Chapter 232

Greetings today, naturally it was another verbal war.

Su Jieyu's pregnancy happened to be three months, and today she was among those who paid her respects, and she was besieged quite a bit.

In the end, it was because of the seeds in his belly that he was much tougher than before.

In terms of Fang Xiuyuan's support, she did not lose against Concubine Shu and Yi Xiuyuan's repeated offensives, so it was a tie.

The queen deliberately directed the flames of war to Ye Yun.

However, Ye Yun is tired today, and he is in a bad mood because he hasn't slept enough, and his calm face looks like a gunpowder bag.

Everyone didn't dare to do it.

After all, Ye Yun's temper is well known in the palace now. He dared to bicker one-on-two at the Mid-Autumn Festival state banquet, and finally won. This combat power is not something that can be provoked casually.

It's just that there are always people who are dizzy for a while and want to try the water.

When they came out of Fengqi Palace, all the concubines left in order according to their status, if their status was enough, they would sit down, and if their status was not enough, they would leave by themselves.

Although Yao Xiang and Yi Xiuyuan have the same status, Yi Xiuyuan has a son, so Yao Xiang let her go first.

It's just that before Ye Yun got into the sedan chair, she saw Su Jieyu's sedan chair getting up behind Yao Shi.

I didn't want to argue with her at all, but if I can't stand someone, I'm just being mean.

When passing by Ye Yun, Su smiled and turned back, "The concubine is not feeling well, so I left first, I shouldn't have walked in front of Ming Xiurong, but please forgive me for my stomach."

"Since you know you shouldn't walk in front of this palace, why are you still knowingly committing the crime?" Ye Yun glanced over coldly, raised his hand, and stopped the footsteps of the servant carrying the sedan chair.

Su Jieyu raised her eyebrows, "The concubine has already apologized, so why don't you want to hold on to her appearance? It doesn't matter to the concubine, but the dragon heir in her stomach can't stand being frightened."

During this period of time, there was no one in the harem who could suppress Su Shi, and she was pregnant again, and the servants held her up for a few months.

As for why he was against Ye Yun.

One is that on the grassland back then, she saw Ye Yun wearing a fine attire before she yearned for the capital and the imperial palace. In her heart, Ye Yun was her original goal.

Now that I feel that my goal has been achieved, and even surpassed a little, I can't help but feel that Ye Yun is nothing more than that, so I want to step on it.

Furthermore, Su thought that she was pregnant, and the first thing the emperor should do after returning to the palace was to visit her, but not only did the emperor not go, he even went to Yuxiu Pavilion to stay overnight.

As far as Su Jieyu was concerned, this made her not feel the attention she thought she deserved, and it was all because Ye Yun was flirtatious and seduced the emperor away.

It's just that she dare not treat herself too much, especially when Ye Yun is in a bad mood.

"Su Shi, you'd better come down by yourself, otherwise, I'll help you down with my own hands." Ye Yun looked at her with gloomy eyes, "You should know my temperament, if you really value your belly, you'd better be honest Some, I'm always hot."

Su Jieyu obviously did not expect this steadfast posture.

In her opinion, no matter how courageous Ye Yun was, he would not dare to do anything to him, but at this moment, Ye Yun's expression was clear that he would pull her down at any time.

She wanted to ask for help, but Yao's sedan chair had already gone for a while, and it was impossible to return.

After thinking about it again and again, she finally didn't dare to take the risk, gritted her teeth and got out of the sedan chair.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun slapped Baicao, the maid beside her, with a backhand.

Although she wasn't the one who slapped her, the sudden and forceful slap really startled Su Shi.

"You'd better pray that you don't have a baby forever. The amulet will last for a day, but not for a lifetime."

Ye Yun took half a step forward, approaching the Su family, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Although it was a warning, there was a friendly smile on his face, and he reached out to touch Su Shi's slightly bulging belly.

From a distance, it looks more like two sisters are whispering.

In the end, of course, Ye Yun's sedan chair went first.

In fact, the Su family is also a bully and fears the hard. Ye Yun, who is not soft on the wrist, dare not be dishonest.

What she didn't expect was that Ye Yun's slap didn't land on her face, but Yao Shi's slap didn't show mercy.

A slap in the face was crisp.

Su, who was covering her face, subconsciously wanted to kneel, but Zizhu held her firmly, and kindly told her to sit down on the embroidered stool.

"That's fine, why are you trying to provoke Mrs. Ye? Do you think you have a finger of her in the heart of the emperor? She is a strong holy family, so if you don't act low, let the emperor see your demure, Instead, relying on your pregnancy to mess around, and the child is gone, you are stupid!"

Yao Xiang was really angry, he didn't expect the Su family to make such a stupid thing.

"But the concubine is pregnant, does she really dare to touch the concubine?" Su Jieyu was still a little unconvinced.

"As long as you don't have a miscarriage, why doesn't she dare?" Yao Xiang glanced at her, "If you die, the third prince Zasak can send another sister to the palace. General Ye, who died for the country, guarded the frontier Marquis Zhongyong, just a daughter and a younger sister like Mrs. Ye, tell me, which one is more important between you and Mrs. Ye."

Such a few light words made Su's heart feel cold.

Although he was not reconciled, he was a little more sober after all.

In the harem, love is indeed important, but family background is also important.

Concubine Shu was able to rank as the first-rank concubine because she gave birth to the emperor's eldest daughter?There will be a daughter, but there is also Wang Jieyu.

After a closer look, it's not because Concubine Shu's mother's family, the Yan family, is the commander of Yuzhou, the second rank, and holds the military power.

And there is another example of Chen Jieyu, which needs no further explanation.

Compared with these, Su Jieyu's status as the concubine's younger sister of the third prince of Zasak is really nothing. There are quite a lot of concubine younger sisters of the third prince.

Seeing that she had thought clearly, Yao Xiang waved his hands irritably, telling people to go back and rest.

But just as Su Jieyu arrived at the door, she heard an order from behind.

"Just act as if nothing happened today, don't go back and call yourself sick to your stomach, ask the imperial doctor to go and see, there are so many eyes watching from outside Fengxi Palace, Mrs. Ye really didn't do anything to you."

Su's breathing stagnated, as if she had been read through her thoughts, her face froze and her body was blessed, "Yes, this concubine understands."

However, compared to Yao Xiang who has lived for two lifetimes, she is still a little younger.

With such a change in the expression on his face, he was seen through.

When the people left, Yao Xiang raised his hands tiredly and rubbed the center of his brows.

She now somewhat dislikes Su's stupidity, but it doesn't matter if she is stupid, at least she can handle it easily.

On the other side, Ye Yun returned to Yuxiu Pavilion and was still not feeling well.

Seeing her black face, the servants did not dare to show their air, for fear of getting angry.

Bai Shu thought for a while, then called a little eunuch to go outside to lure the happy rice cake back.

With the dog making such a fuss, most of Ye Yun's anger really dissipated.

While drinking tea, I heard the news from the outside that Zhou Cairen had come.

It was only then that Ye Yun remembered that she had an appointment with someone today.

In fact, Mrs. Zhou wanted to come here together after paying her respects just now, but Ye Yun was in a bad mood, so she left first when she got on the sedan chair, but she didn't have a sedan chair, so she came all the way, so she was slower.

 I have to work overtime today to make a report, and I don’t have time to code words. I only need to update a chapter.
(End of this chapter)

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