Chapter 185 Murder
The Queen's miscarriage refused to meet anyone, so Qing An naturally followed suit.

Ye Yun is free these few days.

Originally, he wanted to close the door to live a happy life, but the rice cake got bigger, and he became more and more dissatisfied with the small courtyard of Yuxiu Pavilion, so he wanted to go out.

With the lessons from last time, this time I don't plan to go far, so let's go around Yuxiu Pavilion.

No one would come to your door and cause trouble.

So I took the dog and wandered around.

It happened that Zhou Cairen made some snacks for her, and the two went shopping together.

"I'm not afraid that my sister will laugh at me. People in the palace have been in panic these two days. I'm timid and very scared. I have to see my sister to rest assured."

"What do you say, I can't be reassured?" Ye Yun said with a smile.

Zhou raised her eyebrows, "That's right, I have nothing to do, so I just want to lean on my sister to enjoy the cool."

Ye Yun glanced at her, and now Zhou is living like a child more and more.

People who don't worry are more relaxed.

The two were chatting like this, and they met the red beans next to Wang Xiuyuan, and saw that she was holding a few bolts of good-colored material in her hand, and they thought they were gifts.

When you see someone, you salute first.

"My servant greets Jieyu, and this talented person." Hongdou Fushen said, "I didn't expect to meet here. These are what Xiuyuan asked my servant to bring to Ming Jieyu. They are all made of brightly colored materials. Xiuyuan doesn't like them." These, thinking that Ming Jieyu likes them, brought them all."

At the end, he said to Zhou Shi, "There are also talented people there, and it was sent by Acacia."

Wang Xiuyuan has always been prudent and considerate in her work, and neither side is left behind.

"Xiuyuan is bothering you." Ye Yun smiled and asked Nan Zhi to take it. After a pause, she lowered her voice and said, "It's such a small matter, why don't you ask Miss Hongdou to go there herself?"

At this juncture, the concubines rarely move around, Wang Xiuyuan has always been cautious, if there is nothing important, she will not call anyone.

Sure enough, Hongdou looked around, then approached and spoke in a low voice.

"We, Xiuyuan, got the news that there seemed to be people from the secret pavilion in the palace these two days. They should be looking for something. Xiuyuan asked the servants to tell you two, be careful with your words, and don't miss anything bad. In the emperor's ears."

Only the emperor can mobilize the dark pavilion, so Ning Chen must have sent someone to investigate the case.

As for what to investigate, whether it was the cause of Yang's death or the queen's miscarriage, it is unknown, but it is always right to be cautious.

"I see. Please call Xiuyuan back. Let's just act as if we didn't notice anything. Don't be too serious. It's business as usual, as long as there are no mistakes." Ye Yun said in a low voice.

Hongdou nodded, "Xiuyuan also meant the same thing. Since the emperor asked people to investigate secretly, he probably wouldn't want to let people find out."

When the word came, Ye Yun sent him away after giving a reward as usual.

He was not in a hurry to go back, and took a long walk outside with Mrs. Zhou.

A few days ago, it was said that Wang Shi used the management of palace affairs to put eyeliner, but now it really came in handy, and it was really unintentional.

It's just that I didn't expect, I haven't heard what the people in the dark pavilion found out, but Lin Xiurong suddenly broke out, and found that Yang's death was in vain, someone bribed the court lady Magpie, and murdered Yang.

This can be regarded as a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

The queen just had a miscarriage and was still in confinement, so she couldn't come forward, so the queen mother tried the matter.

Ye Yun was completely speechless, when the emperor was not around, the harem was in a mess.

Now it can be regarded as seeing the benefits of low status.

She deserves to be favored, but she doesn't have much right to speak. When encountering this kind of thing, she just listens in and doesn't have to get involved.

Unlike those in high positions, the empress could not come, so Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De had to bear one or two.

"Lin, you said that someone bribed Magpie to murder Yang, but you have evidence."

"Back to the queen mother, the concubine will not wrong people for no reason. This matter was discovered by the maid in the concubine's palace."

Lin Xiurong's eyes were red, and his voice was a little weak, as if he was not in good health.

Although she has always been weak, she is not as strange as today.

"The girl Yicui in the concubine's palace has a fellow townsman named Jinsui who works in Jinglan Pavilion. Mrs. Yang died. There is no master to serve in Jinglan Pavilion, so only Jinsui and magpies are left to sweep inside. The others They're all dismissed."

"The magpie fell into the water and hurt his body. He was seriously ill. It was all thanks to Jin Sui's kindness and dedication to take care of him that he didn't lose his life. The relationship between the two of them is pretty good."

"Accidentally one day, Jinsui discovered that there was a pouch made of delicate fabrics under the bottom of the magpie's box, and there were two silver ingots in it, a total of 50 taels."

"Jin Sui thought that it was impossible for the first-class maids around Yang to save so much money, so she became suspicious. When she was chatting with Yi Cui in the concubine's palace, she told about this matter, and passed it on every time she came and went. When it got into the ears of the ministers and concubines, the ministers became suspicious."

After Lin Xiurong finished speaking, it seemed that he had spent a lot of effort, and his complexion was a little paler than before.

The queen mother frowned, and immediately ordered someone to bring the magpie to Jinglang Pavilion, and also searched out the purse.

At first, Magpie only said that it was the personal money that Mrs. Yang had left for her. At that time, Mrs. Yang was afraid that her childbirth would not go well, and if she died, she asked Magpie to take the money and go out of the palace to make a living when she was old.

But this claim was quickly rejected.

Because according to Yang's status at that time, the monthly allowance was only 20 taels, which was not enough to spend on rewarding slaves, not to mention that there were other uses in daily life, it was impossible to leave 50 taels for a court lady .

"Since she refuses to tell the truth, then Ai's family will throw her to the Punishment Department for interrogation!" The queen mother said angrily.

Concubine Shu continued to threaten, "I advise you to confess the person behind the scenes earlier, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood. No one can bear the 72 punishments of the Punishment Department."

Naturally, they were eager for the magpie to spit out something.

It is best to admit that the Yang family was killed by the queen.

Murdering a concubine is enough to make the queen lose her skin.

After such a scare, the magpie finally recruited, saying that Zhao Jieyu had instructed her.

Such an identification is really unexpected.

"Whether it's Zhao Jieyu or someone else, you have to think about it carefully, if there are inaccuracies, you won't be able to please." Concubine Wen De pressed.

Mrs. Zhao belongs to the Empress. No one could understand her intention when she asked this question.

But Magpie insisted that it was Zhao Jieyu.

"Since Yang Wanrong moved to Jinglan Pavilion, Zhao Jieyu often came to Jinglan Pavilion to talk with Wanrong. The cuckoo beside her gave the servants money and asked the servants to find a way to kill Yang Wanrong. In this way, Zhao Jieyu could Persuade the queen to hand over the second prince to her to raise, so that she can be promoted to the ninth concubine in one fell swoop."

"Your servant was obsessed with money for a while, and that's why I made a big mistake. This servant deserves to die, but in the end, I couldn't bear it, and it was true that I jumped into the lake to save people. Empress Dowager, for the sake of turning back, please spare this servant." Live!"

(End of this chapter)

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