Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 222 Hidden Deep Enough

Chapter 222 Hidden Deep Enough
After dealing with the Chen family, Ning Chen has been waiting for the mother to make trouble later.

I never thought that the queen mother really seemed to be ignorant of things outside the window when she came back this time, and she only cared for her life, and she did not respond to this matter.

Instead, the eyeliner in the palace came to report that the queen was no longer in the palace, and the queen mother often sent Nanny Fu to visit the second prince in the Ruyi hall, and told the servants to take good care of everything.

Whether he really changed his temper or held back, he couldn't tell for a while.

Time flies and it is almost mid-August, and the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days.

Look at this, this year is still in Lingxi Garden.

During this period of time, Ning Chen lived in Jiaotang Garden the most, and Xia Meiren lived there, and even Yi Xiuyuan was a little behind.Then Fang Xiuyuan once or twice.

Cui Baolin, who had been dancing around for a while, has basically fallen out of favor now, and he no longer dares to offend Ye Yun.

There are even occasional fawns.

It's just that Ye Yun looked down on her, ignored her at all, and even made her angry.

But Cui's status is low, and others don't pay attention to her, and no one pays attention to her when she is mad.

On the contrary, the Queen has to get busy about the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This time Ning Chen meant to hold a state banquet, so that all ministers above rank three could bring their families to the Lingxi Garden to celebrate the festival together.

All the ministers came, so naturally they had to go to the palace to fetch the queen mother and concubines.

They simply stayed in Lingxi Garden for a while, and went back after the Double Ninth Festival.

It's just that the carriage that picked him up hadn't returned to the palace yet, but a happy event came from the palace first.

"The empress dowager sent a letter, saying that Su Jieyu had found out that she was almost three months pregnant. The concubine checked the brochure and found that it was the time when the Su family was promoted to the throne in May. Su Jieyu is blessed. Congratulations from the concubine Your Majesty, another heir is about to be added."

In the Indus Palace, the queen smiled and told the news.

When she came to the Lingxi Garden, the concubines would naturally come to pay their respects. Today happened to be the day to pay their respects. Yesterday Ning Chen discussed the Mid-Autumn State Banquet with the Queen, and they also stayed in Wutong Hall.

So today, everyone gathered together and told the news all at once.

"Su Jieyu hid it deep enough, she didn't reveal it until three months ago, so when Qichen came to the garden in June, she was already pregnant for a month. No wonder she said she was pregnant. I feel unwell and don’t want to come, is this my own secretive childcare? I don’t know who is afraid of harming her.”

Concubine Shu snorted coldly, and said a few words of naked ridicule.

"Su Jieyu was pregnant for the first time, and she felt uncomfortable when she first got pregnant. She also said that her monthly letter is not very accurate. It took two months before she felt that something was wrong. After a check, she found out that she was pregnant. Shu The concubine has also given birth, and she knows the hardships involved, so she should be more considerate, so don't say such sour words."

Different from the concubine Shu's petty appearance, the queen is virtuous and generous.

These words have the demeanor of a concubine's wife, and Concubine Shu will only be jealous.

Perhaps it was because of the absence of Concubine Wen De, and her family dominated the position of first-rank concubine, Concubine Shu was squeezed out a bit, and she was still a little unconvinced.

If the empress can't find fault, then vent her anger elsewhere.

With a glance, his eyes fell on Ye Yun, who served the most sleepers during this period.

"It's rare that Su Jieyu, who served once, is pregnant, and Ming Jieyu has been in the palace for a long time. Why is her stomach still not moving? It's better to give birth to a prince for the emperor as soon as possible."

Ye Yun didn't even bother to talk to her, and blessed her body calmly.

"If you want to talk about the length of time in the palace, Concubine Shu is the first batch of people to serve the emperor, so only the eldest princess is born. The concubine thinks that it is the concubine Shu who works hard first, and is more open to the emperor. Bar."

"Master Ye, you!" Concubine Shu blushed from choking.

Who in the palace didn't know that she had stopped serving the bed a long time ago, saying such words almost stomped her face on the ground.

"Concubine Shu, if you can't stop talking, drink more tea and eat more, no one will treat you as dumb."

A man's low and indifferent voice came from the main seat, faintly impatient.

It was Ning Chen's mouth that calmed down Concubine Shu, telling her to shut up embarrassingly.

After the hall became quiet, Ning Chen spoke again.

"Ms. Su is pregnant, so she has to be more careful about her food and clothing. For the sake of her childbirth, there is no need to travel to the garden. It is safer to give her a small kitchen and ask her to cook her own meals. In addition, the late emperor had many concubines, so there is no need to bring all of them to the garden, just bring the concubines who have given birth, and leave them to the empress, you have worked hard for a few days."

After speaking, he patted the queen's hand.

The queen smiled and nodded slightly, but mentioned another matter.

"There is no one to take care of the palace. The second prince is young and only handed over to the servants. The concubine is always worried. Why don't you take it with the queen mother? The concubine is now taking care of the first prince. Ask the second prince to come to Wutong Palace. It’s also convenient with children.”

"The empress is really a loving mother. It must be very hard for one person to take care of two children." Yao Xiang said suddenly.

She also couldn't hold back her inertia, and regretted it when she opened her mouth.

At this time, these words should not be said by her.

Naturally, she said that she didn't want the queen to be able to hold the two princes, after all, that would make the queen's position more stable.

Sure enough, these few words of hers successfully attracted both Ning Chen and the queen to look at her.

It was also this sentence, Ning Chen's eyes scanned the concubines, and he suddenly spoke.

"Concubine Jing has served me for many years with a delicate mind. The second prince has lost his biological mother, so he will be raised by Concubine Jing in the future. The eldest prince is weak and will be taken care of by the queen for the time being. We will make a decision in the future."

Suddenly having a healthy son was beyond Concubine Jing's expectation.

Of course, it's not that I didn't think about it, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.

I was very happy for a while, and immediately knelt down to thank you.

"The concubine will definitely live up to the emperor's expectations, take good care of the second prince, and treat the second prince as her own!"

This was a happy event, no matter what the concubines thought in their hearts, they all smiled and congratulated Concubine Jing.

The queen also smiled on her face, but her eyes were very irritable, but she hid it well so no one would notice.

It's just that after everyone left, they couldn't help losing their temper.

The emperor gave the second prince to Concubine Jing, but the eldest prince would not give her even a sick child, and only asked her to take good care of him.

Right now, she can only hold it by giving birth to one by herself.

It's just that her constitution makes it difficult to conceive, and she had a miscarriage last time and hurt her body. When she conceives again, it will be the year of the monkey.

Immediately I was also angry.

Jiaotang Court.

When Ye Yun came back, he drank a large glass of water first.

It's hot and I'm really thirsty.

It was Huiyue who accompanied her to pay her respects today, so she was not very happy at the moment.

"Why are you still sour?" Nan Zhi asked.

Huiyue frowned, "You don't know Concubine Shu is too much, in front of so many people, and the emperor, she just satirizes our Jieyu!"

"What did she say?" Nan Zhi also stared.

It was Ye Yun who stopped the two girls.

"Okay, okay, why are you angry? Why don't I get angry? Others don't know, you don't know? Even if you ask her to talk, whether I'm angry or not is more comfortable than her."

(End of this chapter)

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