Chapter 196 Jia Wan
"Princess is smart, there are very few other children who can walk so early." Lin Xiurong boasted.

She doesn't look very good, she is really sick.

But the way she looked at the child was full of longing and longing.

I wanted to hug the second princess, but I was worried that I would give the child a sickness, so I stretched out my hand and retracted it.

Seeing her thoughts, Wang Xiuyuan gave instructions to the wet nurse who was holding the baby.

"Hold the princess and show it to Lin Xiurong, it's rare for her to like the princess so much."

Wang Xiuyuan knew a little about Lin's past experience. As a mother, she could understand Lin's pain very well.

The last time Mrs. Lin suddenly reported on Zhao Jieyu for murdering Yang Wanrong, presumably it was because of what Mrs. Zhao had done for the queen.

It is impossible for the queen to be brought down all at once, but she can also cut her claws.

It's just that Lin Xiurong looks really weak, and I'm really afraid that she will die suddenly.

All these years, Lin Xiurong has been unhealthy, probably because of the hatred in his heart to sustain him for so long.

Lin Shi didn't know what Wang Xiuyuan was thinking. She touched the second princess' face and almost cried.

I was afraid that I was not strong enough to drop the child, so I didn't hold it.

Not long after, the Queen arrived, followed by Concubine Shu and Yi Xiuyuan.

It's kind of strange that these people can get together.

In order to show her demeanor as an aunt, the queen personally hugged the second princess for a while and rewarded her with many things as soon as she arrived.

Among them is a longevity lock, which is said to be made of the queen's plain silver phoenix hairpin. Although it is small, it is cute and delicate, and its meaning is also very precious.

"The phoenix hairpin is precious, how can the second princess be worthy of such great love from the empress." Wang Xiuyuan hurriedly thanked her.

The queen smiled and waved her hands, "The princess is a beautiful daughter of heaven, a mere phoenix hairpin is nothing."

Everyone sat down and chatted.

Joy is thinking that the emperor may be there at any time, everyone is in harmony, for fear that the emperor will see that he is not gentle.

After chatting for almost half an hour, finally Shengjia came.

The queen led all the concubines out to greet her, and Ning Chen personally helped her up in a face-saving way.

"The second princess is really cute, and the concubine will fall in love with it when she sees it today." The queen said with a smile.

Ning Chen walked in in a good mood, "I may not have seen the second princess for a long time, so hurry up and hug her for me to have a look."

Wang Xiuyuan followed behind, and immediately winked at the wet nurse, telling her to bring the second princess over.

Although the father and daughter don't meet each other often, Mrs. Wang has a cheerful personality and raises the children well.

The second princess was picked up by her own father, she was stunned for a while, and then she smiled, her teeth hadn't grown a few yet, her smile was like a little rabbit.

Ning Chen was naturally happy that the child was healthy, and said after thinking for a moment.

"The second princess likes to laugh so much, let's name her Jiawan, Ning Jiawan"

"Smiling, it's just to praise the woman's beautiful smile. The second princess will definitely be beautiful in the future." Concubine Jing said softly.

Wang Xiuyuan blessed her body slightly, "The concubine thanked the emperor for giving her name on behalf of the princess."

It was also at this moment that the empress seemingly unintentionally mentioned that the eldest prince had not yet been named.

Speaking of which, the eldest prince is older than the second princess, and he hasn't decided on a name yet. Now that the second princess has all been named, it would be inappropriate not to choose one for the eldest prince.

"Concubine Wen De doesn't seem to be here today. I think it's because she's still sick? It's better to name the eldest prince when Concubine De is around." Concubine Shu said intentionally.

With this reminder, everyone discovered that Concubine Wen De did not come.

Ning Chen's eyes darkened, and the smile in his eyes receded a little.

"I'm not feeling well. I'm afraid I'll offend the second princess when I come here. It's right for Concubine De to be raised in the palace. The eldest prince is my eldest son. Let me carefully consider the matter of naming."

Seeing that he was still defending Concubine Wen De in his words, Concubine Shu felt sore in her heart and didn't dare to say anything more.

The Queen is even more cautious.

So this topic was revealed.

Ye Yun watched quietly from the side, knowing in her heart that Concubine Shu was more anxious.

After all, the emperor and Concubine Wende have been in friendship for many years, and they gave birth to the eldest prince. The emperor is not a fickle person, and he will not really ignore Concubine Wende just because of a momentary quarrel.

However, it is estimated that this suspicion will still give rise to one or two points.

No one is a sage, everyone has likes and dislikes.

It's late, and after a few words of gossip, it's time for the banquet.

Today's dinner was arranged by Wang Xiuyuan herself, but it took a lot of thought, and it was exquisitely prepared, with all the colors, fragrances and flavors.

A new chef from the south has arrived in the Imperial Dining Room. He is good at cooking delicious dishes. It is very comfortable to eat in the hot weather at the beginning of May.

So Ye Yun couldn't help eating too much.

The other concubines just ate in small bites, but she was different, and kept ordering Nan Zhi to serve her food.

This made Nan Zhi feel embarrassed, and pretended not to notice her hints, and deliberately lowered the frequency of serving dishes.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun did it himself.

But fortunately, it was just a pair of chopsticks placed in front of her, so it wasn't rude.

"Today's dishes seem to suit Ming Jieyu's taste." Ning Chen said suddenly.

Ye Yun paused, swallowed what was in his mouth first, and then got up to reply, "The concubine really likes this cook's craftsmanship, I didn't have time to have breakfast today, and I happened to be hungry too."

As for why he didn't have time to eat breakfast, someone knew in his heart.

"I remember you like spicy food, but I didn't expect you to like this dish too. In the future, I will ask the cook in the dining room to cook more for you." Ning Chen looked at her and smiled.

Ye Yun didn't feel embarrassed at all, she thanked Wei Wei after being subdued.

This kind of interaction naturally made the concubines jealous.

The emperor remembered Ming Jieyu's likes and dislikes, so he loved her.

After the meal, it was time to grab the week that everyone was looking forward to.

Wang Xiuyuan ordered people to spread a red cloth on the ground, and put the patterned objects around, and asked the wet nurse to carry the second princess to the middle of the red cloth, and the preparations were finished.

I thought the second princess would choose by crawling, but just as the nurse put her down, the child stood up while grabbing the nurse's arm, and staggered forward.

"Ah, my concubine heard that if the child walks on the ground at the age of one year, the child will easily damage his shoes in the future." Concubine Shu said suddenly.

After saying this sentence, she realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and was immediately embarrassed.

"The second princess is a royal princess, so I'm afraid I won't be able to wear a few pairs of shoes. Concubine Shu is too worried. The concubine thinks this is a healthy and intelligent princess." Yao Xiang said with a smile.

Concubine Shu turned her head embarrassingly.

Ning Chen waved his hand indifferently, "Fang Xiuyuan is right, the second princess is smart."

Even the emperor said so, so naturally no one dared to say more.

In fact, concubine Shu is the only one who is brainless.

In the end, the second princess grabbed a jade ruyi. Anyway, she got a good fortune from auspicious ruyi, and it was considered complete.

What everyone didn't expect was that the emperor promoted Wang Xiuyuan to the first rank, and she will be Xiuyi in the future.

Nowadays, there are quite a lot of vacant high positions in the harem. Everyone is watching, and the Wang family probably will be promoted again.

 Jia Yu - soft-shelled turtle


  Is my name too random? . . .

(End of this chapter)

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