Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 215 Corruption

Chapter 215 Corruption
After drinking water, Ye Yun wanted to eat even more.

Bai Zhu went to the dining room and told him to make some side dishes quickly.

Naturally, he didn't dare to delay in the dining room. It was already past the meal time, and he immediately got busy again.

Finally served on the table, the staple food is a bowl of miscellaneous grain porridge, served with stir-fried magnolia slices, steamed shrimp, and a dish of lotus pond three delicacies.

The combination of meat and vegetables is less oily and not spicy, which shows the chef's care.

Ye Yun especially loved the shrimp dish, and ate most of the plate in one go.

When he was full, he felt refreshed, and looked much better, so a certain emperor was in a good mood, and with a wave of his hand, he rewarded Chef Liu, who was cooking, with 20 taels of silver.

The emperor's reward, no matter how much it is, is a way to save face, but Liu Dun is very happy.

It's just that Ning Chen's reward caused even more speculation in the harem.

It's just a dish Ming Jieyu eats happily, and this rewards the cook, I'm afraid she is really pregnant.

Ning Chen still had work to do, and Ye Yun was ill, so he didn't stay overnight, and went back to Jingqian Palace after dinner with her.

The next day, Yuan Jiu was sent to have a look, and she was relieved when she saw that she was taking the medicine honestly.

Two days later, Wang Xiuyi came to visit unexpectedly.

"Sister, I heard that you were ill, I wanted to come to see you earlier, but the emperor was here a few days ago, so I didn't come, are you feeling better?"

When Wang Xiuyi came in, she looked at Ye Yun's expression and the servants in her courtyard.

It didn't look like there was a big happy event, on the contrary, it was very ordinary.

And Ye Yun's complexion was indeed like that of a sick person, a little unnaturally pale.

"It's just the wind and cold, but I'd like to ask my sister to run for a while, so as not to get sick." Ye Yun smiled.

Eyue immediately served refreshments.

Wang also got straight to the point, "It's okay to know it's the wind and cold, but I don't know, seeing the emperor taking care of you like this, I thought you had it."

Ye Yun froze for a moment, "No way, but what rumors are there these two days?"

"Not really, it's just that everyone thought you were pregnant, and the imperial physician was invited, and the cook was asked to cook only the food. Now, everyone is staring at your belly!" Wang Xiuyi said.

Looking at her expression, it is now certain that it is just an oolong.

He sighed and said, "I still hope that you are really pregnant, it's just an empty joy."

"Doesn't the matter of the sons and heirs also depend on fate?" Ye Yun couldn't help laughing, "I don't know, but if such a joke is made, then they will be very nervous."

Nan Zhi also suddenly realized, "No wonder there are always little court ladies and eunuchs hanging around outside Jiaotang Garden in the past two days, and they even want to strike up a conversation, that's why!"

"It's a pity, it's a waste of time, my stomach is full of pastries." Ye Yun covered her lips.

Wang Xiuyi also made her laugh, and the disappointment that was not much at first disappeared completely.

After getting the verification, it was a big stone in my heart.

After sitting in Jiaotang Garden for a while, he left.

Everyone in the harem was staring at her. Seeing that Wang Xiuyi was in a great mood when she came out, they almost all concluded that Ye Yun was pregnant with a dragon heir.

After all, the two of them have always had a good relationship, which everyone knows.

It must be a good thing that Mrs. Wang is so happy.

Ye Yun, she is too lazy to explain such things.

If you misunderstand, just go wrong.

In six or seven days, she should come to Kuishui, and by then the concubines' conjectures would be self-defeating.

There was a lot of joy in the harem, but a major corruption incident happened in the previous court, which made Ning Chen very angry.

Last year, when the imperial merchants handed over their accounts, the Feng family's profit was nearly [-]% lower than that of the Chu family's.

Because this account book is not public, only Ning Chen can see it, so the Feng family has never been aware of this matter.

It was also the Feng family who thought that even if it was a little less than what should be paid, the profit was much higher than that of ordinary merchants, so there should be no problem, so they were not vigilant at all.

Therefore, when Ning Chen freed up his hands and immediately sent someone to investigate secretly, he found a large amount of embezzled silver without much effort.

If these are added, the profit of the Feng family will be less than [-]% less than that of the Chu family.

And some of the money went into the Feng family's pockets, and some of it disappeared.

Ning Chen was furious, and immediately arrested Feng's family from top to bottom, and sent them all to prison for interrogation.

The Feng family are all businessmen, no matter how frightened and punished they were, Mr. Feng still has the backbone, and he didn't recruit anything, but his sons and daughter-in-law were all recruited.

It's just that the most important things are obviously in the mouth of the old man of the Feng family, and the other people's confessions are not any important clues.

Mr. Feng was already in his 50s and was getting older. He was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the continuous torture and interrogation, so he was temporarily detained in Dali Temple and questioned slowly.

Today's Shaoqing of Dali Temple is Yi Xiuyuan's elder brother, Wu Yiping.

Let him do this.

And it's not easy for him, after all, the Dali Siqing above is from the British Gongchen family.

Although the Chen family is the emperor's mother's family on the outside, everyone knows what's going on inside.

In particular, the Imperial Merchant Feng's family was strongly recommended by the British public back then. Now that something happened, although no evidence has been found to be related to the Chen family, there must be a connection inside.

So Wu Yiping didn't dare to relax at all, so he simply moved to live in Dali Temple, and sent people to guard him strictly, for fear that something might go wrong.

But just like that, one night, the old man of the Feng family was poisoned to death in prison.

Coincidentally, the night before, British Duke met Yi Xiuyuan's father on his way down the road, and went to a restaurant for dinner together.

On the night of the incident, in order to avoid suspicion, the minister of Dali Temple had not been to Dali Temple for a long time, and all members of the criminal department were Wu Yiping.

It was hard to tell for a while.

But no matter what, this matter is Wu Yiping's dereliction of duty.

Once Mr. Feng died, the clues were completely broken.

Ning Chen would never believe that no one was operating behind this.

What made his heart chill even more was that even with strict guards, the Feng family was poisoned to death in prison within five days, which shows how powerful the people behind him are, and they have penetrated into every corner.

Of course, the Wu family can't completely escape the relationship, after all, they had contact with the Chen family on the eve of the incident.

This may be a cover-up by the British public, but it must be investigated.

So he sent his cronies, Lu Qingyun, the commander of the Imperial Army, to the Wu Mansion to investigate, and all the father and son of the Wu family stayed at home and made arrangements after finding out what happened.

Something happened to her natal family, and Yi Xiuyuan was also anxious to get angry in the harem.

She wanted to intercede, but before she found anything, she hurried to go. On the contrary, it seemed that there was a ghost behind the Wu family, so she could only wait.

Chen Meiren was as anxious as her.

After all, the British government is the big head of this matter.

The front court was in chaos, and the harem was not stable. Ning Chen couldn't spare time to care about Ye Yun's condition, and he didn't ask anyone to ask.

Ye Yun thought that the Chu family was also an imperial merchant, worried about being involved, and felt that it was better for her to keep a low profile and not let others take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, so she closed the door and said that she was recuperating, and no one was seen.

As a result, the misunderstanding about her pregnancy deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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