Chapter 223
"That's what I said, but the slaves are always worried." Hui Yue was very worried, "There will be a draft in the coming year, and newcomers will come in. It will be three years in a flash."

In three years, climbing from Wanrong to Jieyu's position was indeed an unpleasant promotion.

Of course, this is because Ye Yun entered the palace with a higher status, unlike others, most of them started from Cai Nu and Bao Lin.

However, the Wu family who came in with the same status as her has now given birth to the third prince and Xiuyuan, one of the nine concubines.

But Ye Yun was not in a hurry, shaking his fan, his eyes were indifferent.

"There is one An family missing, and the most threatening person in the harem is Yi Xiuyuan. She has a pet, a son, and a family background. Sooner or later, she will be a concubine. Just wait, the empress will not let her climb up so easily. , Fang Xiuyuan has too little favor, the queen will definitely promote me to fight Yi Xiuyuan."

"However, if the empress is too stupid to think of this, then just pretend that I didn't say anything, but... I see that Nanny Ding next to the empress is smart, so she should also remind her."

Especially now that Su Jieyu is also pregnant.

Although the Su family is not favored, they cannot stand the specialness of their mother's family.

In order to stabilize Zasak, the emperor will definitely praise Su Shi.

Looking at the harem, Ye Yun, who has no heirs but has family background and favor, is the best candidate to compete with.

As for Yao shi, she has such a high status before she has a child, no one will praise her when the queen praises her.

If Yao Shi becomes pregnant, she will definitely be suppressed.

In short, there has never been an absolute advantage in this harem, and the superiors will always find ways to balance the various forces.

August [-]th, Mid-Autumn Festival.

This is the first time Ning Chen has held a state banquet in Lingxi Garden since he became the throne, or a dinner.

The place was chosen elegantly, it is a hall near the lake.

In the past, it was a place to set up a stage to watch plays, and it was also spacious. Now it is quite suitable for holding banquets.

Although there are no opera singers, the stage in the middle is also good for dancers.

The queen mother was supported by her son and daughter-in-law with a smile on her face, and she sat safely on the main seat, looking like an ordinary old lady from a wealthy family.

The concubines below are all dressed up with all their strength.

After all, being able to appear on the stage today shows that they have more or less weight in the emperor's heart, so why don't we seize the opportunity to win the Sacred Heart?
But despite being full of beauties, Ning Chen still saw Ye Yun in the crowd at a glance.

Without him, Ye Yun's outfit today is really eye-catching.

She wore a pine green chest-length Ruijin skirt, embroidered with Chiba Yunteng with silver thread mixed with ice silk, and the cuffs and waist were adorned with plump and round pearls the size of soybeans, which gave off a soft luster under the candlelight in the hall. Faintly outlines the girl's exquisite curves.

Pine green is a test of the skin condition, and Ye Yun's complexion is extremely fair and tender, and she looks even more charming under the background of her dress.

Today she specially combed her flying fairy bun, tied her black hair high, revealing her swan-like neck, but she didn't wear any necklaces or other jewelry, which made people feel like taking a bite at a glance.

For makeup, she used rose red powder to make the already attractive eyes more narrow and charming, like a fox, with a slight smile, it is captivating.

Of course, there are other places that are more thoughtful.

Ye Yun ordered someone to grind the silver powder finer, dip some with the pulp of his finger, and apply a small amount on the collarbone, earlobe and other places, and it will have the effect similar to highlighting.

Now the hall is illuminated by candles, and from a distance, it looks like the crystal luster of her skin itself.

Beautiful, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off.

Ning Chen could notice Ye Yun, so naturally others would notice too.

It also made many people sour.

"Sister Ming's outfit looks really good today. Look at the dress and jewelry are very valuable, right? After all, I have few good things. The material of this dress is not as good as my sister's."

Among the crowd, Yao Xiang suddenly spoke with a smile.

Yi Xiuyuan's eyes flickered, seemingly unintentionally.

"Ming Jieyu has a grandparent's family that is an imperial merchant, and the Chu family's business is extensive. What good things can't be found for Ming Jieyu? If Sister Fang is envious, she will go back and ask her mother's family to work harder."

"Sister Yi is joking." Yao Xiang covered his lips, and glanced at Ye Yun lightly, "There are not so many talented people in the Yao family. They are both officials and businessmen. Officials and businessmen...the government and businessmen complement each other, which is rare."

"I used to think that Fang Xiuyuan was straightforward, but I didn't expect her to be so pretentious." Ye Yun didn't hide the sarcasm in his tone, and looked up at Yao, "If you want to think of collusion between government and businessmen, just say it , Hidden ones, who has the time to play tricks with you."

Yao Xiang didn't expect her to be so direct, and there was a moment of unnaturalness on his face, and he quickly pulled out a smile, "Ming Jieyu's words have misunderstood me..."

"Misunderstanding is not misunderstood, Xiuyuan knows in her heart that concubines have always had such a temper. If they have done nothing wrong, they will not listen to others' slander. My father and brother took their lives to guard the frontier. Although my grandfather's family is a merchant, what they do is also for the country. All the officials and posts are bestowed by the emperor himself, and my Ye family and the Chu family swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, Fang Xiuyuan said these specious things in front of the emperor, and she doesn't know what she wants!"

Ye Yun has always been protecting his shortcomings, so he immediately pushed back all of them very bluntly.

As for how expensive the clothes were, she didn't even bother to explain.

This clothing material was rewarded to her by the emperor privately not long ago.

Although the harem talked about open and secret fights, most of them were also secret fights. It was the first time in Yao Xiang's two lives that a big lala like Ye Yun made it clear.

For a while, he was stunned and had nothing to say.

Seeing that she had shut up, Ye Yun stopped being aggressive, picked up the wine glass on the table and stood up to look at the host.

"The empress dowager, the emperor, the queen empress, the concubines are too impatient, temporarily defending their shortcomings, speaking sharply, losing their sense of propriety, and punishing themselves with a cup, please forgive me."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and drank it. It was really the heroism of the general's daughter.

This move also blocked the mouths of those who wanted to say that she was too domineering and perverse.

Everyone has pleaded guilty to the emperor, and the emperor is the one to blame, who has the right to intervene.

And Ning Chen naturally wouldn't blame him.

Even... He liked the crazy look of this woman to death.

If he knew the word "beautiful and sassy", Ning Chen would definitely praise it like that.

"Okay, it's not just a day or two that you are so irritable. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I don't blame you, but I will speak softer in the future. Fang Xiuyuan is a high-ranking person, and it wasn't on purpose. Don't take it too seriously."

"Yes, my concubine has been educated." Ye Yun blessed himself.

Just don't say anything that will change.

Change what to change, this temper will not change in this life.

The empress saw Ning Chen's expression in her eyes, and knew that the emperor was paying little attention to Mrs. Ye at this moment.

Although my heart is sour, I also know that I can't miss the opportunity.

So he smiled.

"Ming Jieyu's title, the emperor really did not make a mistake. Her temper is straightforward and clear, and the concubines also like it very much. Speaking of which, Ming Jieyu has been in the palace for almost three years, and she serves very well. It is rare for the emperor to have someone like her." She is a caring person, and the high position in the harem is vacant, why not take advantage of this festival and give her a promotion."

(End of this chapter)

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