Chapter 204 Hu Meizi

Early in the morning of the second day, we set off in the dark.

This time Ye Yun brought Huiyue and Nanzhi, Baizhu, and Luzhi.

Before leaving, he purposely called Lvhe and Lvmei in to talk, and told them to guard the Yuxiu Pavilion in the palace so that no mistakes could be made.

The two maids were quite disappointed at first, but the master brought Luzhi, who was also a second-class maid, but didn't bring them. Now that he understood what he said, he realized that he also had a heavy responsibility, and he felt much more comfortable.

This is where Ye Yun has insight into people's hearts, taking care of every detail as much as possible.

After getting into the carriage, Ye Yun quickly took off the jewelry on her head and went to sleep.

There is still some distance to go to Lingxi Garden, so sleep more.

When we arrived at the place, it was almost three hours later.

I got off the carriage in the garden, but it was not as hot as expected.

There are many trees and water in Lingxi Garden, so it will be very cool with a little breeze.

"It's almost here. You all get up early today, so hurry up and go to your respective residences to rest."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the servants of Lingxi Garden came forward to lead the way.

Ning Chen glanced at these women, and his eyes suddenly fixed on one place.

"Why is Ming Jieyu's hair loose?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over there in unison.

Ye Yun froze for a moment, raised her hand to touch the back of her head, and it really spread out.

No wonder just now Huiyue was anxious to hold her back from getting out of the car, because she had lost a short hairpin to hold her hair in place.

But she didn't think it was a big deal, so she blessed her body and said calmly.

"The concubine snoozes on the road, maybe she lost her hairpin and didn't notice it, and her appearance is out of order, so I ask the emperor to forgive me."

The girl just woke up, her fair and tender cheeks were stained with rouge, and her eyes seemed to be a little sleepy. The breeze blew by, lifting up the scattered blue hair, and matching her tender green skirt today, it was quite beautiful. Some clear water reveals the artistic conception of hibiscus.

Ning Chen was slightly absent-minded, he closed his eyes and made up his mind, and beckoned her to come forward.

"It's always been your favorite place to be lazy. Since you slept in the carriage today, and the journey is so far, you should have slept enough if you think about it. Let me accompany you to Jingqian Palace to review papers."

Ye Yun scolded her mother in her heart, are you blind and watching me sleep enough?

But he still had to respond with a smile on his face.

Ning Chen didn't think it was a big deal, so he led her away in front of everyone.

For a moment, all the concubines thought that Ming Jieyu was a coquettish girl from beginning to end!

When he arrived at Jingqian Palace, Ye Yun seemed to have no bones, and sat down on the soft bed by the window, holding the pillow at a crooked angle.

Seeing her lazy appearance, Ning Chen wanted to laugh, waved his hands away the servants, and went to sit next to her.

"Why are you so lazy, you haven't had enough rest after sitting in the carriage for three hours?"

"People say that traveling in a carriage is tiring, but the emperor said that riding in a carriage is for rest." The little woman snorted.

Let go of the pillow in your hand, and fold yourself onto the man's lap.

"Didn't the emperor say that he wanted to approve the papers? The concubine will sit here and watch the emperor's approval, okay~"

The carriage was bumpy, and Ye Yun was going to be sleepy wherever he slept well.

So he spared no effort to be coquettish and obedient.

Ning Chen's hands were itchy again, he couldn't hold back and pinched the little woman's face, "I called you here to serve the pen and ink, you just want to be lazy."

"The emperor only said to accompany you to review the papers, but he didn't say that his concubines should serve the pen and ink. How can a gentleman change his mind?"

Ye Yun sat up and looked at him with her mouth pouted, like an impatient cat.

Seeing this appearance, Ning Chen laughed.

Pulling him into her arms, "Since Qingqing is going to sleep, I will accompany Qingqing to rest first. After resting, Qingqing will accompany me to review papers."

After speaking, he carried the man into the inner room.

Ye Yun was very frightened, afraid that she would be peeled off during the day, but fortunately Ning Chen himself got up early and was sleepy, so he was really catching up on sleep.

At that time, the queen who stayed in the palace had just read the account books.

After resting for a while and drinking a cup of tea, I chatted with the servants.

"Now that the emperor really likes Mrs. Ye, Jiaotang Garden is considered a good place, so he specially asked her to live in it. Although Yi Xiuyuan gave birth to the third prince, it seems to be inferior in terms of favor."

"It's better than Concubine Wen De monopolizing the favor back then. Now she is not what she used to be, but the first few are evenly divided." Ding Nanny said.

The queen nodded, "Now the emperor goes to Yi Xiuyuan as much as Ming Jieyu, Fang Xiuyuan and Xia Meiren are less, and Zhang Cairen relies on Concubine Shu to support him, but once in a while, it's better than any of them." Dominance is good, just press each other like this."

"It's just that this servant is thinking that although Ming Jieyu is favored, her status is still a bit inferior. Yi Xiuyuan has a son and is in a high position. If the emperor's favor is slightly biased, this servant is worried that she will be the next Concubine Wen De. "Nurse Ding paused, and then continued, "What's more, the Wu family needs to use it now, and Yi Xiuyuan's father and brother are quite appreciated by the emperor, which is even more dreadful than Concubine Wen De."

The queen narrowed her eyes, her expression became a little colder.

"What does Mammy want me to do to promote the Ye family again? But the Ye family has military power, and the Wu family are just civil servants. If Ming Jieyu gives birth to a prince, the threat will be much greater than Yi Xiuyuan."

"Your Majesty, there are already three princes in the palace. It's not like the thin heirs of the first emperor. If there are more children, they will not be so precious. What's more, no matter how many they have, your Majesty, no one can surpass you when you give birth to a son-in-law. .”

"Furthermore, what the empress can think of, other people may not be able to think of. Then there is no need for the empress to take action. Concubine Wen De and Yi Xiuyuan, who would be happy to see her also have a son? The empress can just carry them to fight, just watch the show."

There was a hint of coldness in Ding's eyes, and she respectfully added a cup of tea to the queen.

The queen took a sip and let out a long breath, "This year, the emperor is spending the Mid-Autumn Festival in Lingxi Garden, so he is probably going to pick me up, so let's talk about it at that time."

Although she was unwilling to praise these people, what Nanny Ding said made sense.

Yi Xiuyuan has a son, a position and a family background, so she has to be afraid.

But at this time, the queen's planning in the palace could not affect Lingxi Garden.

Ning Chen and Ye Yun slept for an hour and were woken up by Yuan Jiu.

I thought that the emperor still wanted to criticize Zhezi, but I went to rest together with Ming Jieyu, it's true that beauty is misleading.

But this is only dare to think about it, unless you don't want your head to say it.

"Your Majesty, it's time for lunch. The dining room came to ask, if there are freshly caught fish and shrimps today, do you want to serve some?" Yuan Jiu said.

Ning Chen rubbed his temples, without thinking, "Let's make some spicy river prawns, Ming Jieyu likes them, but I want dried fish."

"Yes, I'll let the dining room arrange it, servant." Yuan Jiu nodded.

When I got outside, I said the original words.

Although Lingxiyuan also has cooks from the palace, there are also people who serve here, and this person who came to ask questions is the person from Lingxiyuan.

He explained to himself who Jieyu was, that the emperor would remember his favor if he was favored like this.

After I went back and inquired about it, I realized that it was Ye Wanrong who had been there the year before last.

For a moment, everyone in the dining room tensed up.

Knowing that this Ming Jieyu is absolutely not to be neglected.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, I have seen each one, love you all

(End of this chapter)

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