Chapter 172

What's more terrible is that in fact, there were already problems years ago, and the serious delay was due to the fact that local officials did not report them.

It still dragged on for a full month, and the common people couldn't survive, so they fled collectively to the south, and then they were discovered.

The place where the accident happened is Dinghe County, Lanzhou, where there is almost no snow in winter, and there are at most a few small snowflakes, which is nothing at all.

But this year is different. In December, it suddenly snowed heavily, and it fell intermittently for more than ten days.

The local people had never experienced this kind of weather at all, and many of them froze to death when the first snow fell.

At first, the government was able to cope with it. While opening the warehouse to release food, it sent out some quilts and clothes, but it couldn't last for a long time.

Many people's houses were collapsed by the snow.

It can only be said that fortunately it is already the end of the year, and every household has stored food for the New Year, so that people will not starve to death.

But such a low temperature, people are frozen to death.

In order to survive, the common people had to move their families to warmer places.

It was also at this time that the county magistrate of Dinghe County panicked and had to report it to Zhizhou. Unexpectedly, other counties in Lanzhou were more or less affected by the disaster, and Zhizhou couldn't take care of it.

At that time, Han Xingke, the magistrate of Lanzhou, was in the midst of his school performance examination, and was planning to be promoted to an official position in Kyoto next year. He was worried that an accident at this moment would affect his official career, so he ordered the people not to leave the city.

He wanted to conceal the disaster on his own.

I never thought that there are too many people, and there are many waterways in Lanzhou. Many people left by boat, but they didn't stop them. After all, they leaked the wind and were discovered by the neighboring Shenzhou.

After such twists and turns, I reported to Kyoto.

It was the fourth day of the lunar new year when the report came up, and Ning Chen immediately sent his confidant ministers to check the disaster situation.

On the night of the fifteenth day, the information was sent back.

Among the local people in Lanzhou, nearly [-]% of the total population was killed or injured.

It's been a good year, years ago it was said that the auspicious snow is a good year, but this year has become a disaster.

This is not the most terrible thing, what's more terrible is that rumors have spread faintly among the people, saying that because the current saints are not worthy, God has repeatedly brought disasters to show injustice.

It is said that there was a flood in Yanzhou in the first year of Ning Chen's succession, and a plague in Kyoto in the third year. This year is the fourth year, and there was another snowstorm. God must be angry.

Such rumors undoubtedly shake the foundation of the country, and it also made Ning Chen angry.

Immediately sent people to investigate the source of the rumors, and at the same time arranged for the household department to distribute food, and the military department to send people to Lanzhou for disaster relief.

And among the large number of people who were sent there was Ye Yun's cousin Chu Yunhuai.

Thanks to the former emperor's ability to conquer martial arts, Nanqi has a vast territory and abundant treasury, so it is no problem to deal with the snow disaster.

In particular, the newly established Huangshang last year has shown a great effect this year.

The Chu family and the Feng family immediately cooperated with the court to mobilize resources, and sent all the usable things in the shops near Lanzhou to the disaster area.

This is much faster than transporting from the treasury to the disaster area.

The Chu family also reacted quickly to this matter. First, the Feng family reported to the imperial court, reminding Ning Chen that he could use the imperial merchants, but the Feng family fell behind because they were notified by imperial edict.

In this way, it is up to each other.

Reminiscent of last year's reporting of income, Ning Chen felt somewhat dissatisfied with the Feng family.

And the Feng family's ability to be an imperial merchant was recommended by the British public, and it was even more doubtful.

Thirty percent of the profit is not a small amount, Ning Chen does not believe that Feng's family took it all for themselves.

But right now is not the time to check this, the snow disaster in Lanzhou is the top priority.

For five days in a row, Ning Chen didn't close his eyes much, and kept arranging arrangements. It wasn't until the people sent by the capital arrived that he found time to take a nap.

It's just that he was too tired, so he fell asleep and didn't wake up until night.

When I opened my eyes, I found that it was already dark outside.

"Why didn't you ask me to get up, is there any news from the south? If there is any delay, I will ask you!"

Ning Chen got up in a hurry, while putting on his boots, he tore off the robe on the rack and put it on his body, and strode outside.

Yuan Jiu bowed his waist, took small steps to keep up, and repeatedly apologized.

"Your majesty, this servant is also worried about your health. You haven't closed your eyes for five days. It's rare to sleep for such a short time. If you get sick from exhaustion, this servant will be damned. Don't worry, there is no letter from Nanfang, and this servant is always staring at you." !"

Walking all the way to the desk, seeing that there was really no new booklet on the table, Ning Chen's frown relaxed a little.

Turning around, Yuan Jiu was already kneeling on the ground.

"Get up, I know my body well, forgive me for being loyal to you, I won't pursue it anymore, the disaster is urgent now, you can't act like this again in the future."

"Yes, my servant thanked the emperor for forgiveness, and I will keep it in my heart in the future!"

Yuan Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and slowly got up.

Ning Chen didn't know that he didn't look in the mirror, but Yuan Jiuquan saw it.

The bruises under his eyes were too scary, and his eyes were even more bloodshot, which made Yuan Jiu dare not wake up on time and let him sleep for a while.

"What time is it?" Ning Chen raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, and asked in a low voice.

"Back to the emperor, it's already half past the unitary hour." Yuan Jiu said.

At this time, according to the usual rules, dinner should have been eaten, and it was indeed very late.

It's just that Ning Chen just woke up, and he didn't have any appetite. For a while, his mind was very empty. He didn't know what to do, so he simply pulled out the chair and sat down.

Yuan Jiu beckoned for the little maid serving tea to come forward and add a cup of hot tea.

There are a few plum blossoms floating inside, which were dried and preserved by Ye Yun himself in a small furnace years ago.

Staring at the petals in the cup, Ning Chen was a little lost in thought.

"The imperial doctor said that plum blossom tea has the effect of appetizing and dispelling depression. The emperor has been busy with government affairs recently, has a bad appetite, and is depressed. This tea is just the right symptom." Yuan Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened his mouth tentatively.

After hearing this, Ning Chen took a sip from his teacup, and finally said, "Let's go to Yuxiu Pavilion tonight, and send someone to tell Ming Jieyu to prepare dinner."

At this time, the woman must have already eaten, so prepare a portion for herself to eat.

Yuan Jiu responded, and immediately made arrangements, and it was Huai'an who sent the message.

In Yuxiu Pavilion, Ye Yun had just finished washing, and the maids were drying her hair. When she heard that the emperor was coming, she specially ordered dinner to be prepared, which was also a surprise.

But it was arranged quickly.

It was still very cold at night in the first lunar month, so I ordered someone to make a pot with beef bone soup, add less spicy, and improve the taste.

The ingredients are sliced ​​meat that is marinated and cooled, and you can eat it after rinsing.

It is also called a cup of old duck and radish soup, and the staple food is fine noodles.

Because it was prepared for the emperor, the dining room was fast. As soon as Ning Chen arrived at Yuxiu Pavilion, the meal was set up immediately.

Ye Yun's hair was still half dry, so she simply put it on. A charcoal basin was burned in the room, and it was very warm, so she didn't wear thick clothes. She only wore a Xiangfei-colored jacket and skirt over her pajamas.

So when Ning Chen came, he saw this woman's casual and gentle appearance.

The candlelight reflected on the girl's fair face, making her look even softer and softer.

When Ye Yun saw him, he didn't speak or salute, but stepped forward to hold Ning Chen's hand, pushed back the servants, and pulled him into the room to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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