Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 220 What kind of brain

Chapter 220 What kind of brain

"Why does the emperor look at the concubine like this, what are you thinking?" Ye Yun was a little puzzled.

Ning Chen looked away, embarrassed by his own strange thoughts, turned his face away and took a sip of tea.

"It's nothing. Didn't it mean that the hall is stuffy? Tell someone to come in and exchange two basins of ice."

In the end, Ye Yun didn't figure out why, so she didn't think deeply about it.

I asked the servants to bring in a few new basins of ice, and it was much cooler.

Of course, if Ye Yun knew what Ning Chen was thinking, she would just roll her eyes.

What do you like about older people? She only likes good-looking people.

"The emperor doesn't take away the table, and the booklets are thrown everywhere." Ye Yun sat down beside him.

It's okay if you don't mention it, but once you mention Ning Chen's fault, you'll make another mistake.

Pointing to the table, he said, "Feng's family took bribes, and the whereabouts of another sum of money was found. It all went into the pocket of the eldest son of the British government. Do you think the British government knows about this?"

"Whether the British public knows or not, the concubine does not know, but it is true that the concubine knows nothing."

Ye Yun was so annoyed that she simply turned her face away and stared at her own toes without looking anywhere.

"Then tell me, Lu Qingyun has already found out about this matter. It is my cousin, the eldest son of the Duke of England, who secretly poisoned the Feng family. How should I deal with it?"

Ning Chen obviously did not intend to let her go.

How can I be bothered by myself, I have to find someone to share the burden.

Discussing with ministers is always too tense and restrained, but talking with Ye Yun feels much more relaxed.

Moreover, this woman is very vicious in seeing things, and she can always give him some inspiration.

"Your Majesty!" Ye Yun glared at her angrily, "How can you force my concubine to do politics like this? The concubine still wants to live for a few more years."

Ning Chen laughed, but also a little embarrassed, touched his nose and avoided her eyes.

"I'm just asking casually, isn't it the same way before, why do I blame you?"

"Then kill him cleanly. Anyway, whoever steals the money from the concubine, the concubine wants to turn against him."

The girl spread her hands, looking very bachelor.

These words sounded like anger, but it was not entirely true, it seemed that he deliberately told the truth through anger.

Ning Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and took her hand, "It's a bit too strict."

"Don't be strict, the British Duke is not willing to spend a lot of money to save his son." Ye Yun pouted.

She didn't believe that the British Duke and Queen Mother would just watch their children lose their heads.

She knew about Chen Xianwen, the eldest son of the British government. He didn't inherit half of his father's clever mind.

Of course, there are also advantages, that is, she is quite good at marrying a wife and having children.

All the concubines in the family have four bedrooms and have given birth to seven or eight children.

It is not a pity for such a person to die, but to the Duke of England, his death is just the pain of losing a child, and there is no real harm to rights, so it is of no benefit to Ning Chen.

It would be better to punish him heavily first, to make Ning Chen appear selfless and to kill relatives justly, and it is also a warning to the British government.

And the British Duke will not ignore his son, if he wants to save him, he has to pay some price and exchange his son's life for his benefit.

At that time, Ning Chen will be able to weaken the power of the Chen family and establish his prestige by going down the ranks, and he can also win a good reputation as a caring family member and a veteran.

"It's a pity that your mother didn't give birth to you as a man." Ning Chen suddenly laughed.

He discussed with his trusted ministers for a long time today, but he didn't think about it.

Because no one thinks that he can kill the prince of England, Ning Chen himself has never thought of killing him, so he doesn't even think about bluffing others.

The woman in front of her is really courageous and cruel.

I have been restrained for many years, and I am not decisive enough.

The evidence is conclusive, even if Chen Xianwen is really killed, it is beyond reproach.

At this moment, Ye Yun rolled her eyes and snorted, "If the concubine is a man, how can the emperor have Qingqing to call me?"

If it weren't for women in this era who couldn't take the scientific examination to be an official, Ye Yun really wanted to try.

Born into a family of military generals, and her mother was from a business background, she has learned the art of war and business from a young age, coupled with the advantages of her own experience, if she really enters the court and becomes an official, she may not be inferior to anyone else.

The two were talking in the room, and it was rare to coax Ning Chen to relax.

But at this time, Huai'an entered the hall with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Your majesty, Ancai girl is making a fuss and refuses to leave, she must ask the emperor to promise her one thing, otherwise."

"Otherwise what?" Ning Chen's eyes lowered.

Huai'an swallowed his saliva, and said, "Ancai said, otherwise she would die today, so that the emperor will remember that she was there."

Hearing this, not only Ning Chen turned dark, Ye Yun was a little confused.

Self-inflicted suicide by a concubine is a major crime against the nine clans. How could An family think of threatening the emperor with this?
It's fine if you ask for it, but if you say such things at this time, wouldn't it ruin your perception even more.

Quietly looked at the look of the man beside him, it was really gloomy.

After a while of silence, Ning Chen finally spoke, "She wants me to promise something."

"An Cainu said that the eldest prince was born to her and the emperor, please don't give birth to the eldest prince to others to raise him, and ask the eldest prince to change his mother."

After saying this sentence, Huai'an's back was soaked with sweat.

"Confused! If you don't change the eldest prince to a adoptive mother, do you want the eldest prince to grow up as the son of a criminal woman for the rest of his life?!"

Ning Chen was so angry that he picked up the teacup and threw it at him, scaring Huai An even more so that he lay tightly on the ground and dared not move.

Even Ye Yun was taken aback.

However, it is really hard to say good or bad about An's request.

For the sake of the child's future, it is naturally better to find a noble adoptive mother for the eldest prince, but An's request is nothing more than to make Ning Chen forget himself.

This woman can no longer tell whether she is a love brain or some other brain. In order to let a man remember herself, she will not hesitate to involve her child's future.

No wonder Ning Chen gradually became so disappointed in An Shi.

Now it seems that An's may not have a deep obsession with Ning Chen, she may just wish to be a woman loved by her husband forever, and this husband is the same as anyone else.

"The servant, the servant, then told Ancai that the emperor would not allow it."

"Stupid thing!" Ning Chen directly interrupted Huai An's words, his face livid.

Ye Yun only spoke at this moment, "Isn't it going to kill An Shi by answering like this? Go back and tell An Shi that the emperor will take good care of the eldest prince, and just reassure her. If she refuses to leave, she will be knocked out and sent back. It hurts."

Ning Chen leaned weakly on the chair, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, "Just do as Ming Jieyu said."

For Ye Yun's rescue, Huai'an was very grateful, kowtowed twice in a hurry and went out.

The servants withdrew, and the hall was very quiet.

Ye Yun didn't know what to say at the moment, after all, she could see that the emperor really liked An Shi.

This moment is blocked in his heart, and others have no way to solve it, they can only wait for him to figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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