Chapter 177 The Third

Yang's eyes lit up, and he nodded.

"What you said is that the empress loves bright flowers the most, and the beautiful crabapple is the most suitable one for her. Let's go now."

"Then why don't you go to the back of Jingtai Lake. There is a Chuisi crabapple by the lake, which is also close to here." Magpie laughed, "I heard that the Chuisi crabapple should be planted alone, and it is best to plant it by the water. It's a good name for the pool."

"I don't understand those twists and turns. As long as you can make the empress happy and allow me to see the second prince more, I will be satisfied." Yang's eyes drooped.

After making up their minds, the master and servant went to Jingtai Lake.

Only about half an hour passed.

The little maid who was born at a glance knelt outside Fengqi Palace in a panic.

The gatekeeper eunuch wanted to chase her away at will, but when he heard the news from her, his face changed in shock, and he hurried in to pass on the news.

In the end, it was Suqin who passed the word to the queen.

"Mother, Yang Wanrong slipped into Jingtai Lake and drowned."

"What did you say!"

At that time the queen was having lunch, and with a shake of her hands, the hot porridge in the bowl spilled on her sleeves, which made her get up suddenly.

In just a moment, I felt a throbbing pain in my lower abdomen, and when my legs were weak, I fell backwards.

Fortunately, Su'e had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and helped him up.

"Mistress, please pay attention to your body, don't be in a hurry, don't get pregnant!" Ding Momo hurried over.

For a while, Fengqi Palace was also in chaos.

Fortunately, the queen only had a bit of pain and had no other symptoms, so she waved her hand enduring the discomfort.

"Prepare the soft sedan chair, I am going to Jingtai Lake."

Nanny Ding was in a hurry, "But ma'am, the imperial doctor said you can't move casually!"

"As soon as the emperor left, Mrs. Yang died. If it wasn't an accident, it was because someone deliberately plotted against me. If we don't investigate at this time, is it possible that the emperor will misunderstand me for killing my mother and seizing my son?"

The queen's face turned slightly pale, and a fierce light appeared in her eyes.

"Even if they didn't come for Ben Gong, it is inevitable that someone wanted to raise the second prince and killed Yang Shi."

Unable to hold back the queen, Nanny Ding had no choice but to arrange for someone to prepare the sedan chair.

On the other side, just in case, they still asked someone to go to the Tai Hospital and invited someone to follow, and took two birth-preserving pills, and then set off.

It is not a trivial matter for a concubine to fall into the water and drown.

Everyone got the news quickly, and they all followed the queen to Jingtai Lake.

Ye Yun also came before he had time to have lunch.

My heart is also not very comfortable, this is the third one, the living life is gone again.

Yang Shi is the same age as her, only eighteen.

Except for the assassination of the Jin family who was bestowed to death by the emperor, the later Liu Cainv, Sun Xiurong, including the current Yang Wanrong, all died in a somewhat confused manner.

If you think about it carefully, they are all the same age as Hua.

After all, the harem is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

Whether Mrs. Yang fell into the water and drowned was artificial or really accidental, no one knows yet.

Ye Yun tightened his mind and quickened his pace to Jingtai Lake.

When we arrived, there was already a circle of people around.

Yang Wanrong's body was placed on the bamboo stretcher, her eyes were closed tightly, her face was as white as paper, her originally rosy lips were now bluish-purple, her body was wet, and some water plants were wrapped around her body.

There is a stark contrast between this lifeless Yang family and the few delicate and beautiful begonias wrapped in handkerchiefs not far away from her.

For a while, everyone was silent.

"Empress, the magpie has woken up." Su'e whispered.

Jingtai Lake is located in a remote area with few people nearby. After Yang fell into the water, the magpie could not find anyone to rescue her. She called out several times but no one answered, and jumped down to save others regardless of her own impediment to water.

As a result, the person was not rescued, and he almost died.

Fortunately, two little eunuchs who delivered things to the Ruyi Pavilion passed by, and only then did they fish him out.

But it was too late, Yang Wanrong who fell in first had already drowned, but the magpie saved her life.

"Bring her here and tell me what's going on." The queen frowned.

Not long after, the magpie, who was drenched and very embarrassed, was supported by two eunuchs.

In March, I hadn't taken off my thick clothes yet, so I got wet like this and was blown by the wind, making me shiver with cold.

Even Ying had just narrowly escaped death, Magpie was still a little dizzy.

The queen endured the discomfort and interrogated first, "Why did you and Yang Wanrong come to Jingtai Lake, and how did she fall in?"

"Plucking the flowers," the magpie said weakly.

Concubine Shu couldn't help but say, "Why did you pick the flowers and put them in the lake? Could it be that someone deliberately murdered them?"

Having said that, in the crowd, Lin Xiurong's hand holding the handkerchief slightly tightened, his eyes swept across the queen's back, and he lowered his head again.

"Shut up!" The empress was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, and without saving face, she scolded Concubine Shu in public.

Concubine Shu has always been strong on the outside but hard on the inside, she curled her lips and didn't dare to say anything else.

On the contrary, Concubine Wen De hooked the corners of her lips in a nonchalant manner, "Concubine Shu, what's the hurry? Yang Wanrong is the Queen's Empress's cousin. If someone really murdered behind the scenes, the Empress Dowager will definitely find out and prevent Yang Wanrong from being so ignorant." The white ones are gone."

These two people talked to each other, which made the Queen's heart feel restless, and her stomach felt very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, everyone also took into account that the queen is pregnant, so no one dared to answer the question.

The queen ignored Concubine Wen De and continued to interrogate the magpie.

It can also be regarded as some news.

Yang Wanrong wanted to please the queen, so that she could be allowed to visit the second prince often, so she came to Jingtai Lake to pick some crabapples to present to the queen.

Another crabapple bloomed very well, hanging by the lake, but it was a bit higher, Yang Wanrong stretched out her hand to pick it, her center of gravity was unstable, she fell into the lake after a few staggers, and then the magpie called for help and no one answered , He jumped into the lake to save others, but was rescued by a passing eunuch.

The queen summoned the two little eunuchs for interrogation, and everything was right.

No matter how you look at it, this was indeed an accident.

The queen was suspicious, but wanted to continue asking, but the magpie fainted, so she had to give up.

Just when the crowd was about to disperse, they were all called away by the queen mother.

When the messenger came, the queen's face was not good.

Obviously, he did not expect the Queen Mother to intervene in this matter.

But it is understandable that the Queen Mother should take care of it.

Everyone can only go to the Compassion Palace.

The queen sat down, feeling more and more uncomfortable in her stomach, and it couldn't be called pain, just a faint feeling of swelling.

Fortunately, Nanny Ding had the foresight to bring water and Baotai pills.

Hurry up and feed the queen a pill, and it will be considered much better.

When we arrived at the Palace of Compassion and Peace, the Empress Dowager was already sitting in the main hall and waiting.

It looks like he wants to ask a teacher to ask a crime.

After everyone saluted, they sat down according to their ranks.

But it's embarrassing, usually only people above Jieyu can come here, so there are naturally not enough seats, so half of the concubines are standing.

"Empress, Yang Wanrong drowned, what happened? Just after the emperor left, a prince's biological mother died. Is this how you take care of the emperor's harem?"

 Only one chapter left today babes

(End of this chapter)

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