Chapter 197
For the second princess's birthday, Ning Chen naturally gave Wang Xiuyi face.

After the banquet was over, he stayed, so he would be in Yimeixuan tonight.

"The princess is sleepy right now, and she has to be hugged by the wet nurse for an afternoon nap. Would the emperor want to rest for a while?" Wang Xiuyi said thoughtfully, "The concubine wants to count all the congratulatory gifts received today, and new bedding has been spread in the inner room. The emperor can take a nap at any time."

Ning Chen didn't sleep well last night, so he didn't carry it, so he went in and lay down alone.

Wang Xiuyi called the two maids of honor who were serving close to her, and the three of them counted together.

From the empress dowager, the emperor, the empress to the concubines below, everyone gave things, big and small, and it probably took a long time to clean them up.

"The empress dowager treats everyone equally. I remember that the eldest princess was rewarded the same when she was one year old." Xiangsi gossiped.

Wang Xiuyi smiled indifferently, "They are both granddaughters, so naturally."

Anyway, follow the rules, don't make mistakes, and don't worry about it.

Hongdou suddenly lowered her voice and said, "It turns out that the Queen Mother gave our princess something very precious, and that is a phoenix hairpin, which was melted and locked the princess with a long life lock."

"Naturally, Zhao Jieyu and Yang are gone, and the Queen has no one under her command." Wang Xiuyi narrowed her eyes.

When she said this, her voice was so soft that only their master and servant could hear them.

The two girls stopped holding the gift list, and looked at her in unison, obviously understanding the meaning.

"Then Xiuyi..." Xiangsi hesitated.

Wang Xiuyi shook her head directly, "I don't have the good fortune to climb high branches, I just need to be safe."

If you really got on the queen's boat, let's not talk about the benefits, let's see how many years Mr. Zhao has been on the queen's saddle, how many dirty things got on his hands, and what will happen in the end?
On the day of Zhao Jieyu's trial, even though the queen couldn't come because of miscarriage, at least she could send her capable servants to come.

But she didn't do anything, just watched Mrs. Zhao being dealt with.

Why, isn't it because I'm afraid of contaminating myself.

The queen must have worried that she would be suspected because of Yang's death, and Zhao Jieyu was pulled out to block her.

Such a person who only wants to ask you to do things but doesn't protect you, what is there to rely on.

What's more, she is pressing Bao on Ye Yun's body, and it won't change easily.

Ning Chen slept for an hour, and when he got up, Wang Xiuyi had already cleaned up.

Everything is registered and stored in the warehouse, and several young eunuchs are moving.

"There are so many?" Ning Chen asked.

"My sisters like princesses, so they all sent a lot of them, and the ones from the empress are even more expensive, making all the courtiers and concubines panic. It's just that the most interesting ones are those from Ming Jieyu." Wang Xiuyi smiled.

Ning Chen looked around, raised his eyebrows slightly, "What did Ming Jieyu send?"

"It's a box of small painted wooden blocks, called building blocks, which can be used to build houses and play with them. They are very exquisitely made. There is also a box of puppets, such as rabbits and cats. They are so cute, and they are also collected. There was a box of small toys, many of which my concubine had never seen before, and the second princess fell in love with a cowhide rattle."

These things can't be prepared in a day, especially the building blocks, they have to be made by a carpenter early on, which shows that Ye Yun really put his mind to it.

When Wang Xiuyi gave the introduction, she also smiled happily.

"She herself is eccentric, loves to play, like a child, it's rare for her to be so meticulous." Ning Chen pursed her lips.

He remembered that Ye Yun asked someone to sew a cotton rabbit the size of a pillow and put it on the couch to sleep with.

While serving tea to Ning Chen, Wang Xiuyi said casually, "Ming Jieyu seems to have a wild temper, but she is actually quite stable. After all, she is a lady, and she has always behaved well."

These words also made Ning Chen think of something.

Indeed, although Ye Yun is always dishonest and seemingly unruly, he has never done anything really out of line. He has a certain amount of advance and retreat, and is very smart.

In Yimeixuan, it was not easy to always talk about the concubines next to her, it seemed too deliberate, Wang Xiuyi saw that the emperor was thinking deeply, so she stopped in time.

The second princess's birthday has passed, and Ning Chen has not entered the harem for another six or seven days.

Originally, he was very busy when he returned to the imperial court. In the past few days, even the two princes have been arrested into the palace to help review the memorials.

King Kang was weak, so Ning Chen tried his best to catch King Ping around.

In short, brothers and sisters are respectful and happy.

Of course, this was Ning Chen's own idea. Both King Ping and King Kang wanted to be the King of Xiaoyao, so they wished they could call themselves sick.

In addition to the review papers, that is, the other four counties in Lanzhou have to arrange people to go there.

Ning Chen didn't have many people available, except for Chu Yunhuai, there was another person named Li Qiao.

This Li Qiao is also very young. He is only 30 years old this year. He was recommended by Cui Guang, the magistrate of Jiangzhou, and he came from a poor family.

This person is considered to be an underappreciated talent. The first emperor entered high school as an official, but was not able to be reused. He simply resigned and returned to his hometown Jiangzhou to work as an aide for Cui Guang. Now he is considered a leader.

Cui Guang is Cui Cainu's father, Cui has been named for so long, and has not yet served in bed, so it is a matter of course.

It was also at this time that Ning Chen discovered that Mrs. Cui lived in Chuxiu Palace.

When he came, Concubine Wen De couldn't avoid it any more, she just saluted, but the emperor went to Cui's side hall.

Concubine Wen De stayed up all night, only feeling heartbroken.

Last night Ning Chen could see how uncomfortable she was, whether it was a woman he had spoiled for many years, or he couldn't bear to see her like this.

The next day he had breakfast in Concubine Wende's main hall before leaving.

"Is Cui's residence arranged by the queen?" Ning Chen asked.

Yuan Jiu answered truthfully, "Exactly, the empress said that there are not many suitable courtyards in the palace, and they have not been renovated, so they are arranged in Chuxiu Palace."

"Go on, the Cui family is promoted to Baolin, and ask the queen to arrange another residence. Concubine Wen De raises children here, so it is not good to live with more people." Ning Chen said.

The queen's move made him somewhat dissatisfied, and the intention of arranging Cui's family into Chuxiu Palace was too obvious.

It's just that Ning Chen didn't expect that some incidents would happen after his action.

Leaving aside for now, Ning Chen received a note from Zasak when he returned to Jiuchen Palace.

It was written by the eldest prince Aoqi, and the content was that his sister Yunrong Princess Dolan was going to marry the fourth prince Qing Geertai, and hoped that the emperor would grant them a marriage.

In fact, giving the marriage is just a rhetoric, the main purpose is to let the emperor Ning Chen know about it.

After all, the marriage of the two princes of the Grassland is not a trivial matter, and I specially told Ning Chen, one is to ask for opinions, and the other is to show loyalty.

Dolan fell off a horse and was disfigured back then. There must be something wrong with this incident. Ning Chen knew it in his heart but didn't investigate carefully. He just didn't want to make a big scene and hurt his relationship.

Now that Dolan is going to remarry, it would be too unreasonable not to give her face.

So this gift of marriage was nodded.

Dolan and Qing Getai have been in love for a long time. They couldn't get married because of the interests of the family. Now they have a good marriage by accident.

However, these two princes were married, and the remaining second prince was older and more prestigious. Sudya's half-brother, the third prince now seemed too weak.

 Today's chapter, let me be lazy on Friday~
(End of this chapter)

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