Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 231 Appropriate

Chapter 231 Appropriate

"The concubine pays respects to the emperor. Please don't blame the emperor for the delay in picking up the driver."

The young girl has a blissful body, and she is set off by a thin goose-yellow gauze skirt like a newly bloomed flower stamen.

Clean and coquettish.

Ning Chen waved at her, Ye Yun obediently walked over and sat down beside him.

"Why didn't you dry your hair? You caught a cold carefully. You don't like to drink medicine."

When they got close, Ning Chen realized that her hair was still wet, and water droplets dripped down her hair, wet the clothes behind her.

"The concubine thinks that the emperor is outside and is anxious to see each other, so she can't wait for Huiyue to wipe it off slowly."

Ye Yun deliberately acted like a baby, and poked the back of Ning Chen's hand.

This poke was caught by the backhand, and the tender little paws made people play with it like kneading dough.

Ning Chen squeezed the little concubine's hand in a good mood, while giving instructions to Huiyue.

"Go and get some dry cloth to trim your looks and dry your hair."

"The emperor is here, don't you want to wipe Qingqing's hair yourself?" Ye Yun looked at him winkingly.

Ning Chen had never been able to resist his acting like a baby, so he agreed with a raised eyebrow.

After Huiyue brought the things, she operated them very unskillfully.

This is the first time.

Thinking about it carefully, many of the first times were with Ye Yun. Ye was very courageous and always dared to order him.

But he is also smart, and always brings it up at the right time, which seems to be interesting.

For example, now, she is wearing a light gauze dress, no makeup, pure and pure like a fairy who has just entered the mortal world, and in such a beautiful evening, she is coquettishly letting herself brush her hair.

It makes people feel intimate and hazy.

Obviously he came with a whole body of exhaustion, but this time he naturally dissipated.

Ning Chen rubbed slowly, Ye Yun couldn't help humming.

There are no words, just humming softly, and the melody is soft, which is very suitable for this situation.

When her hair was almost dry, Ye Yun felt sleepy.

I was still tired after taking the carriage back to the palace early, I didn't feel it during the day, especially now after taking a shower.

Lying on Ning Chen's lap staggeringly, half-closed his eyes and said that he wanted to sleep.

"Hey, dinner is almost ready, eat something before going to sleep." Ning Chen's tone was gentle.

Although he didn't even notice it.

Ye Yun opened her eyelids, hummed twice, and buried her face in Ning Chen's waist, "Then I'll only take two bites, and I'll go to bed soon after eating, or I'll have to sleep on the dining table."

Maybe she was sleepy and confused, or maybe it was on purpose, she didn't call herself a concubine.

It's just that in such a relaxed atmosphere, it seems very appropriate, at least Ning Chen sounds good.

While coaxing people, he gave Yuan Jiu a wink.

The latter understood, so he called a little eunuch to the dining room to remind him.

In fact, the dining room is also ready, and it is about to be delivered, which just happens to happen.

Hearing that they were here to urge, the steward of the dining room was a little scared, so he hurriedly stuffed some money to inquire.

The little eunuch didn't hide it from him, "It's nothing serious, it's just that I'm tired from the carriage ride today, Ming Xiurong wants to go to bed early, isn't it the emperor thinking that it's not good to go to bed without eating, so he asked me to come and remind me .”

"It turns out that the emperor loves Ming Xiurong, so father-in-law should go back quickly, don't make the masters wait."

The steward of the dining room sent him away with a smile on his face, and he was relieved.

Fortunately nothing else.

On the other side, when the dinner arrived, Ye Yun cheered up and ate some.

Today's food is very appetizing, I ate a bowl of rice and drank a bowl of soup.

He was even more sleepy just after eating and drinking, so he rejected a certain emperor's request for a mandarin duck bath, and rolled to lie down on the couch first.

When Ning Chen came, he found that the person on the bed was already asleep.

For a while, my heart was itchy.

He lay down and pulled the person over and hugged him.

He usually never hugged the concubine next to him, but Ye Yun always liked to hug him on his own initiative, and gradually got used to it.

Huihui is with Ye Yun, and he also likes to hug people to sleep.

In September, it was still hot at night, and there were only two basins of ice in the room, so it was uncomfortable to hold.

Ye Yun groaned, struggled to turn around, and turned her back to him.

It's okay if it doesn't move, it's already on fire, so can you bear it if you rub it carelessly?

It didn't matter whether he was asleep or not, he tore off his pajamas and suppressed him.

In a daze, Ye Yun refused to cooperate, and pushed him hard before opening his eyes.

Her little strength was nothing at all, Ning Chen didn't hesitate at all, and had a hearty meal.

In his sleep, Ye Yun only felt hot and spewing fire, and when he opened his eyes a few times, he vaguely saw that Ning Chen's delicate outline was densely covered with beads of sweat.

In the end, she didn't have the strength anymore, and Ye Yun, who always loves to be clean, didn't even want to get up and scrub.

Still being carried into the clean room and wiped off.

They didn't even ask the servants to come in, it was Ning Chen who wiped it himself.

"Give me a child, princess and prince are fine."

Lying back on the couch again, Ning Chen whispered in her ear.

Ye Yun's consciousness was no longer clear, she answered a few times indiscriminately, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the delicate face of the woman in his arms, Ning Chen felt very pleased.

It feels like I got a very satisfying treasure.

He dropped a kiss on that white and tender cheek before closing his eyes.

The next morning.

Ye Yun was called by Huiyue.

Looking at the emptiness beside him, Ye Yun rubbed his temples and asked, "Where's the emperor?"

"The emperor went to the court, and didn't ask Xiurong to get up and change clothes, but now it's time to greet the empress, servant girl, wait on Xiurong and get up." Huiyue said.

Ye Yun nodded and let her help her up.

When I go back to the palace, I have to pay my respects every day, it's really not as comfortable as in the garden.

At any rate, I go to Lingxi Garden once every three days.

It's a pity that I can't go often, and I can only look forward to the annual summer vacation.

Nan Zhi brought the jewelry box and asked her to pick it out.

It seems that Ye Yun picked a regular style.

"The enamel walker newly awarded by the emperor is very beautiful, don't you want to wear it for beauty?" Nan Zhi said.

"No, it's very ostentatious. When I go to the garden and return to the palace, I'm always the first servant. They might hate me. I don't want to quarrel today, so don't provoke them."

Ye Yun shook her head, thinking that this month is coming to a special period, and her body is sore and tired.

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that the emperor seemed to tell her last night that she was going to have a baby.

I was so sleepy at that moment, now that I think about it, I can't quite tell whether it was a dream or reality.

But Ning Chen worked so hard last night, maybe he really wanted a child.

It is now September, and it will be more than half a year before the newcomers enter the palace in the coming year, and it seems that the time is about the same.

So he suddenly spoke.

"That pill, stop it, I don't want to take it."

Huiyue was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly smiled, "Hey, I'll put it away, servant girl!"

Nan Zhi hadn't reacted yet, she was relieved after being pushed by Huiyue, and she was also very happy.

Go ahead immediately.

After stopping the pills, I am preparing to have a baby.

Although I don't know when I will be able to conceive, but as long as I stop, it will be a matter of time.

Ye Yun looked at the happy faces of the girls, but she didn't feel anything.

She is planning to get pregnant now, it's just a good time.

Now that she is a concubine, she can be regarded as a firm foothold. The child can raise herself after birth, and the emperor also has expectations for her belly.

When the newcomer enters the palace, if she is pregnant, the emperor will not forget her.

So, now is the right time.

 Come on Henan, pray for peace!

(End of this chapter)

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