Chapter 171
After the eighth day of the eighth day, Jiuchen Palace became silent again.

I heard that some minor incident happened in the previous dynasty, and I didn't have time to enter the harem.

However, the greetings from the concubines are still the same.

The queen can really hold on.

From the end of last year to the first month now, I didn't rest for a day. Seeing her eyes getting more and more haggard and tired, I was really afraid that she would suddenly faint one day.

And today, the Empress did say something that surprised everyone.

Sun Xiurong with Luxuan died.

Mrs. Sun has been forgotten by everyone for a long time, but at least she saw Yang Wanrong last year when she gave birth, but within a month or two, she disappeared.

Thinking about how she was favored back then, she was so beautiful and unlucky.

However, there are not many people who sympathize with it.

When Mrs. Sun was favored back then, she offended many people, and everyone just sighed.

There were also some who spoke harshly, thinking that it was unlucky for her to die in the first month.

The reality is like this, if you are not favored in the deep palace, and your family background is not good enough, your life is worthless.

Even if Mrs. Sun was a little bit lucky, at least he was better than Mrs. Liu who fell to his death for no reason. After all, he was the ninth concubine, and his father was also a third-rank official, so what happened behind him was not too careless.

But because it was really unlucky to die in the first month of the month, the Ministry of Internal Affairs didn't pay much attention to it, and only asked her servants in the palace to wear sackcloth and mourning, and crying spirits were not allowed.

The emperor issued a decree to posthumously grant the title to Xiu Yi, but still gave her the title Yan.

When a person dies, his status is restored.

No matter how worthless it is to chase the seal at this moment, Ai Rong counts.

The queen was not in good spirits, as usual, she said a few gossips and sent everyone away, leaving Zhao Jieyu alone.

Mrs. Zhao is now helping the queen with the palace affairs.

After all, she was born as a daughter of a serious official family, and she is better than the slaves in handling things, and she can also share one or two of them.

On this point, the Yang family is completely incapable, not at all.

On the other side, Ye Yun walked back and met Xia Meiren.

Xia Shi looked quite in a good mood, with a shallow smile on his face, which was from the heart at first glance.

If you meet him, greet him politely, "The concubine has met Ming Jieyu."

"Excuse me, why did the beauty come here and not go back to her residence?" Ye Yun asked.

Looking at the direction, it seems to be going to the imperial garden.

"The concubine has been depressed for a long time, and I'm leaving today. I want to go out to get some air, and go back after walking around." Xia said with a smile.

It's not too shy.

Ye Yun glanced at her and smiled, "It's a rare time when you are in a happy mood, go beauties, I won't bother you."

Xia Meiren blessed her body again, and the two broke up.

Walking back so slowly, Ye Yun suddenly thought of something.

"Tell me, does Mrs. Sun's death have anything to do with Xia Meiren?"

Today was Huiyue who followed, she was taken aback for a moment, and finally whispered, "No way, Xia Meiren looks weak and cowardly, she doesn't seem to be able to do it, besides, Mrs. Sun was seriously ill because of the plague. One game."

Ye Yun narrowed her eyes and shook her head slightly, "Cowardice is from the past, don't you think her personality has changed since she lost her child?"

"Then Jieyu means to check?" Huiyue frowned.

"Well, let's check it secretly, so as not to alarm anyone."

In Ye Yun's view, the Xia family has always been favored, and their thoughts are not necessarily shallower than others.

Now they can coexist peacefully because their status is not high, so it's boring to pinch, but what about in the future?

It's always good to have more information at hand.

She is still at ease here, and she can take care of other things, but Fengqi Palace is not so good.

As soon as the concubines left, the queen was supported and hurried back to rest on the soft couch in the inner room.

Zhucui, who had taken off one end, changed into loose and soft regular clothes, and finally felt a little more comfortable.

Nanny Ding waited on her and drank the anti-fetal medicine, which gave her the strength to talk to Zhao Jieyu.

"Fortunately, you can help me a little bit, otherwise I will definitely not be able to hold on."

"It's a concubine's blessing to be able to share the worries for the empress. It's just that the empress is so unwell, it's better not to take care of the general affairs and have a good pregnancy." Zhao looked worried.

This is not entirely faked.

After all, she is from the queen's lineage, and she knows that she cannot suddenly become favored. The only person she can rely on in this life is the queen. Only when the queen is well can she be well.

No matter what, Mrs. Zhao hoped that the queen would give birth to this child safely.

"I really want to have a good pregnancy, but you look at Concubine Wen De, I'm afraid she is coveting my successor. First, there are such rumors in the palace, and then there is a New Year's Eve palace banquet. How can I Then let her assist with the affairs of the sixth house."

"She has the emperor's eldest son under her knees, so it's inevitable that she has some thoughts that she shouldn't have. This palace will never make her happy!"

When Concubine Wende was mentioned, the queen's complexion sank.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. From the perspective of the courtiers and concubines, the Eldest Prince is weak and sick. Whether he can be brought up or not is another matter. You should give birth to this child first. Regardless of the prince or princess, you will always be able to depend on him."

Zhao Jieyu persuaded.

Her words were not unreasonable, it was better to give birth to a princess than to have nothing at all.

The queen still listened.

"You are loyal to this palace, and this palace will not treat you lightly. When newcomers enter the palace in the coming year, the emperor will definitely give the old people a promotion. At that time, this palace will also have a baby. I will guarantee you a concubine. You deserve it too."

"The concubine thanked the empress for her promotion, and she will definitely serve as the empress's saddle!"

Zhao Jieyu was very happy, she got up and knelt down to thank her.

After helping to read the account book for half a day in Fengqi Palace, I went back.

But the queen specifically ordered her to go and see Yang Wanrong for herself.

On the eighth day of the eighth day, Mrs. Yang had just moved out of Fengqi Palace, so she was no longer under her nose, so she couldn't help staring at her more.

After leaving Fengqi Palace, Zhao's maid pouted.

"Jieyu helped the empress do all the work, but she didn't even save a single lunch. It's too..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Jieyu yelled, "You can talk about the empress as you please, so warn me about this in the future, if you can't speak, don't follow me."

"Your maidservant knows, this maidservant is just feeling bad for Jieyu. Then Lin Xiurong did nothing but repair her appearance. She and Jieyu were the same when they entered the hidden mansion. After all these years, if the queen empress really If you want to support your empress, why can't you give me a concubine?"

"Okay, you don't need to say any more, I know it well." Zhao Jieyu frowned.

Although it is not obvious on the surface, it is more or less listened to.

That's right, if there are newcomers entering the palace in the coming year, I'm afraid there will be several concubines in the first batch of entering the palace. Even if she enters, what's the point?
Qualifications also depend on what position you are in.

What Zhao Shi is thinking in her heart is unknown to others, but she is still serving the Queen very obediently.

From then on until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Ning Chen didn't enter the harem, even the family banquet on the fifteenth day just sat and left.

It was also at this time that news came in from the harem that there was a snowstorm in the south.

I was busy with this matter before, but the capital is to the north, and the two places are far apart, so I sent a minister to the south to look, and the information has only come back now.

Said the situation is not optimistic.

 Do you have a recommendation ticket? Everyone~


(End of this chapter)

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