Chapter 203 Yin Shi
The Chu family brought their daughter-in-law into the palace, and according to the rules, they first went to Fengqi Palace to pay their respects.

Ye Yun's status is not high, so even though one of their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a first-rank imperial order and the other is a second-rank imperial order, the queen has never seen her.

Ask Nanny Ding to wait on her and drink a cup of tea before letting her go.

The work of receiving people is still done by Baishu.

Leading two little maids with umbrellas, they waited on the small road outside Fengqi Palace early in the morning.

"Madam, Young Madam, Jieyu has been thinking about it for a long time. You two should go to Yuxiu Pavilion with the servant."

"Who is this?" Yin Shi asked with a smile.

Chu introduced to her, "This is Jieyu's father-in-law, Eunuch Bai."

"It turned out to be Eunuch Bai. We met for the first time. This idea is a low gift. Please accept it." Yin's lips curled up.

He pulled out a short plain silver hairpin from his head neatly, and stuffed it in.

Bai Shu quickly thanked her, and accepted it with a smile.

If you don't accept it at this time, you won't let the young lady think that her Jieyu looks down on her.

After all, the Yin family's family background is indeed not high.

It took a lot of effort to walk all the way to Yuxiu Pavilion.

Yin Shi went back to the palace for the first time, so it was a novelty, but she also felt the majesty of the palace, so she didn't dare to look around.

I thought to myself, the distance between the two palaces is so far, no wonder I heard from my husband that all the ladies in the palace are driven by sedan chairs.

When they arrived at Yuxiu Pavilion, Huiyue greeted them at the door.

Ye Yun is kind to the people around her, and what Huiyue wears is comparable to a girl from an official family outside the palace.

Seeing this, Yin finally understood why my sister-in-law gave her so many fabrics and several sets of ready-made clothes.

At first, she thought it was too luxurious to wear it, but now it seems that the dignitaries in the capital are all dressed like this, if there is no sister-in-law who prepares for her in advance, the few clothes she thinks are good will look shabby.

There is no need to embarrass the Hou Mansion.

Thinking of my husband and mother-in-law saying that my sister-in-law is thoughtful, intelligent and kind, I can't be wrong.

At least for now, based on her own experience and the performance of the servants around her, she no longer has to worry about her sister-in-law's dislike for her humble background.

After entering the inner room, Nan Zhi and Eyue supported her before saluting.

"It's all a family. Mother and sister-in-law don't be too polite. Sit down and have a rest. It's very hot all the way." Ye Yun was very happy.

Looking at Mrs. Yin, she said with a smile, "I heard from my brother that my sister-in-law is similar in figure to me, but a little taller, so I asked Xiu Niang to lengthen the clothes by a few inches. Now it looks quite good."

This Yin family is a standard Lingzhou girl, her skin is not fair, she is slightly wheat-colored, she is taller than ordinary girls, because of martial arts, she has a well-proportioned and slender figure.

The facial features are exquisite and somewhat heroic, with dark brows and almond eyes, full and ruddy lips, and a generous smile, revealing fresh vitality.

Just by looking at her appearance, one would think that this is a straightforward, generous and intelligent girl.

"Jieyu has a delicate mind. If Jieyu hadn't made thorough preparations for my courtier's wife, I'm afraid I'd be making a fool of myself when I return to Beijing." Yin Shi Fushen.

She is not very good at female etiquette, and she usually clasped her fists in the army.

So the originally soft and delicate body blessing ceremony appeared neat and clean on her body.

Ye Yun stretched out his hand to help her up, "I know my brother wouldn't think of this, so I prepared it specially, what is the family doing so politely, I see that the peacock hairpin on sister-in-law's head seems to be mother's dowry, it shows that mother loves sister-in-law, I'm going to be jealous."

Such a sarcasm brought the distance closer at once.

Yin Shi was very embarrassed.

Chu smiled and gave her daughter a look, "Your sister-in-law is also my daughter when she enters the door. The palms and backs of her hands are full of meat. When will she be less than your share as a mother?"

"I haven't seen my mother for a long time, so I don't allow my daughter to act coquettishly." Ye Yun said deliberately.

Seeing the mother and daughter getting along so easily, Yin Shi also relaxed a lot.

He took out a palm-sized wooden box from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Here is a pair of earrings, which are different from ordinary earrings. This one is made of eagle bone. Although it is not valuable, it is considered a rare item."

"In Lingzhou, the eagle is a god, and the things made of its bones are considered to be blessed by the gods. Thinking that Jieyu is used to seeing all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry, I gave this to Jieyu. You can see if you can return it." like."

After saying that, he opened the box, and there was a pair of white earrings on the brocade cloth inside.

It is made into a ring shape, with extremely fine patterns carved on it, and fixed with silver needles. The style is simple and elegant, and it has a somewhat exotic flavor.

Ye Yun picked up such a novel thing at that time, and said in surprise.

"The eagle is a bird of prey, how did my sister-in-law catch it?"

Mrs. Yin smiled, "People in Lingzhou don't kill eagles. This eagle was picked up by my grandfather when it was injured and brought home to raise it. Later, this eagle passed away in old age. My grandfather couldn't forget it, so he made some bones from it." Something, keep it by your side for a thought, my wife almost died when she was young, she fell off a horse and nearly died, in order to pray for my wife, my grandfather gave this earring to my wife."

"However, my wife has never worn it before, and just carried it close to her body. All these years have been going well. I think this thing can really keep you safe. The empress is alone in the palace. I gave this thing to Jieyu, and I hope it can keep Jieyu safe. .”

Ye Yun was surprised and put the earrings back.

"I didn't know there was such an origin. From this point of view, this earring is worth tens of thousands of gold. It is so valuable that I am embarrassed to accept it."

"In terms of precious things, they can't compare to Jieyu's safety." Yin Shi stuffed the box over, "Hou Ye, mother, and now the minister's wife, all hope that Jieyu will be safe and well."

This tone does not seem to be fake, and the eyes are more sincere and firm.

Although it was only the first time they met, Ye Yun felt that the Yin family should be a family with him.

The two aunts and sisters-in-law looked at each other and smiled, but they became closer.

Next, the two chatted very speculatively.

Mrs. Yin told Ye Yun a lot about the local customs and customs of Lingzhou, and Ye Yun also made friends with her in the circle of ladies in Kyoto.

But their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are married women after all, so it is not easy to stay in the palace for a long time.

There was no intention to keep them for lunch today, so Ye Yun didn't keep them.

After sitting in Yuxiu Pavilion for almost two hours, he ordered his mother and sister-in-law to be sent out.

"Your maidservant is watching, Jieyu and the young lady are very close." Nan Zhi said with a smile.

Ye Yun waved her fan in a good mood, "It's a good match. I still prefer girls who are smart and straightforward. My brother has a good vision."

At least, she likes Yin's character and appearance.

Huiyue opened the curtain and came in, holding a small basin of ice in her hand, adding it to the ice basin in the room.

"Just now the people from the empress's side came to spread the word, explaining that they will leave in the middle of half an hour, so as to save the heat on the road, and Jieyu's residence has also been settled, which is Jiaotang Garden."

It's more than half a hour before you, and that's earlier than asking for peace. It looks like I'll have dinner in Lingxi Garden.

"Jiaotangyuan? I lived in Zhaixing Pavilion the first time I went back. Why did you change it?" Ye Yun said.

Huiyue shook her head, "I don't know, either, but the father-in-law who came to pass the message said that Jiaotang Garden is more spacious than Zhaixing Pavilion, and it's closer to the Emperor's Jinggan Palace."

Ye Yun nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

Hurry up and put away all the unpacked things, and I will go out tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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