Chapter 193

"Your Majesty, forgive me. It's been a long time since Nian Gao has seen His Majesty. It's just a moment of pleasure. It also likes to pounce on our Jieyu like this on weekdays."

When Huiyue came out of the house, she quickly knelt down and saluted, she was also quite frightened.

With Nian Gao's current physique, what if he ran so fast and knocked down the emperor, even if he didn't, it would be a sin to damage the dragon robe.

"It's okay, this dog is well-bred." Ning Chen waved his hand carelessly.

Even bent down to hug the rice cake.

"Tsk, what are you eating? It's really heavy."

Yuan Jiu came to his senses now, wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and smiled.

"Ming Jieyu took good care of her. Look at the fur, it's shiny, and the flowers in the yard are also growing well. It must be Ming Jieyu's blessings and blessings."

"You have a sweet mouth." Ning Chen put down the rice cake, raised his hand and tapped Yuan Jiu's head.

Yuan Jiu smiled and stopped talking.

Now Zi Yeyun is not here, so Ning Chen goes in first and sits down.

After Nan Zhi served tea and snacks, she withdrew and stayed outside.

Ning Chen looked around, all the furnishings in the room were replaced with new ones, there were some things that didn't look like built-in ones, they should have been brought in by Ye Yun, but they were unique.

After drinking two sips of tea, he stood up and wandered around the room, and saw a few lumps of mud on Ye Yun's desk.

Out of curiosity, I went over to have a look.

There was a small flat wooden board on the table, and on it were several objects that had been dried, including two swords, one short and one long, a round shield, and a small bow and arrow.

Ning Chen picked up the round shield and took a closer look, and found that there were fine patterns on it, the carvings were a bit rough, but they were still pretty.

Put this down, and pick up the long arrow to look at it.

It was also at this moment that he heard footsteps outside, and when he was distracted, the sword was broken by him.

So when Ye Yun came in, he saw someone pushing the things on the table to the side in a panic.

"My concubine pays respects to the emperor." Ye Yun smiled slightly and gave him a very suspicious look.

Ning Chen waved his hands uncomfortably, "Ahem, excuse me, why did you come back so late."

"Today happened to be the Dragon Boat Festival, so the empress said a few more words and sent new clothes and jewelry to the palaces." Ye Yun smiled.

As he spoke, he walked towards him.

Ning Chen quickly took a few steps forward to hold him, and then brought him to the table and sat down.

"I almost forgot that today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I think it will be very lively in the suburbs of Beijing. There are dragon boat races every year."

"That's right, when the concubine didn't enter the palace, she went to see it every year." Ye Yun's eyes lit up when he remembered what happened at that time.

This way obviously wants to leave the palace.

Ning Chen smiled and took a sip of tea, "I can't go out now, but I'm tired of living in the palace, but I can go to Lingxi Garden for a while. I didn't go last year, but I can do it this year."

When you arrive in the garden, you will feel more at ease than in the palace, and the scenery will be better.

Unlike the palace, there are red walls and green tiles everywhere.

"I've already approved your brother's return to Beijing. I think it will arrive at the end of the month. So, the wedding date will be set at the beginning of June?"

Thinking of this incident, Ning Chen asked a question.

Ye Yun nodded, "My brother said that people can't live without people in the frontier, so I quickly finished it and went back. When my mother went to Lingzhou, she had entrusted my aunt to take care of everything in the capital. When my brother came back, he could get married directly."

This was for the emperor to tell him that Ye Zhe was only devoted to serving the country with loyalty to the emperor.

After all, it will take more than two months for Jingcheng to get married this time. In future generations, it is equivalent to asking for a two-month marriage.

"Well, your elder brother has done a good job in Lingzhou in the past few years. In the notes passed back, some veterans praised him for having the demeanor of General Ye." Ning Chen said.

He narrowed his eyes, and suddenly looked at Ye Yun with a smile that was not a smile, "I think your sister-in-law's family background seems to be too low, the Yin family has been in Lingzhou for some years, the official position of the fourth rank is not good, how about being promoted to the third rank .”

The fourth rank is still not in the top class, but the third rank is considered a courtier of the first echelon.

However, the official position of the third rank and the first rank of Ye Jiazheng is still low.

It's just that Ye Yun's eyes are not here, she knows that the dog emperor is playing tricks again.

With a snort, he rolled his eyes, "Third and fourth grades, the emperor has the final say. This Yin family is serving the emperor's courtiers, not the Ye family. If it is really because of the daughter's marriage that they were promoted , Uncle Yin is afraid that he will feel humiliated."

"What you said, it's humiliating for me to promote him out of good intentions." Ning Chen still pretended.

Ye Yun narrowed her eyes, and suddenly stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh around his waist.

"The emperor is really bad. If the Yin family is promoted because of this marriage, others will think that our Ye family is extremely powerful. My brother is a general who holds military power, so people should not be afraid to die. Sooner or later he will be swallowed alive."

"Father and elder brother are all focused on guarding the frontier for the emperor, and the concubines belong to the emperor, so is the emperor willing?"

Ning Chen didn't guard against her all of a sudden, he was pinched, so he shrank to hide.

Unexpectedly, the girl was like a little wild cat, paw after paw, causing him to itch unbearably, and it took him a while to catch her.

After such a short time, Ning Chen suppressed his smile and blushed.

"I can't even take a joke? If I tease you casually, you should take it seriously!"

"Then the emperor can stop teasing the courtiers and concubines. The emperor's words should be taken seriously!" Ye Yun bared his teeth at him.

Small appearance is very perverse.

Ning Chen couldn't help curling his lips, and gently let the man go, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, speaking of the painting you gave me, is the poem on it missing half a sentence, Why didn't you finish writing?"

"That's that." Ye Yun acted as if he had suddenly realized, and deliberately elongated his tone. Seeing Ning Chen's eyes full of expectation, he suddenly smiled slyly and shrugged, "I forgot."

Ning Chen was full of interest by her, and when he called her a rascal, his teeth itched with anger.

With her phoenix eyes raised slightly, she grabbed the girl's wrist, and with a single force, she pulled her closer to her arms and held her tightly.

Lowered his voice threateningly.

"If you don't speak well, I will hug you and throw you out."

"The emperor is used to scaring his concubines." Ye Yun blinked, not too scared.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words were spoken, Ning Chen got up and walked towards the door in his arms. This decisive step did not seem to be fake at all.

Ye Yun was so frightened that she quickly put her arms around his neck, "I remembered!"

Ning Chen looked down at her, his face was indifferent, but there was a little smile hidden in his eyes, "Say."

Ye Yun pursed her lips slightly, lowered her head to avoid the man's gaze, paused for a while, seemed embarrassed, and finally spoke softly.

"Linglong Dice An Hongdou, I don't know if I miss you deeply."

The girl's voice was soft and gentle, although she could not see her face, she could see that her white earlobes were gradually becoming crimson, like a flower that had just bloomed.

Ning Chen's throat tightened as he watched, his eyes darkened, "I didn't know that Qingqing missed me so much."

(End of this chapter)

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