in her hands.

But now she suddenly felt that she might not even be able to hold onto her rights, and she would never do that.

"My fetal image has stabilized, and with your help, it will not be difficult to handle the palace affairs. The eldest prince is weak, and Concubine Wen De will have to worry about the child. Please return the things in her hands to me. Concubine Shu and Concubine Jing are needed to help me."

The queen sat up from the couch, raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and regained her usual calmness.

"Your Majesty, the imperial physician said that the timing of your pregnancy was not good, and your mother's body is weak, so you should rest for at least three months!"

Nanny Ding was in a hurry.

"If the palace power is not taken back, is this palace going to watch that slut An's go to the Taimiao Temple for this palace, and use the state banquet to make friends with dignitaries and pave the way for her son!"

"I have made up my mind, and I will definitely not let Anshi get what she wants. It is my greatest kindness to her that she can give birth to a prince. Don't think about anything else!"

"Besides, I know my body well. I won't tire myself. The palace affairs are back, and you can take care of them. Go and spread the word."

The queen waved her hand, her eyes were firm, obviously unable to persuade her.

Nanny Ding couldn't hold back her, so she had no choice but to agree.

He was about to go out when he was called again.

"Wait a minute, since my palace is going to re-manage the palace affairs, it's time for the concubines of the harem to pay my respects to this palace. Pass on the word, and from tomorrow on, please be as usual."

Nanny Ding watched the queen hesitate to speak, but finally agreed.

The queen is too strong now, so it is inevitable that she will suffer.

It's just that they who are slaves are always slaves, how can they shake the master's mind?

All you can do is share as much as you can.

(End of this chapter)

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