Chapter 195

The zongzi was cooked, but Ye Yun only ate one in the end.

Today, all the rice dumplings are sweet, she likes salty rice dumplings.

Although she didn't eat much of the zongzi, the squirrel mandarin fish made by the dining room today was delicious, and she ate more than half of it by herself.

"This cook is good at cooking fish. Tomorrow, ask him to cook a sweet and sour fish."

Huiyue nodded with a smile, "I will go to the dining room to say something later, servant girl."

After dinner, the two of them walked in the courtyard to digest food, and the rice cake ran beside them, very happy.

Ye Yun stared at it for a while, then suddenly said, "I don't know how dog meat tastes like."

"You really are..." Ning Chen was stunned for a moment, then glanced at her helplessly.

"The concubine is just talking, rice cakes are so cute, how can you eat rice cakes." Ye Yun raised her eyebrows lightly and smiled playfully.

Hearing his name, Nian Gao wagged his tail excitedly and barked twice.

Ning Chen shook his head speechlessly, "Silly dog."

"When does the emperor plan to go to Lingxi Garden?" Ye Yun took his arm, "There is a lot of water in the garden, and the shrimp and crab are very fresh."

"Let's go in June, after Jiahe's wedding is over." Ning Chen said.

"Based on this calculation, the concubine's elder brother's marriage happened to meet with the princess."

Isn't that right, Ye Zhe should return to Beijing at the end of May and the beginning of June, and he has to talk to his family later, so as not to bump into the princess's wedding date.

Swinging around in the yard twice, the evening breeze was very pleasant.

There are many flowers and plants planted in Yuxiu Pavilion, and they are basically in bloom now, with a faint fragrance, very pleasant.

The servants prepared water, and Ye Yun prepared to wash up separately, but Ning Chen refused and took him away directly.

In the misty clean room, through the colorful screen, you can see the charming figures.

"Qingqing said that lovesickness is deep in the bone, let me see if there is really lovesickness in this bone."

The man's deep and hoarse voice whispered in his ears, and the feeling of numbness flowed from the tips of his ears all over his body, making his bones turn into water.

The room was entangled, from the bathtub to the bed, I couldn't wait to dry my body, I threw the wet clothes on the floor, and kicked the brocade quilt aside.

Ye Yun's proactive catering made Ning Chen, who had been a vegetarian for several months, want to stop.

The spring night was short, and when the two of them hugged and lay down exhausted, there were still more than two hours before they should get up.

After the passion faded, Ye Yun felt that Ning Chen was too tossing around, and now he couldn't even sleep well.

So he kicked his legs.

It's just that she didn't have much strength, and the kick was soft, more like provocative.

Ning Chen grabbed the jade leg and put it on his waist, his phoenix eyes were still throbbing in the darkness.

"If you keep making trouble, you don't need to sleep tonight."

"The concubine is already asleep." Ye Yun's body tightened, and she quickly closed her eyes.

The cute appearance made Ning Chen laugh, and he held her in his arms and fell asleep together.

The consequence of excessive indulgence is that when it's time to go to court the next day, Ning Chen doesn't want to get up at all.

In order to sleep for a while, I moved the time for breakfast to sleep.

Then the two of them were almost late for their court and greetings.

Ye Yun was the last one to arrive at Fengqi Palace.

When she came, all the women in the room stared at her. If the eyes could shoot people, she must be a target.

"Ming Jieyu is serving the emperor hard, it's almost too late to ask for safety." Yao Xiang glanced at her with a smile.

After saying this sentence, without waiting for her to answer, he picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, as if he was really gossiping.

"It's too hard to say, it's all the concubine's job. The emperor will go up to Weirui Xuan another day, and Fang Xiuyuan must know what to do." Ye Yun sat down calmly.

Tolerance is impossible, even if you run away, you have to catch it back.

Yao Xiang put down his cup, still with a smile in his eyes, "I don't know now, but seeing that my son Yi Xiuyuan has never come so late to attend bedtime, I guess Ming Jieyu is probably tired of serving the emperor. "

"Sister Fang was joking. Whether it's late or early, it's up to us. Some people are proud of favors, so naturally they don't care much about others." Yi Xiuyuan answered with a sly voice.

Now the harem is basically finalized, and Concubine Wen De's favor is not the same as before. If you want to say that she is favored, Ye Yun and Yi Xiuyuan are on par.

Once the strength is equal, it's not just fighting in the ring.

Ye Yun wasn't afraid either, she raised her hand to support her temples, and made a pretentious look.

With a wink, he smiled and said, "I want my sisters to laugh. Yesterday the emperor said that his concubine was cute and cute, but the concubine didn't think so. Today, Yi Xiuyuan said that concubines are spoiled because they are spoiled. Could it be that they are just charming?" here?"

"Master Ye, you are shameless!" Yi Xiuyuan gritted her teeth and glared at her.

"It's shameless to be praised by the emperor? The concubine should go to Jiuchen Palace to ask the emperor later."

Ye Yun curled his lips contemptuously, calmly.

Wang Xiuyuan answered at the right time, "There is no need to go to Jiuchen Palace. The emperor said yesterday that he will go to Yimeixuan for the second princess's first birthday banquet. The younger sister of the province should make an extra trip, so let's ask questions at the banquet."

"Sister Wang is still caring." Ye Yun smiled at her.

This battle is not considered exhausting, the two sides are tied.

In the end, the Queen came forward and shouted to stop.

"Today is the second princess's first birthday party. Why are you arguing on such a happy day? Ming Jieyu has always been sensible, so it's just a little late. There is no need to argue so much between the sisters. Ming Jieyu is straightforward, and both the palace and the emperor like it very much. "

The emperor's words were obviously biased.

Anyway, it's a good balance to play.

If you see which side is weaker, help them out.

Now that Yi Xiuyuan has a prince and status, Ye Yun is a little bit short of her status, so she has no choice but to give her a favor.

It's meaningless to call anyone the dominant family.

"The empress's love is the blessing of my concubines." Ye Yun lowered her eyes and blessed her body.

Make an appearance of accepting the queen's kindness.

Such a gesture naturally satisfied the queen.

Please relax, everyone will go back to the palace first, and wait for lunch time before going to Yimeixuan for the banquet.

Ye Yun got up in a hurry this morning, and was about to go back and change her clothes, but Zhou Cairen left directly with Wang Xiuyuan.

When Ye Yun came again, several low-ranking concubines who lived nearby had already arrived.

It was also at this time that Ye Yun saw Li Wanrong, who used to follow Mrs. Sun, and accompanied Zasak on the northern tour back then.

Now Mrs. Li is obviously not doing well, her clothes and jewelry are not bright anymore, and her complexion is not as ruddy as before.

In the past, he dared to choke on Ye Yun, but now he is only respectful.

But fortunately, Ye Yun didn't take her seriously, and didn't mean to embarrass her, so he ignored her after a few words.

Wang Xiuyuan was in a good mood today and ordered someone to bring the second princess out to play.

The little princess is pink and tender, wearing red clothes, with a wish ring around her neck, so cute and tight.

"This girl is learning to walk quickly, and she can walk now, but she is not very stable yet, so she needs to hold on to something."

Looking at her daughter, Wang Xiuyuan was satisfied with tenderness and joy.

(End of this chapter)

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