Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 176 Inescapable

Chapter 176 Inescapable
No longer thinking about these trivial matters, Ye Yun opened Chu Yunhuai's letter to read.

The content of the letter is written in a vague way.

"Accompanied by the southern tour, I met some interesting things along the way. The southern scenery is pleasant, and the hospitality is even more warm. When passing through a place, a friend who is traveling with me will present a rare flower. It is so beautiful. I am really envious. The minister Deling served in Lan I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Beijing, if Jieyu likes it, I can order someone to search and offer it."

Ye Yun laughed after reading it.

This is not to send flowers to her, but to tell her that the emperor has accepted a very beautiful Jiangnan woman on his southern tour.

"It seems that there is no need to wait for the next year. Once the emperor comes back, our palace will be lively again."

A few girls don't know why.

Ye Yun just folded the letter and handed it to Huiyue, "Burn it."

Although the writing was cryptic, but in the end it revealed the emperor's whereabouts to her, which was not quite in compliance with the rules.

Eyue didn't ask any questions, just complied quietly.

Minions are not supposed to know too much.

Sure enough, there have always been beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, and the southern tours can't avoid picking up one or two.

Ye Yun thought carefully whether she should not let Ning Chen go on a southern tour, but after thinking about it, what cannot be avoided is always inevitable, so it doesn't matter.

After kneeling in the imperial garden for an hour, my legs were still very uncomfortable.

I simply stopped thinking about it, and asked the servants to prepare hot water, wash off the cold first, and then change into clean clothes.

Today is also unlucky, and I encountered such a thing when I went out.

It's better not to go out in the future.

At that time, Yao Xiang had just come out of Ci'an Palace, and the servants carried him back to Wei Rui Xuan.

Passing by a flower garden, I saw many dead and yellow branches and leaves in it.

The attendant Zizhu curled her lips, "The slaves in the greenhouse are getting more and more tired now, and they dare to put such things outside."

"My servant heard that a group of court ladies and eunuchs were released last year, and now there are not enough manpower everywhere. Is this the case, so I didn't have time to clean up, but in June this year, a small group of people will be selected to serve in the palace. .”

The second-class girl, He'er, answered in a low voice.

Zizhu looked her up and snorted coldly, "You know a lot."

"It's the servant who is talking too much." He'er hurriedly bowed her head to admit her mistake, very frightened.

It's just that what he said just now reminded Yao Xiang of something.

After the snow disaster in Lanzhou in the previous life, among the people who were selected into the palace, there was one who came out later.

Slightly narrowing her eyes, she said, "You raise your head and tell me to take a look."

He'er responded, boldly raised his chin.

Yao Xiang sized her up a few times. She was indeed someone who had been with her in the previous life, and had done some things. Thinking that there was no place for Qiwen beside her now, she made plans.

"You, change your name to Nianwen from now on, follow Zizhu to study hard, if you are good, the position of another first-class court lady will be yours in the future."

Hearing this, the little palace maid was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Slave servant Xie Xiuyuan bestowed her name, she will definitely live up to Xiuyuan's expectations, be loyal, and do a good job!"

After returning to the residence, Yao Xiang drove all the servants away, leaving Zizhu alone.

Zi Zhu thought she had something to say, so she closed the window very carefully.

Unexpectedly, Yao Xiang said something else when he opened his mouth.

"I know that both you and Qiwen have followed my heart and are a bit arrogant, but right now we are struggling. I have you alone by my side, which is not enough. Nianwen has good qualifications, so you take care of her. , and then pick two you think are good from the second or third class, and you have to cultivate a few."

"Xiuyuan misunderstood. The reason why this servant girl spoke badly today is because she didn't like Nianwen and found excuses for the people in the conservatory. It's not that she dislikes her." Zizhu hurriedly explained, "This servant girl will definitely listen to Xiuyuan's words and take care of her. Cultivate a few useful people to serve Xiuyuan."

Yao Xiang nodded, then pulled him closer, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Zi Zhu frowned tightly upon hearing this.

"This matter is difficult to handle, but you must find this person, she will be of great use in the future."

"Your servant obeys, and I will find a way to find out." Zi Zhu responded.

Only then did Yao Xiang wave his hand to tell her to retreat too.

When he was alone in the room, he closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

There is nothing more she can do right now, but it does not prevent her from making long-term plans.

Even though the world has changed a lot, she still has a bit of an advantage.

These turmoil in the dark are only among a few people after all, and Yang Wanrong of Jinglan Pavilion doesn't pay any attention to the fights outside.

Now she only wants to see her children.

The second prince was born healthy, and after the full moon, she took her to the Ruyi Pavilion. She was timid and dared not ask the emperor and queen to see the child. It was rare that Zhao Jieyu would speak for her.

I even asked for this opportunity.

She was glad to be able to see the child.

When I was pregnant, I only thought that I would be free after giving birth to this child, but I didn't expect that after birth, I would be inextricably linked, and I couldn't let go of it.

I only hope that the queen will also give birth to a healthy prince, so that she won't take her child away.

Praying like this in her heart, Yang's work did not stop.

During these times, she made several clothes for the second prince, and she became more and more happy when she thought that the child could wear the clothes she made.

Early the next morning, he ordered the maid to bring these things with her to the Ruyi Hall.

Although this Ruyi Pavilion is called a pavilion, it is actually a large palace garden, which is divided into several independent small courtyards, and divided into front and back.

The first nine courtyards are for princes, and the last six courtyards are for princesses.

But now only the second prince lived in, so it was deserted.

Yang went to see the child.

According to the rules, there are four wet nurses, four big maids, six young maids, and four young eunuchs, all of whom are not bad.

This was all deliberately arranged by the queen, and no one dared to neglect her.

When he came, the second prince had just had milk and was still energetic.

Yang Shi hugged it unskillfully for a while, but the child suddenly started crying, which made her flustered.

The wet nurse hurriedly carried the second prince back, "Forgive Wanrong, it is rare for the second prince to see Wanrong, suddenly hugging him, a little reckless, please come and see more of Wanrong in the future."

"What are you talking about, the second prince is our Wanrong's own!" Magpie, the close maid, said angrily.

Yang quickly stopped her, "Mother, don't listen to this girl's nonsense, there are always children who are born, and they will not be raised by my side when they are born. It is inevitable that they will not be close. In the future... I will think of more ways."

If the child is raised here, he is afraid that the servants will not be dedicated, and Yang will not dare to offend him at all.

Fortunately, there is a big Buddha like the queen, so the servants dare not give up their hearts.

After staying in Ruyi Pavilion for almost two hours, watching the second prince being put to sleep, and sitting for a long time, Yang finally left.

Thinking about all kinds of things just now, I can't help but feel sad.

The magpie saw it, and persuaded in a low voice, "I heard that the begonias in the palace are blooming, and they are very beautiful. The empress has been sleeping in the palace for a long time and cannot go out. Why don't Wanrong pick some and send them to the empress, which is also a relief."

(End of this chapter)

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