Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 219 Heavy Penalty

Chapter 219 Heavy Penalty
The next day.

From sitting withered last night to now, Concubine Wen De has been haggard and ugly.

It's just one night, how could it be seen that the person in front of me is the eminent concubine who once favored the harem and has a great demeanor.

When she was brought back to Magnolia Garden last night, the eldest prince was walking out in the arms of his wet nurse.

She cried for no, and the child cried too.

The eldest prince was already weak, so it would be fine to carry her away quietly, but he was really frightened by asking her to fight like this, and cried so much that he almost fainted.

Even this did not change the fact that the child was taken away.

As soon as the eldest prince left, Concubine Wen De suddenly felt that she had been abandoned by the whole world.

No one wanted to see them, so they locked themselves in the room, crying and laughing for a while, and the things in the room were smashed to pieces.

The girls wanted to go in and clean up, but she didn't allow it, and beat anyone who came in.

A little court lady wanted to bite the bullet and go in to sweep the broken porcelain on the floor, but she was pushed to the ground, and the broken porcelain scratched her face.

The bleeding continued, and I cried out in pain.

This time, no one dared to go in.

It wasn't until early in the morning, when the sky was getting brighter, that the inside finally calmed down.

Concubine Wen De opened the door of the palace, she was in a mess, her clothes were torn and her hair was disheveled.

Even so, she still didn't allow the servants to get close.

He just moved a chair and sat at the entrance of the main hall, watching the sky, and gradually became dazed.

It was almost noon when footsteps were heard outside Yulan Garden.

"Is it finally here?" Concubine Wen De smiled with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth.

The person who came was Yuan Jiu, and the bright yellow scroll in his hand was the imperial decree to be issued to the empress in front of him.

"The virtuous concubine, Anshi, murdered the concubine, hid prohibited drugs in private, and should be punished according to the law. I think that Anshi has served for many years and has made meritorious service in giving birth to an emperor's heir. She is exempted from the death penalty. She will be deprived of her title and demoted to Cainu, and she will be sent back immediately. Palace, move to Qingxin Pavilion, confine one's feet to think about one's mistakes, not leave without call, no one is allowed to visit, I respect this!"

"Your Majesty, you are really cruel!"

An Shi knelt on the ground with tears all over her face and resentment in her eyes.

Yuan Jiu sighed in his heart, if the emperor knew this, he would be even more sad.

Just a piece of hidden acacia dew is enough to kill the head and implicate the whole family, not to mention the forbidden medicine Zhuanyang Pill and the matter of giving Ming Jieyu red flowers.

The emperor tried his best to save her life, and he did not implicate An's family, so he did his best.

Forget it, if it wasn't for An's own confusion, how could he have fallen into such a situation?

"An Cainu, please accept the order. If there is anything you can take away, pack it up. After an hour, only a carriage will take you back to the palace."

Seeing her like this, Yuan Jiu still couldn't bear it, so she said something more, "The emperor said, the eldest prince will also be sent to Ruyi hall to be raised with the second prince, you can rest assured."

"Don't worry, I'm naturally relieved, I'm already like this, so can I still care about the child?" An Shi sneered.

Yuan Jiu choked for a moment and didn't know what to say for a while.

He bowed his hands and left.

The result of the handling of this matter naturally spread quickly, and everyone was surprised, they did not expect such a severe punishment.

In fact, no one except the queen understood why.

Ye Yun frowned after hearing the result.

This punishment was too harsh, didn't it push himself to the cusp of the storm.

She was not pregnant at all, but was wrongly harmed. If it spreads, the emperor demoted the eldest prince's biological mother to be a daughter-in-law because of her being a Jieyu. People in the hall are right and wrong.

The emperor's favoritism is sometimes a sharp knife for murder.

"Give me a change of clothes. I'm going to Jinggan Palace to intercede for Mrs. An." Ye Yun got up.

Nan Zhi was surprised, "Why, An's is her own fault, the emperor punished her so severely."

"Whether to punish or not is the emperor's decision. Whether my plea will work or not is also the emperor's decision, but I have to ask, otherwise it will appear that I am too mean and vicious, and I will not be talked about, and I am even more afraid of hurting my family. With a big family, humiliating the prince's biological mother is not something you can bear casually."

Ye Yun could see the pros and cons clearly.

So she had to ask for this love no matter what.

Regardless of whether the emperor agrees or not, she has to silence all of Youyou's mouths.

After making up her mind, Ye Yun went to Jingqian Palace without delay.

Ning Chen had just finished meeting the ministers, leaning back on his chair, feeling very annoyed.

After hearing the servant's biography, Ming Jieyu begged to see her, frowned, and let him in anyway.

After saluting, Ye Yun directly explained his intention.

"Your Majesty, it is indeed a crime for An Cai to mix safflower in the cakes of his concubines, but after all, An's family has made great achievements in childbearing. After all, she is the birth mother of the prince's son. Is such a heavy punishment too much? The concubines feel uneasy, please The emperor lightens the punishment."

"You don't have to plead for her, I've made up my mind, I'm really disappointed that she did such a thing."

Ning Chen took a long breath, raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, his tone was full of exhaustion.

And Ye Yun was just trying to save face, since the emperor didn't approve, then she didn't have to act like the Holy Mother and begged.

So I stopped mentioning this, got up and prepared to resign.

"Since you're here, don't leave, sit with me for a while." Ning Chen kept her.

Ye Yun narrowed her eyes, and from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a pile of folders on the table in a mess, and knew that the man in front of her was being bothered.

What I can say and do is almost clear in my heart.

"The ice in the emperor's place has melted and he hasn't asked someone to replace it. The room is stuffy, so naturally I feel more depressed."

Ye Yun said, took the tulle fan from Eyue's hand, walked to Ning Chen's side and fanned it gently.

The cool breeze is really refreshing.

"The wind from this fan seems to be cooler." Ning Chen looked at her hands.

Ye Yun smiled slightly, "The concubine ordered someone to sprinkle some mint dew on it, one fanning the wind is more refreshing, and the other is also somewhat effective in repelling mosquitoes."

"You are always thoughtful." Ning Chen raised his hand to hold him.

The four eyes met, the girl's eyes were calm and indifferent, not at all like last night, but if you look closely, you can find a bit of joy hidden in those eyes.

"I'm sorry for you."

"It's good that the emperor is willing to protect his concubines."

Ning Chen didn't know why he couldn't help saying this.

Hearing the response, he patted the back of the girl's hand lightly.

Ye Yun let him lead her, with a smile on her lips, "The emperor is too busy these days, so he didn't even shave his face. The stubble has grown back, but it looks good and more majestic."

In fact, she wanted to say something more flavorful, but she changed the words because she was afraid that Ning Chen would not understand.

When she said this, Ning Chen raised his hand and touched his chin, he really had stubble.

Two days ago, I was very busy in the morning, and there was another disturbance last night, and I was a bit haggard overnight.

The woman in front of him also praised him for his good looks.

You could say that Ye Yun lied and flattered her, but her eyes and tone were true.

In the end, Ning Chen had to think about it, could it be that Mrs. Ye likes older people?

 I have something to do today, so I don’t have the energy to do two updates. Please forgive me. I also saw that everyone is looking forward to the sudden update. I checked the calendar. August 8th happens to be Qixi Festival. I will work hard and try to save the manuscript. , love you~
(End of this chapter)

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