Chapter 180
Early the next morning, Ning Chen woke up and called all the ministers who followed him from the capital.

After saluting, everyone sat down, not knowing what the emperor was going to do for a moment.

"All of you are traveling with me to the south, but those who stay in Kyoto need to know more about the situation in the south. Lanzhou is a big continent, and the disaster has just passed. I don't think the post of Zhizhou will be vacant for a long time. I want to hear your opinions today."

Such an important matter was suddenly asked, and everyone was caught off guard.

But it was only for a moment. After all, this piece of fat was hanging there, and I had been staring at it for a long time, so I couldn't be unprepared.

"I have never cared about government affairs, and this time I am here to accompany the emperor just to escort him, and I will not get involved in government affairs." King Ping said very bachelorly.

When Ning Hao came, he made an agreement with the concubine, and the two of them, the husband and wife, were of one mind and just wanted to be idle nobles.

"Second brother has always been lazy." Ning Chen smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Forget it, since second brother is not willing to meddle, we brothers will listen to what they have to say."

After finishing speaking, He Xinyan was the first to nod.

"I think that the south has always been rich, and there is no shortage of tea, silk, rice grains, and aquatic products. There is still a surplus for self-sufficiency, so it is time to find a way to turn this surplus grain into silver. You should choose someone who is proficient in farming, mulberry, and business. people to take this position."

He Xinyan only said what kind of person to choose, but he was very cautious in not recommending the specific one.

He said this because he hadn't figured out the emperor's mind, and he was afraid that he might be wrong.

Now the He family is headed by his father, University scholar He, and is dedicated to being a royalist party. Since they stand in the emperor's boat, they have to follow the emperor's mind, and don't make mistakes.

"Well, brother-in-law is right. If you have any other opinions, come and hear them." Ning Chen waved his hands casually.

A chit-chat look, very easy-going.

He Xinyan was even more flustered by his brother-in-law call.

The emperor has been on the throne for so many years, he has become more calm and relaxed, not as young as when he first took the throne, but now even a few words can make people feel frightened.

"I think that Lanzhou has just passed the disaster, so we should choose an honest and careful person to manage it, and there must be no second Han Xingke!"

An old minister stepped forward and was very angry when he mentioned the bold Han Xingke.

With him at the beginning, the ministers gradually became active.

"We must choose people who know the basics, and we can't act like the emperor after the expiration of the term."

"This position is in charge of a state, you need to have enough experience and qualifications, otherwise how can you convince the public?"

"But Mr. He's saying that you need to understand farming and mulberry business is also very reasonable, and you still need to take care of it."

Everyone chattered and chatted, and finally gradually pushed out a candidate, Chen Libai, the cousin of the Duke of England.

This person can be regarded as capable, and now he is also the third-rank censor Zhongcheng in Kyoto, and is on an equal footing with Yi Xiurong's father.

Chen Lisong is 40 years old this year, and he is in his prime. He joined the government in his 20s, and now he has more than ten years of experience. The conditions in all aspects are indeed sufficient.

Of course, there are also those who recommend other people, such as the third uncle who is the queen's direct relative.

Except for these two, the other candidates are almost the same.

Ning Chen was not in a hurry, he just sat and drank tea.

After arguing for a while, these people finally realized that something was wrong.

After recommending for a long time, what does it mean that the emperor doesn't speak, maybe he is not satisfied with one of them?
"Your Majesty, what do you think?" an older official asked tentatively.

Ning Chen raised his eyebrows, put down his teacup and looked at Ning Hao, "Second brother, what do you think after listening for a long time?"

Ning Hao who was called was speechless.

There is no way to hide from this.

But fortunately, he didn't completely ignore it after sitting for a long time. He pondered the holy meaning, thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

"It seems that someone has been silent all this time. Those young people have been listening for a while. Why don't you ask them, Your Majesty?"

An old courtier glanced at the young courtiers standing behind him, and cupped his hands slightly, "Your Majesty, although these young men are talented, they don't have enough experience after all, so it's hard for them to have good opinions."

"It seems that Mr. Zhang is more than 50 years old since he was born, and he has never been younger." He Xinyan snorted.

Master Zhang, who was choked for a moment, turned red immediately, and became a bit angry, "The son-in-law may not care too much, there is no such thing as you in the past."

He called He Xinyan a son-in-law instead of Mr. He, which is also very insulting.

"Whether I am lenient or not is not up to Mr. Zhang. I have to be ordered by the emperor to be an official in the court. Could it be that Mr. Zhang is dissatisfied with the emperor's will?!" He Xinyan did not show any weakness.

No man likes to be pointed out by others about his nepotism, not to mention that the He family does not rely on Jiahe Princess at all.

"You, stop talking nonsense!" Master Zhang was so angry that he pointed at him and blew his beard and stared.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

It was just that Ning Chen chuckled suddenly. All the officials didn't understand why, but they all lowered their heads and dared not look at it.

"Chu Aiqing, if you have any opinion, please tell me."

His eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Chu Yunhuai. Looking at the face that was three points similar to Ye Yun, Ning Chen thought it was quite interesting.

The palms of Chu Yunhuai, who was named, sweated a little, but he was not too nervous, so he cupped his hands slightly.

"I think Qi Yao, the son of Grand Tutor Qi, can take on this important task."

"Master Xiao Qi and Master Chu are on good terms. You two have a kind of master-student friendship. You must be too selfish." Master Zhang snorted coldly.

Last year, Master He wanted to accept Chu Yunhuai as his disciple, but Ning Chen refused because of Ye Yun's words.

But later Chu Yunhuai and Taifu's son Qi Yao became close friends, and this little Lord Qi was old enough to be Chu Yunhuai's father, so the court acquiesced that the two were master-student relationship.

Ning Chen naturally knew about this, but he didn't intervene further.

He wanted to train Chu Yunhuai, Qi Yao is also talented, so it would be a good thing to bring Chu Yunhuai with him.

"Master Zhang, don't think about what you think, just think what the subordinates are thinking." Chu Yunhuai flatly pushed back, "The subordinates are just talking about the facts and recommending suitable people. It's all up to the emperor whether you need it or not. What's your hurry?" .”

Originally, it was just a casual question, but Chu Yunhuai did not expect that what Ning Chen thought was true, and he appreciated it even more.

He smiled and nodded, "I think Chu Aiqing's opinion is good. I know Qi Yao well, and he has enough talent and experience. For the position of Lanzhou prefect, let's appoint him for the time being. I will decide after I return to Beijing." Get specific."

Mr. Zhang standing below frowned, and hurriedly cupped his hands, "But your majesty, the position of Zhizhou is an important position, so your majesty's decision will be hasty. Why don't you discuss it with a few veteran officials after you return to Beijing?"

"Master Zhang thinks that what I say can't be counted, but those old guys in Kyoto can make the decisions?"

Ning Chen's phoenix eyes froze, and the air pressure in his whole body immediately became cold.

This Zhang Qun has always been on good terms with the British bus, and this time he was able to come to the southern tour together because the British government recommended him to follow, but he really lived up to the British public's entrustment, and he advised a lot along the way.

"The emperor appeases his anger, I dare not!" Zhang Qun felt cold behind him, and hurriedly knelt down.

Ning Chen withdrew his gaze, turned the finger in his hand slightly, and said in a cold voice, "If Mr. Zhang wants to serve as an official for the Chen family, I won't keep you here. Come on, set off immediately and send Mr. Zhang back to the capital. Disposed of by the British public."

 Tomorrow night at [-] o'clock, there will be a big update. I am vomiting blood and trying to code words. There may not be many explosions. Don’t think too little. Part-time writing is really not easy. The half-year work summary PPT has not been finished yet, and my head is going to be bald, crying. .

(End of this chapter)

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