Chapter 218
She didn't stay for a moment, turned around and left the Wutong Hall.

Such a sudden step back to show weakness, it seems that he decided that he would end up hastily and close the case at will.

Especially the last sentence, it has always been like this.

Right and wrong in this palace are black and white, isn't it always like this?

A person who is serious is suddenly not serious. This kind of contrast is the most stimulating.

Ning Chen finally stopped hesitating, took a deep breath, and gave Yuan Jiu instructions.

"You take someone to search Yulan Garden yourself, just remember not to startle the First Prince."

"Don't worry, your majesty, the servant will save you." Yuan Jiu cupped his hands.

Immediately took a few clever servants to go together.

It was also from this moment that Concubine Wen De's complexion quickly turned gray, and Bai Shuang kept her head down and dared not lift it up.

Although she pretended to be calm and sat down to drink tea, her nervous appearance couldn't fool anyone.

Seeing it in Ning Chen's eyes, the disappointment in his heart became more and more intense, and besides the disappointment, there was a little bit of annoyance.

If it's really Concubine Wen De, then what kind of person is the woman he has spoiled for many years!

What was even more unexpected to him was that there were two things that Yuan Jiu brought back that he couldn't look at directly.

Yuan Jiu was holding a tray in his hand, on which were two palm-sized porcelain vases and a small bag of dried safflower.

"Both stolen goods, Concubine Wende, what other excuses do you have!" The empress couldn't hide her complacency.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Concubine Wen's back, and she gritted her teeth.

Bai Lu suddenly knelt down, "Go back to Empress, this safflower belongs to my servant, and my servant accidentally twisted her waist two days ago, the safflower has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, so it will heal faster if you make it into mud and apply it on your waist. "

"Such rhetoric is too blunt." Nanny Ding snorted coldly.

Ning Chen's gaze was on the other two porcelain vases.

"What are these things?"

If it weren't for the shady stolen goods, Yuan Jiu would not have presented it.

And Yuan Jiu not only presented it, but since entering the hall, his expression was not very good, so there must be an article here.

"Your Majesty, this servant dare not speak, for fear of polluting the Emperor's sage."

"Say!" Ning Chen slapped the table, blue veins were faintly visible on the forehead.

Yuan Jiu bit the bullet and said word by word, "In this white bottle, there is acacia dew, which is a joy for men and women. This medicine can enhance the fun. In the blue bottle, yes, it is Zhuanyang Pill."

The former one is already shocking, and the latter one is even more unbelievable.

"Concubine De, how can you use these outrageous things!"

Rao the queen didn't expect to be involved in these things at all, and her expression was indescribable for a while.

Zhuanyang Pill is a secret in the palace.

During the time of the first emperor, there was a favored concubine who gave birth to three daughters and died before the age of five. She found a secret recipe from the people and said that if she took this elixir, she would surely have children.

What's more amazing is that even if you are pregnant with a daughter, as long as you eat this thing, you can turn Yin into Yang and give birth to a baby boy.

In the end, the concubine gave birth to a baby boy, but she still didn't live past her first birthday.

The first emperor thought that someone was plotting against him, so he sent people to investigate, and found out that the concubine had taken elixir indiscriminately.

And the materials used in Zhuanyang Dan are even more difficult to talk about.

It is made from the placenta of the woman who gave birth to a male baby, a little blood of the male baby, and live deer embryos.

"An Shi, do you still have something to say to me?"

Ning Chen raised his eyes and looked over, the deep disappointment in his eyes hurt Concubine Wen De's heart.

"The concubine has nothing to say, the concubine put red flowers in Ming Jieyu's cake, but the concubine didn't do anything to you, the emperor!" Concubine Wen De knelt down, tears streaming down her face.

He choked up and said, "The emperor came to see the concubine, but he never got close to the concubine. The concubine just wanted to give the emperor a healthy prince, so that the emperor would like the concubine as before, wouldn't he?"

The queen couldn't see her pretending to be pitiful, so she immediately interrupted her as if she was heartbroken.

"But Concubine De, why are you so confused, trying to win over the Sacred Heart with these black things? Do you know that the acacia dew is harmful to the emperor's dragon body!"

"What's more, the eldest prince was born to you. Although he is not in good health, the emperor is still concerned about everything. He has never been neglected. Why is it that you, the biological mother, have the idea of ​​having a healthy child instead!"

"Okay, shut up for me!"

Ning Chen suddenly stood up, the fists tightly clenched behind his back showed the anger in his heart at the moment.

Concubine Wen De's attack on Ye Yun was nothing more than a moment of jealousy and a wrong idea. Even if she couldn't be lighthearted, she could still deal with it rationally.

But the woman in front of her, not only wanted to use such a dirty thing as Hehuanlu on herself, but also used childbirth as a means of flattery.

Ning Chen admitted that he was disappointed with the Eldest Prince's poor health, but he never disliked Concubine Wen De's mother and son in his heart.

Anshi is the woman he has loved for many years, and he has always looked forward to and liked their children.

It's just that he didn't expect that the eldest prince, and even the second child that might appear in An's plan, were just tools for solid pets.

For a moment, Ning Chen only wondered whether the friendship that Concubine Wen De had shown him these years was also fake.

Ning Chen's mind was in a mess at the moment, he was angry and disappointed, and felt that he had misjudged the wrong person all these years.

The person I liked when I was young is so confused, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it easily.

The queen wanted to take the opportunity to ask him how to deal with Concubine Wen De.

But she was held back by Nanny Ding.

Asking at this moment, it seems too mean and eager, without the demeanor of a first wife.

In the end, Ning Chen walked away amidst Concubine Wen De's cries, and he didn't come to a conclusion.

On the contrary, the queen listened to Nanny Ding's words, temporarily grounded Concubine Wen De, and carried the eldest prince to Wutong Hall to raise him.

Jiaotang Court.

Ye Yun didn't sleep when she came back, just waiting for the news over there.

But what Concubine Wen De did was really shady, the queen could not reveal those two things, so she only said that she found the red flower in the Magnolia Garden, and got the stolen goods, and Concubine Wen De has been grounded, waiting for the emperor's disposal.

"Just now when Jieyu said that she wanted to search the palace, the emperor still hesitated, how annoying!" Nan Zhi said angrily.

Ye Yun narrowed her eyes and looked disapproving.

"Concubine Wen De has served the emperor for many years, has been favored for many years, and has given birth to the eldest son for the emperor. Although the emperor has a bit of a temper, he misses the old love."

"It doesn't matter if you are nostalgic, if you are really ruthless, you can be ruthless to Concubine Wen De today, and you can be ruthless to me tomorrow. No matter what, Concubine Wen De can't escape this time. When it comes out, this is pushing the emperor to convict Concubine Wen De."

Huiyue fanned her at the side, thoughtfully.

"Jieyu thinks, what will the emperor do with Concubine Wen De?"

Ye Yun thought for a while, "It's really hard to guess. After all, Concubine Wen De has a son. Even for the sake of the child, the emperor will not embarrass her too much."

Of course, this speculation is because Ye Yun doesn't know anything else.

If it was known that something like that was found in Concubine Wende's palace, it would be different.

 I'm late
(End of this chapter)

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