Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 186 Pig Teammates

Chapter 186 Pig Teammates

"You're talking nonsense, don't spit blood, who the hell bought you off to frame me!"

Zhao Jieyu got anxious, stood up from the crowd in a hurry, and slapped the magpie on the face.

"Hold her for Ben Gong!" Concubine Shu snorted.

Immediately, two court ladies stepped forward and held Zhao Jieyu down, forcing her to kneel on the ground.

It is rare for Concubine Wen De to unite with Concubine Shu, and Liu Mei frowned, "You dare to be so presumptuous in front of the Empress Dowager, who knows what kind of rampant you will become behind the scenes!"

"Empress Dowager, it is said that one's body is not afraid of slanting shadows, Zhao's reaction is so violent, the concubine thinks there must be something wrong." Lin Xiurong followed suit.

Now everyone is pushing the wall down.

The queen's miscarriage can't come out, these minions who caught the queen are going to kill her.

Mrs. Zhao has been doing things for the queen for so many years, and she has a sharp and troublesome mouth, which can be regarded as offending many people.

Anyway, at this stall, no one stood up to speak for her.

With a sullen face, the Empress Dowager ordered someone to bring up the purse containing the silver, and also ordered someone to search for some embroidery from Zhao Jieyu and her court lady.

This is to compare the pins.

"Fuzhi, take a closer look, the craftsmanship of this purse is the same as which one."

Everyone's eyes looked over, and they didn't dare to vent their breath.

Madam Fu was very good at embroidery when she was young, and it was because of this skill that the Empress Dowager valued and retained it. It is really not difficult to compare these things.

After a few careful glances, he recognized it.

"Back to the Queen Mother, this purse is Du Juan's handicraft."

"Zhao Shi, what else can you deny!" Concubine Shu couldn't wait to speak.

Those eyes lit up as if they were staring at prey, wishing they could execute Zhao Jieyu on the spot right now.

"No, Empress Dowager, the concubine doesn't know anything, it must be this lowly maid who deceived her and did this. Yang is the empress's cousin, concubine, how could the concubine harm her!"

Zhao Jieyu hurriedly explained, but her words were so full of loopholes that no one believed them.

How could a court lady next to Jieyu offer 50 taels of silver to bribe another court lady.

Du Juan, who was pushed by Zhao to take the blame, was also flustered at the moment, her eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth opened again and again, but in the end she still didn't dare to say anything to evade.

But there was obviously something wrong with her expression, the queen mother snorted coldly, and ordered Du Juan to be detained.

"The Ai family will give you a chance to tell the truth. If you are sensible, the Ai family will protect your whole body. If you don't care, think about your family members!"

Those who can enter the palace to serve are all carefully checked. Where are the family members and how many are there? There should be records in the palace, which is very convenient to check.

Du Juan gritted his teeth, but still didn't speak.

Concubine Wen De's eyes turned, and she fell on Ding Xiang, another big court lady next to Mrs. Zhao.

"You are by Zhao Jieyu's side, so you don't know anything about it. Did the Zhao family instruct Du Juan to do this? If you knew about it and didn't report it, if you were found out, you would be accused of murdering the clan!"

Apparently, Ding Xiang didn't expect that this matter would come to her head, so she panicked for a while.

Mrs. Zhao has always relied more on Dujuan, and Lilac really doesn't have such a deep love between master and servant as they do. As soon as she was intimidated, she said everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

"Although the servant girl doesn't know the whole situation, Jieyu did deliberately let Du Juan and Magpie get in touch with each other. The two of them have a good relationship, and they often make appointments to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get points. Jieyu has also been secretly angry many times. It's not fair, say, she has been with the queen for many years, but she doesn't even have a concubine, Yang Wanrong gave birth to a prince, and I'm afraid she will climb on top of her within two years."

This time, Zhao Jieyu's crime was completely confirmed.

No matter how much Zhao Clan cried out for being wronged and refused to plead guilty, the Queen Mother couldn't stand it anymore, and directly ordered her to be demoted to a commoner, sent to the cold palace, and dealt with after the emperor returned to the palace.

It's just the crime of murdering a concubine, so the emperor will also be sentenced to death when he comes back.

This time, the queen was completely cheated by the pig teammates.

The two chess pieces were at odds, and in the end the queen lost her left hand and right arm.

From the hidden mansion to the palace, Zhao Jieyu gave the queen a lot of advice, and it would not be easy for the queen to train another one.

As for why Lin Xiurong attacked Zhao Jieyu, that's easy to understand.

The elders all know why Lin's child didn't exist back then, and Zhao has been advising the queen all the time, so it's hard to guarantee that he didn't get involved.

No matter what, everyone is happy to see the consequences of Zhao and Yang's out-of-the-box fight.

Coming out of the Compassionate Ning Palace, Concubine Wen De was in no hurry to leave.

Discuss with Concubine Shu very intimately, "This matter is really important. The Zhao family murdered the empress's own cousin, and even the biological mother of the second prince. His heart can be punished. Although the empress dowager has finalized the case, she also knows that the empress dowager will speak to her." That's good, what does Concubine Shu think?"

"Concubine De is right. It's a very important matter, so I have to report it." Concubine Shu smiled, and then told Xiang Luo beside her, "Go to Fengqi Palace and discuss this case with me." Empress Empress, tell me, there must be no details."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the servant will save it." Xiang Luo blesses her body and leaves very quickly.

Ye Yun didn't want to get involved, anyway, she took a detour to go back while not being seen.

I also feel a little sympathetic to the queen for a few seconds.

Just a few days after the miscarriage, I was told that I was fighting with other people, and was finally reported by others. Nothing was left, and I couldn't die of anger.

This confinement period, I'm afraid it's not going to leave the root cause of the disease.

As expected, Xiangluo went to Fengqi Palace, and the queen smashed the medicine bowl angrily.

"Idiot, what an idiot! Didn't Ben Gong promise to make her the ninth concubine in the coming year, why is it so urgent at this moment!"

Blood poured into the sky, and the empress only felt a splitting headache, panting heavily and leaning against the pillow, her face was bloodless.

It was really unexpected that Zhao Jieyu came out like this, and completely disrupted the queen's plan.

She originally planned to promote both the Zhao family and the Yang family in the coming year, and if a newcomer with a bad family background gave birth, she would ask the Zhao family to take her to her. In this way, she would have two concubines with imperial heirs under her hands.

Who would have thought that Mrs. Zhao would be jealous of Mrs. Yang and commit such a murderous act, and now the queen has no confidants.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Concubine Shu sent people to spread the message on purpose. You must not make them happy." Nanny Ding sat by the bed to comfort the Queen, her face full of distress.

Suqin also persuaded, "There will be a draft next year, and then let the mansion pick another girl of the right age to send in."

"That's easier said than done!" The queen closed her eyes and frowned tightly, "The emperor will not accept another girl from the Xie family, just like the emperor will not accept the Chen family to send another person into the palace."

For a while, the servants didn't know how to persuade them, they were all silent.

In short, this time the queen is completely hurt.

Without a child, and without a confidant, I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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