Chapter 179
Fengqi Palace.

As soon as the queen came back, the imperial physician immediately administered acupuncture for anti-abortion and drank another bowl of anti-abortion medicine.

With such a two-pronged approach, it took a full hour for her complexion to improve.

The court sentenced Imperial Physician Zhang not to dare to leave even a single step, so he just sat and waited in the side hall, and went in every two incense sticks to have a look, feeling very nervous.

The queen's child is really not safe.

First of all, the timing of pregnancy is not right, I have been staying up all night to wait for the sickness, I was so tired when I was pregnant for the first time, I finally got better, and I was tired from taking care of the New Year's chores, and then I knelt down at the Taimiao, from the first to the fifth day of the new year Hospitalizing guests every day is simply extremely dangerous.

The moment after the queen left, she almost failed to keep her popularity.

After resting for more than half a month, he made trouble again.

Doctor Zhang sighed inwardly, if things go on like this, even if the baby is not aborted, the baby will be born with insufficient womb and weak body.

"Emperor doctor, my mother sent you in to talk." Su'e came out to invite someone.

After a while, Doctor Zhang entered the main hall with a medicine box.

At this moment, Zhao Jieyu is also here.

She was the one who served the decoction just now.

"The imperial doctor sit down, I want you to tell the truth, can I keep this baby?" The queen cut to the chase.

Ever since she was pregnant, she has been feeling uncomfortable in every way, and she is always restless, wanting to take a reassurance.

Doctor Zhang clasped his hands, "Since Madam asked this old minister, she must also feel that the dragon fetus is weak, but as long as Madam rests in peace and rests without being tired, according to the old minister's medical skills, this baby can still be saved."

After all, the empress is young, and the medicines that have been used to maintain her body for so many years are not for nothing.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the Queen's background is not bad, this child would have died long ago.

"With the words of the imperial physician, I feel relieved." The queen folded her hands on her lower abdomen, lowered her eyes for a moment, and finally made up her mind, "Nurse Ding, you can go to Yimeixuan later. , let Wang Xiuyuan take care of the matter in my hands for the time being."

Anyway, it will not be returned to Concubine Wende.

At that time, she had brought back the palace power under the banner of asking Concubine Wen De to concentrate on taking care of the eldest prince, but now it is not easy to send it back.

Wang Xiuyuan is also an old man who followed up from Qiandi, and gave birth to a second princess, her status and seniority are considered enough.

Right now, she still wants to keep this child, so she can only give up something else first.

Such a decision also made the imperial physician heave a sigh of relief, left a prescription of anti-fetal medicine, and gave a few more instructions before leaving.

And now the empress can't rest, she has to write a letter and send it to the south to tell the emperor about Yang's death.

After all, he was the one who gave birth to the second prince, so it's not justified not to tell the emperor.

"Your Majesty, why don't you investigate this matter?" Suqin asked cautiously while studying ink.

The queen sighed, raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, her eyes were full of tiredness.

"I really don't dare to worry and think too much anymore. You and Su'e will continue to investigate this matter secretly, and let's settle the case on the surface first."

In case someone is really behind the scenes, let that person relax and take the opportunity to find out the clues.

After the letter was written, someone was dispatched to send it out on the same day.

It will take at least six days for this to be delivered to Ning Chen.

At that time, Ning Chen had already left Jiangzhou and went to Huzhou.

The magistrate of Huzhou hosted a banquet. There is the former emperor's palace here, which just happened to be cleaned up for Ning Chen and his party.

Ning Chen drank a lot of wine at the dinner, and now he is slightly tipsy.

Yuan Jiu helped him into the room, "The emperor sat down for a while, the servant has already asked someone to prepare water, you can take a hot bath and sleep well, you don't have to get up early tomorrow."

Ning Chen nodded without strength, "Go and ask the dining room to make a bowl of hangover soup. I drank too much tonight, and my stomach doesn't feel very well."

The courtiers from the south of the Yangtze River looked refined, but they were quite good at drinking.

Moreover, he was shrewd, and used a set of rhetoric to persuade people to drink, so that people had to appreciate face.

He wasn't completely drunk yet, and King Ping got drunk on the spot, so he asked someone to carry him back.

"The emperor is waiting, and the slave will go now." Yuan Jiu helped him to sit down, and then retreated.

For things that need to be imported, he has to go to the dining room to stare at them himself.

It's just that he had just left without a cup of tea when there was a knock on Ning Chen's door.

The gatekeeper outside was a second-class eunuch, who whispered at this moment, "Your Majesty, the hangover soup is here."

Ning Chen frowned, he didn't expect it to be so fast, after thinking about it, it was probably arranged by the magistrate of Huzhou, so he agreed.

"Come in."

The door creaked and was pushed open, and a Xiangfei-colored embroidered shoe stepped in.

A young girl was wearing a misty gauze skirt, holding a hangover soup in a white jade bowl on a mahogany tray.

There was still an evening breeze in March, and the moment I entered the room, the gauze skirt was blown by the wind, outlining the girl's graceful figure, and even blowing in a strong fragrance.

"My concubine pays my respects to the emperor." The woman's voice was soft, with the unique charm of Jiangnan daughter's family, very pleasant to hear.

Ning Chen frowned imperceptibly, looked up, and saw that the visitor was dressed very lightly, without the dignity of a lady.

"Cui Shi, if you don't stay in your yard well, what are you doing here?"

After drinking, he felt drowsy again. He was already in a bad mood, but seeing this woman made him even more uncomfortable.

The Cui family is the only daughter of Cui Guang, the magistrate of Jiangzhou. Cui Guang is quite talented, but his only daughter is a concubine.

That day in Zhizhou Mansion, Cui Guang strongly recommended her inside and out, so he accepted this woman.

Although Cui's appearance is extremely beautiful, but after getting along with her these days, she discovered the shortcomings of a concubine.

This child has been raised badly, and she doesn't have the dignity and dignity that a daughter should have. On the contrary, she has learned [-]% from her mother who was a singing girl.

If it was an ordinary man, he would definitely follow this routine, but Ning Chen is the emperor, with a fat ring, swallows and thin skin, he has never seen such a woman.

So when appearance doesn't have too much of an advantage, Ning Chen pays more attention to the inside, while Cui really doesn't have much inside.

"The emperor appeases his anger. The concubines are only worried that the emperor will feel unwell after drinking, so they took it upon themselves to bring sober soup."

Cui Shi was taken aback, and immediately knelt down, and when she rolled her eyes, she began to cry.

I still feel pity for the appearance of crying.

It's a pity, Ning Chen's head was dizzy right now, he didn't watch her performance at all, and just patted the table impatiently.

"Cui Shi, if your father taught you how to do things like this, I will order someone to send you back to Jiangzhou now!"

"Your Majesty!" Cui Shi really panicked this time, and hastily kowtowed, "The concubine doesn't dare anymore, the concubine will step down now, the emperor should not drive the concubine away."

"Get out!" Ning Chen shouted in a low voice.

The way this woman dresses, the dirty thoughts in her heart are so obvious that it is really disgusting.

If it wasn't for Cui Guang's use, how could he have accepted this woman.

Not long after, Yuan Jiu saw the embarrassed Cui Shi on the way back, and guessed something had happened with a thump in his heart.

Sure enough, he was fined ten boards when he returned home.

The second-class eunuch who was guarding the gate even beat thirty boards to send him away without having to wait on him.

If any messy people are put in front of the emperor, they deserve to die.

 Fortunately, after taking a look, the scheduled release was not sent out.

(End of this chapter)

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