Chapter 192
Good day next day.

Concubine Wen De directly said that she did not come sick, which shows that she is still angry with the emperor.

Lin Xiurong was also called sick.

But who is the real disease and who is the fake disease, everyone can tell.

The Queen looked like she was not in good spirits.

What happened last night, Fengqi Palace and Jiuchen Palace kept their mouths tight and didn't leak a single thing, so that everyone thought the queen didn't sleep well.

It's nothing serious today, Concubine Shu is still full of fighting spirit and quarreling with others.

Both Yi Xiuyuan and Ye Yun were provoked.

Both of them were sharp-tongued, and they joined forces to make Concubine Shu turn blue with anger.

Zhang Cairen wanted to help Concubine Shu on purpose, but her status was really low, and she didn't have much favor, so she didn't intervene at all.

Anyway, in the end Concubine Shu didn't get well as usual.

When the Fengqi Palace came out, Concubine Shu got on the sedan chair angrily, and called Zhang Cairen to go to her place.

"You said that you all entered the palace in one batch, and your appearance is worse than the two of them? This palace still intends to support you everywhere. You are still not liked by the emperor. The position of a talented person is to be old and not mature. ?”

"It's the concubine who is incompetent, so please calm down." Mrs. Zhang lowered her head and gritted her teeth.

She understood that Concubine Shu was deflated just now and made herself angry. If she quibbled at this moment, she would only be scolded worse, so she would simply be more numb and call Concubine Shu to vent her anger.

But Zhang's heart is very disgusting, why can a fool like Concubine Shu sit on the imperial concubine's position and dictate to her arrogantly.

"Incompetent, since you are incompetent, what else will I train you to do!" Concubine Shu snorted coldly, "See, you are also a concubine, and you are not as good as Yi Xiuyuan and Ming Jieyu's seductive tricks, that's fine, don't follow me anymore , I feel upset just looking at it."

Hearing the word Shuchu, Mrs. Zhang's face suddenly darkened as if she had been pricked by a needle, and the resentment in her eyes was like a snake crawling out of a dry well.

The sedan chair for concubine Shu was driven away, and Mrs. Zhang stared at the back of the person on the sedan chair, and tightly squeezed the brocade handkerchief in her hand.

Concubine, even if it is a concubine, she will climb up, and will trample all those noble ladies who are self-respecting and noble under their feet one by one!

Jiuchen Palace.

Ning Chen has just come to court and has been away from the capital for a few days. The ministers have so many things to report, and the papers sent to the imperial study piled up like a hill.

Seeing Ning Chen's headache, he thought to himself, let Ping Wang and Kang Wang hold the palace to help approve some unimportant papers.

Good brothers want to share is not.

However, there are also a few things that make people feel good. For example, the position of Lanzhou magistrate is confirmed to be Qi Yao, the son of the Grand Tutor.

Today the imperial decree is about to be issued, Qi Yao took his wife and children to pack up, and set off for Lanzhou on the tenth day of May.

The other thing is Chu Yunhuai's imperial decree.

After the southern tour, Chu Yunhuai did not return to Beijing, and went directly to Dinghe County. As for his wife Jiang and daughter Jingniang, they had to go later.

Probably when Chu Yunhuai went on a tour to the south, Jiang Shi had just found out that she was one month pregnant, and now she is only four months old. The journey is far away, so she was prepared to walk slowly for fear of any discomfort.

After writing these two imperial edicts, Ning Chen picked up the notebooks at hand and approved a few, among them was the notebook that Ye Zhe handed over requesting to return to Beijing to get married.

Ning Chen took a second look, then used a cinnabar pen to approve a letter of approval, and wrote two lines of congratulations.

He handed it to Yuan Jiu casually.

"This book should be sent back to Lingzhou as soon as possible. The Zhongyonghou's happy event cannot be delayed. In addition, you deliberately picked some things from the warehouse and sent them together. It is my congratulatory gift."

"Yes, don't worry, your majesty, this servant will definitely take care of it." Yuan Jiu smiled and said again, "Speaking of Zhongyonghou, this servant suddenly remembered that Ming Jieyu gave something to Huai'an last night, saying that he was waiting for the emperor to be free. Present it to the emperor for a look, it seems like a specially prepared gift."

Mentioning this, Ning Chen thought of the woman who wore the same color as him last night.

Among the concubines of Yingying and Yanyan, it seems that only the two of them are together.

Such a subtle feeling suddenly added a bit of joy to people's hearts.

"Bring it up and show me." Ning Chen slightly curled his lips and waved his hand.

Yuan Jiu immediately turned away and took the things from Huai'an.

Seeing that it was a scroll, Ning Chen guessed what this woman should have painted.

There are some in March and April. Could it be that they are painted with peach blossoms?

Thinking this way in my heart, I froze as soon as I opened the scroll.

The elegant and handsome man in the painting looks familiar, but if you look closely, it's him.

It turned out that when she was not around, what she thought about her southern tour was the scene in the painting?
The willows are fine in the spring breeze, and the boats are painted in clear waves, warm as jade in the warm sun of March.

For a moment, Ning Chen was a little distracted, and he didn't even notice that the tips of his ears were turning red.

"Hey, I see this is the painted emperor!" Yuan Jiu suddenly exclaimed, "How can Ming Jieyu paint the emperor? How can the face of the emperor be arbitrary?"

"Since you know you can't draw casually, why don't you quickly put it away and find a cabinet to hide it, so as not to let others see it, and some troubles will happen for no reason."

Ning Chen didn't give him a chance to finish, so he interrupted directly.

On the one hand, he slowly rolled up the scroll from top to bottom, but when it was almost finished, he found a line of small characters written on the bottom of the scroll.

Linglong dice and red beans.

This is obviously not a whole line of the poem, no matter how you look at it, it is half wrong. Ning Chen stared at it and thought about it for a while, but he really couldn't figure out the next line, so he had to put away the painting first.

Yuan Jiu panicked, she was really afraid that Ming Jieyu would break the rules and make the emperor angry.

But seeing the emperor lost his mind at this moment, I think this painting was sent to the emperor's heart.

I also have to say that Ming Jieyu is really talented and courageous. If you teach others the way of fighting for favor, others will not dare to learn it.

Yuan Jiu wondered if the emperor would not go to Yi Xiuyuan's place today, but this point was wrong, Ning Chen still went to Langhuaxuan.

Yesterday at the family banquet, he clearly stated that he would come, if he didn't come, I'm afraid Yi Xiuyuan would become a laughing stock.

Originally, because of the queen's miscarriage, the third prince's full moon banquet was not allowed. Ning Chen somehow wanted to make up for it, so he would not fail to protect Yi Xiuyuan's face.

After lunch, Ning Chen didn't leave, he just stayed in Langhuaxuan for a full day, and Yi Xiuyuan was also at bedtime at night.

This kind of favor also caused the harem to look sideways.

But Yi Xiuyuan herself knows what's going on inside.

Although the emperor was with her, he seemed to be thinking about other things all day long.

But she couldn't ask what the emperor was thinking, but she felt somewhat uncomfortable.

After this night, when everyone was still looking forward to the next one, the emperor's imperial driver went to Yuxiu Pavilion.

When Ning Chen came, Ye Yun was still paying respects to the queen in Fengqi Palace, so the dog who greeted him turned out to be a dog.

Yes, it is rice cake.

It rushed out like a small cannonball and hugged Ning Chen's leg, which startled Yuan Jiu, who thought it was something.

Ning Chen looked at the joyous rice cakes, and thought that Ye Yun's dogs were all so energetic.

 I’m working on a semi-annual work summary report for the past two days. There will be two changes tomorrow. If not, I’ll unscrew my head.

(End of this chapter)

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