Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 216 Safflower

Chapter 216 Safflower
"Jieyu's letter date is almost here, it's better to keep warm for the next two days, put less ice in the room, and this slave will fan you."

Eyue is always very careful.

Ye Yun thought about her home, and nodded slightly.

Nan Zhi thought for a while and said, "If Jieyu is really worried, why not send the first letter to the Chu family?"

"No." Ye Yun shook his head, "Delivering the letter now, it seems that there is something wrong with the Chu family. My grandfather and uncle are both used to seeing intrigues in shopping malls, so I think they can be sure."

"Since Jieyu knows, don't worry too much. Your illness is just right, so don't worry too much." Nan Zhi persuaded, "How about this servant bring rice cakes in for Jieyu to relieve her boredom?"

Ye Yun was also really bored, so she nodded.

Not long after, a ball of white snow rushed in barking.

After walking around Ye Yun, he suddenly called out to the plate of pastries on the table.

"Greedy ghost, don't you want to eat too?" Eyue cursed with a smile.

"Then feed it with a piece." Ye Yun stroked the dog's head, feeling much better.

Huiyue responded, and took a piece and handed it over, but who knew that the rice cake smelled it and refused to eat it.

Ye Yun glanced at it in disgust, then took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It's delicious, you really don't know what to eat."

After saying that, I ate two yuan in a row.

It's just that after I ate it, I gradually felt that something was wrong, especially the third piece, which seemed to taste a little different.

"Who sent this pastry?"

"Oh, it was delivered from the dining room in the morning, once a day in the morning and once in the afternoon." Nan Zhi said.

It was Huiyue who noticed something was wrong first, "Does Jieyu think there is something wrong with this pastry?"

"I didn't notice too much difference, but I just feel that the taste of the last piece seems to be different." Ye Yun frowned, "You go, and call the doctor Shen, just say please take a safe pulse."

Huiyue responded and hurried away.

Unexpectedly, after going there for such a short time, Ye Yun gradually felt uncomfortable in her stomach, like mild dysmenorrhea, the kind that can be tolerated.

This made her feel more and more that there must be something wrong with the pastry.

When Shen Pingzhi came, let him check immediately.

After smelling the cakes on the table one by one, Shen Pingzhi picked out two pieces and broke them apart to smell them, his face darkened a bit.

"Jieyu, some of the cakes on this plate are filled with safflower, and the juice quenched by safflower is mixed in the stuffing. Miscarriage."

Nan Zhi was startled, and hurriedly said, "Physician Shen, please give us Jieyu's pulse, Jieyu just ate three yuan!"

"Girl, don't panic, Jieyu is not pregnant, so it seems to be fine." Shen Pingzhi said calmly.

But he still gave Ye Yun a pulse.

"Jieyu doesn't eat much. I think there is only one piece of pastry that has a problem. Just drink more hot tea. Don't worry." Shen Pingzhi said.

Ye Yun nodded, but she was not at ease, "I should be trusting in these two days, and if I eat something cold by mistake, it will be okay?"

"It doesn't have a big impact, but I still prescribed a herbal tea prescription, and Jieyu brewed it to drink. If it is abdominal pain, it will relieve it."

Shen Pingzhi didn't ask any more questions, he was still calm, he wrote down the prescription and left without any other orders.

There were only three masters and servants left in the room, and there was a chill behind them.

If Ye Yun was really pregnant today, she might have had a miscarriage by now.

The women in the palace are really vicious.

"Huiyue, you go to Jingqian Palace in person, serve this cake, and tell the emperor everything about today, just say, I don't want to disturb the emperor at this moment, but I am really afraid, but some people speculate I committed such a murderous act when I was pregnant, and I will not dare to have children in the future."

Ye Yun's eyes were icy cold, and the chill all over her body caused the two girls who followed her to be a little apprehensive.

I thought the previous misunderstanding was an oolong, but I didn't expect that something really happened. Although nothing really happened, but the people behind it dared to attack her this time, there must be another time.

If she doesn't get it out, she won't give up.

Huiyue was quick to do things, she knelt down as soon as she went to the Jiuchen Hall, explaining her intentions in a few words.

At the end, he kowtowed again.

"Your Majesty, although our Jieyu has a bad temper, we are the most kind-hearted and never do those nasty things. When Wang Xiuyi visited a few days ago, he mentioned that someone in the harem misunderstood that Jieyu was pregnant. Jieyu only listened to it as a joke. I didn't expect to eat safflower in the pastry today. The person behind it is so vicious. It's just that there is no conclusion and it is a matter of speculation, and we will not let it go. We, Jieyu, were so frightened that we would not dare to have children in the future Now, please the emperor to make the decision for our Jieyu!"

When Ning Chen heard about this, he was already furious about the matter of the previous court, but the harem again revealed a basket, and for a while it could be said that blood was pouring into the sky.

Immediately ordered Yuan Jiu to take people to the dining room for a thorough investigation.

But this matter can't be done without someone presiding over it. He couldn't move his hands. Looking at Lingxi Garden, any female family member was suspected and incompetent. In the end, he sent a message back to the palace to ask the queen to go to Lingxi Garden to investigate the case thoroughly.

Murdering the emperor's heir is a crime that cannot be punished. This is a major matter. The queen got the oral order without delay.

Leaving Suqin behind to pack her luggage, she rushed over with Nanny Ding and Su'e.

Arrived at Lingxi Garden in the evening, and immediately took over the case from Yuan Jiu.

"No matter who it is this time, the empress just let go and investigate. The person behind it must be regretful now and have done such a stupid thing." Ding Nanny said.

Why let go of the investigation? Naturally, it is because the queen has left everything clean this time, and there is no suspicion at all.

So no matter who is found out in the end, it is a good time to suppress the harem.

"It's really stupid to be so reckless." The queen was also quite speechless.

The news was not accurate, and he acted based on speculation. Now he didn't take advantage of any advantage, but he was about to fall into it.

However, from another perspective, the current Ye family is already feared by everyone in the harem.

Even if it's just a matter of guessing, someone will start.

The queen is full of confidence, and she does things very neatly.

On the second day of coming to the garden, everyone who touched the plate of pastries was arrested.

Except for the people in the dining room, no one has touched the pastry again, so someone must have bought off the servants of the dining room.

The queen immediately sent people to search the dwellings of these slaves with Nanny Ding, and sure enough, 100 taels of silver bills were found under the bed of the little maid who set the fire on fire.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, the little maid became cruel, took advantage of people's unpreparedness, and slammed her head against the wall, losing her breath on the spot.

This time, the clue was broken, and the queen was so angry that she wanted to curse.

After all, Nanny Ding was able to hold on, and immediately ordered someone to invite the imperial physician, and sealed off the scene.

"Today, this lowly maid failed to commit suicide in fear of crime, and was saved by the imperial doctor. If you dare to go out and say a word, not only you will die, but none of your family members will survive, remember?!"

The servants kneeling below nodded hurriedly.

After dismissing the people, the queen said, "But mother, this girl is already dead."

"Your Majesty, just listen to your servant and tell the outside world that this girl is not dead, and whoever comes to take her life will be the one who poisoned her." Nurse Ding squinted her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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