Chapter 194
"There are still many things the emperor doesn't know." Ye Yun turned around and looked up at him, "Will the emperor not let the concubine come down?"

Ning Chen slightly hooked his lips and nodded, "Naturally."

Just as he was speaking, his hand suddenly loosened, and the sudden weightlessness made Ye Yun instinctively hook him around his neck.

Naturally, the pain of being in close contact with the ground did not come as expected. Instead, when he closed his eyes tightly in fright, a light kiss fell on his forehead.

"It seems that Qingqing really misses me deeply, she is so reluctant to let go."

With such a sentence in his ear, Ye Yun was so angry that he wanted to bite Ning Chen's nose off.

This kind of teasing has always been something that only she can do well!
The two quarreled in the room for a while, until Yuan Jiu came in outside to pass the word, saying that a minister in front of him asked to see him, and then stopped.

Ning Chen still had a lot to say, so he naturally didn't want to leave, but he couldn't ignore state affairs.

Then she squeezed her hand, "I won't accompany you for lunch, and I'll come to see you in the evening."

"Okay, the concubine will wait for the emperor to make zongzi." Ye Yun smiled.

But before leaving, Ning Chen still didn't forget to destroy the corpse, and asked Yuan Jiuyi to take all the clay sculptures on her table under the pretext of liking them.

Can't be found out that he broke that thing.

But this 'evil act' of a certain emperor still couldn't hide it. When Eyue brought the box to put it in, she saw the broken clay sword.

Why did the emperor want a broken sword? After thinking about it for a while, Huiyue understood everything in her heart.

Most likely, the emperor accidentally broke it and was afraid of being discovered by his master, so he found an excuse to take it away.

Based on the principle of uncompromising loyalty, as soon as the emperor and his party left, Huiyue told the whole story.

Ye Yun was quite speechless.

Who said that a man is a teenager until his death, this man is probably a child until his death.

To say that a boy is too old is to say that he is too old, it is not childish.

But it's also inexplicably funny, hiding like this, like a child who has done something bad and is afraid of being discovered by his parents.

Ye Yun didn't bother to care about it, so if she turned a blind eye, she should treat it as coaxing a child.

The atmosphere in Yuxiu Pavilion was just right, but it was completely opposite elsewhere.

Concubine Wen De heard that the emperor had gone to Ming Jieyu's place early in the morning, and angrily smashed the tea sets on the table.

This was the first time she had lost such a temper. Even the eldest prince was startled and cried non-stop.

"Hurry up and take the baby down, are the nurses dead?!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down, this servant will take the First Prince away."

A wet nurse hurried forward and hugged the eldest prince who was sitting on the rug playing with the cloth tiger.

The child's skin was morbidly pale, and now he was frightened and crying, and his swelling was like a pig's liver. It was scary to look at, and he was afraid that something might happen if he cried.

There was no cry of children in the hall, and the servants did not dare to vent their anger. The silence of the whole main hall made people even more disturbed.

"Your Majesty, calm down, it's not worth it if you lose your temper." Bai Shuang boldly persuaded her.

"Calm down your anger, you all only know how to persuade me to calm down all day long, so you can't say anything useful? The emperor has treated me coldly so far, and after a while, the Chuxiu Palace may become a cold palace!" Wen De The concubine said angrily.

Her words are naturally out of anger, Chuxiu Palace has a eldest prince, and she is a concubine, even Shu Concubine Palace is inferior to her.

But this time, Concubine Wende felt very wronged.

She felt aggrieved that the emperor did not show her face at the family banquet, so she went back to the palace and went to see Yi Xiuyuan first besides the empress, that was all, she had already complained of illness, but the emperor actually went to Yuxiu Pavilion the next day and did not come look at her.

After all, Yi Xiuyuan gave birth to a prince and took the position of concubine, but why is Ye Shi ahead of her!
"Niang Niang, the emperor still has you in his heart. I went to the Yuxiu Pavilion. I think it was because of the Southern Tour, Ye's cousin stayed there as an official, and asked the emperor to favor her. Things are complicated, and it is inevitable that there will be entanglements with the harem, so the emperor must be involuntary." Bai Lu also persuaded.

It's okay not to mention this, but it will make Concubine Wen even more flustered.

She didn't care about her family background before, because no one in the harem could compare to her in doting on her, but now she is no longer favored like in the past, and her family background is not as good as others, which made her suddenly feel that she had no real support for all these years.

The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became, and my whole body became cold.

"You all go out, and leave Ben Gong alone." Concubine Wen De closed her eyes, her tone revealing fatigue.

Bai Lu and Bai Shuang looked at each other, and they both saw worry on each other's faces, but they could only retreat as instructed.

Everyone knows that flowers cannot be red for a hundred days, but they dare not say such words to Concubine Wen De.

As the maids who serve personally, both Bai Lu and Bai Shuang can see that the empress's affection for the emperor is too deep, so that they have long been unable to grasp the proportion.

Cui's family in the side hall kept the door closed and did not come out, but the movement in the main hall could still be heard clearly.

When she didn't enter the palace, she heard that Concubine Wen De was favored, and thought about being assigned to live in Chuxiu Palace, if she could take the opportunity to see the emperor often, but now, it seems that Concubine Wen De has fallen out of favor.

If the emperor doesn't come to Chuxiu Palace, how can he be favored?

Cui was thinking in her heart that she had to find a way to move out after going to bed.

No matter what happened in Chuxiu Palace, Ning Chen promised to go to Yuxiu Pavilion at night, and he still came as promised.

It's just obviously not as good as in the morning.

I made an appointment to meet the minister in the morning, and dealt with some unpleasant matters.

Anyway, Ye Yun didn't ask any questions. He said that he wanted to make zongzi. The materials were ready and he was waiting for someone to come.

Nian Gao was sleepy at night, so she lay on the ventilated place at the door, watching a group of people in the room making zongzi.

Yes, a group of people.

Because Ye Yun and Ning Chen didn't know how to do it, they called Huiyue and Nan Zhi to teach, Yuan Jiu and Bai Shu gathered around the table to watch.

"Your majesty, Jieyu, look at the hands of your servants. The two zong leaves are placed in the palm of your hand along the overlapping lines. Pick up the tail of the leaf and fold it in the same direction as the head of the leaf. Fold from the head to the tail. Turn it into a funnel shape, and you can add rice into it."

While explaining in detail, Huiyue demonstrated.

But the fact is that the eyes often know it, but the hands don't.

Ye Yun tossed and tossed for a while, but it was not tight no matter what, either there was a leak here or there, but Ning Chen learned it as soon as he learned it, and wrapped several out.

"Don't play, don't play anymore, only the concubine can't make a bag, so it seems that the concubine is stupid!"

Ye Yun waved her hands, pouted and stood up unhappily.

Seeing her lose her temper, Ning Chen felt amused, wiped his hands and stood up, "Didn't you say you wanted to pack this? It's because you refused first."

"Hmph, the concubine doesn't want to make a bag anymore, the concubine just wants to eat, I want to eat the bag made by the emperor." Ye Yun stretched out his hand to button the pattern on Ning Chen's sleeve, turned his head and told someone, "Huiyue, take the emperor's bag." The few wrapped ones are cooked separately in a small stove, and brought to me to eat!"

Huiyue felt troubled, and looked up at the two masters.

Ning Chen didn't care, he smiled and waved his hands, "Go cook, it's all your Jieyu's."

 Two more protections~
(End of this chapter)

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