Chapter 235
Fengqi Palace.

The hall was full of concubines, and everyone came here after hearing the news. At this moment, the empress was lying in the inner room and the imperial doctor stopped the bleeding.

Because the wound was on the lower abdomen, and the imperial physician was male, it was inconvenient to go in for a consultation directly, so he had to direct the maids to apply medicine to the queen's wound through the screen.

This is somewhat inconvenient, but fortunately, the top-grade gold sore medicine was used, and the bleeding stopped quickly.

"Where is the queen? How is the queen?"

This time the Empress Dowager came very quickly, as soon as she came in, she hurriedly went to the inner room, really caring.

Su'e hurriedly replied, "The empress dowager is in a hurry, the blood of the empress has stopped, and there is no serious problem."

The queen mother narrowed her eyes slightly, not knowing whether she was angry or disappointed.

"What the hell is going on? It's all right. Why did Lin Xiuyi assassinate the queen?"

"Back to the Empress Dowager, the incident happened suddenly, and Lin Xiuyi deliberately pushed the servants away. The servants didn't know anything about what happened inside. When the servants heard the noise and rushed in, Lin Xiuyi had already..." Madam Ding road.

"What happened?" The Empress Dowager looked gloomy.

Nanny Ding bit her head and said, "It looks like a madman, stabbing everywhere with bloody scissors."

This scene can be described in just a few words, causing the expressions of all the concubines present to change.

Just when the queen mother was about to continue asking, she heard the news that the emperor had arrived.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a tall, bright yellow figure hurried into the inner hall.

Everyone hurriedly knelt down to salute, but Ning Chen didn't say a word, just skipped it and went into the inner room to take a look.

The queen was overly frightened, and was injured and lost blood. At this moment, she was not very conscious, and was almost in a semi-comatose state.

After a while, Ning Chen came out frowning.

"Don't worry too much, the emperor, the Ai family has already asked, and the queen is fine for the time being."

"Well, it's also worrying the queen mother. The queen mother should sit down first." Ning Chen nodded, helped the queen mother sit down first, then turned around and said, "You all get up, who is accompanying the queen today, what happened, everything Tell me exactly."

Nanny Ding came forward and knelt down to answer.

Let me tell you the ins and outs of the future.

"The maidservant was sent away by Lin Xiuyi, and when she came in again, she heard Lin Xiuyi say that she bribed the maids around Mrs Zhao, and put musk on Mrs Zhao's body, so that when Mrs Zhao approached her bed to serve her, the womb image of her gradually weakened, In the end, the miscarriage also said that the death of the second prince's biological mother was also caused by her ordering someone to persuade Mrs. Zhao to do it."

The amount of information suddenly increased.

No one expected that a crooked Lin Xiuyi would accidentally kill the queen's fetus without anyone noticing.

"But the empress has always been kind to everyone in the harem, and Lin Xiuyi is also gentle and quiet. Why did she suddenly want to assassinate the empress? Could there be something else going on here?"

Concubine Jing suddenly opened her mouth cautiously.

But obviously her question is what everyone wants to know, so everyone's eyes fell on Nanny Ding again.

Ding was relatively stable, and she still spoke at a steady pace, "When the maidservant entered, she heard a few words, it seemed that Lin Xiuyi misunderstood that the miscarriage was caused by the empress, so I guess that's why she told her to treat her. Empress has a murderous thought."

As soon as Concubine Shu rolled her eyes, she pretended to be puzzled.

"Back then, Lin's miscarriage was in the mansion. The Japanese palace, the empress, and the emperor were not in the mansion that day. Later, it was found out that the concubine Li was jealous. How could the empress be involved? Could it be... What happened back then... Have an inside story?"

"Don't criticize the queen." Ning Chen interrupted in a cold voice, "What happened back then has already been settled. If I want to find out who is gossiping behind my back and urged Lin's assassination, I will never forgive him lightly!"

Up to now, there is already a concubine who assassinated the queen and murdered the emperor's heir. If it is involved that the queen murdered the concubine first, the royal family will really lose face.

Furthermore, the middle palace is unstable, the rear palace is unstable, and the previous dynasty will also be involved.

It is impossible to abolish the empress casually, so the empress cannot be charged with murdering the concubine's heir.

Even Ning Chen had doubts in his heart, but he couldn't.

His attitude still frightened all the concubines, and no one dared to talk anymore.

Of course, the Queen Mother is also included here.

After all, it has not been a day or two since the queen mother wanted to support the Chen family, and Ning Chen needed the Xie family to occupy this post.

Just when Ning Chen was about to call Lin Xiuyi in for questioning, he saw a young eunuch rushing in.

Kneeling on the ground with a pale face, "Your Majesty, Lin Xiuyi... has gone!"

Everyone was stunned.

Although he knew that Mrs. Lin was not in good health, the news he got was that he would not be able to survive this winter, and the imperial decree was promoted to the throne at noon, and in less than two hours, he was gone.

Ning Chen was also silent, and he didn't dare to speak out at this moment.

Nanny Fu stood next to the queen mother, and lightly touched the queen mother's shoulder calmly.

The queen mother looked up at her, understanding slightly.

After deliberating for a while, he spoke softly.

"Emperor, the deceased has passed away, and the queen is fine. According to Ai's family, let's bury him first. Lin's disease is terminally ill, and his mind is in a trance. It is also possible that he was stunned for a while. It is hard for the queen to suffer this series of tortures." There is no such thing as a disaster, why not punish the Lin family not to enter the concubine's mausoleum, and be buried as a commoner."

The Queen Mother can still see clearly that the Queen's hands and feet may not be clean, but Lin has someone's life in his hands, and both sides are guilty, but Ning Chen is determined to keep the Queen.

In this way, the Lin family was punished, and the queen was not defended, so it was a balance.

"My mother is very thoughtful, so let's do it this way." Ning Chen closed his eyes, unable to see his thoughts.

Just added another.

"As for today's matter, if anyone in the harem dares to speak nonsense, I will not forgive you lightly. You all keep your mouths tight, and the servants around you also sew your mouths. Whoever speaks something that should not be said in the palace, I will only punish the master. !"

Lin's assassination of the empress involved the lives of two heirs and two concubines. If it goes deeper, it will only lead to more secrets, so it can only be stopped here.

Sitting among the concubines, Yao Xiang really wanted to spread rumors, but Ning Chen's move blocked her way.

Can only give up.

By the time everyone came out of Fengqi Palace, it was already past time for dinner.

This time there was no need to serve the sick, Ning Chen directly excused him, and also ordered everyone to pay his respects, the queen has no call, so don't disturb her.

Obviously, he was also a little angry with the queen, and didn't give her a chance to tease the concubine.

Ye Yun felt a little heavy and didn't speak all the way back.

I didn't eat much for dinner.

Huiyue looked distressed, and softly comforted, "Don't be too sad when you repair your face, the palace... has always been like this, and Lin's is not the first one."

"Yeah, not the first one, nor the last one." Ye Yun paused, looked out the window, it was pitch black, "I don't know how long I can last."

Who is born to like to fight, or in this place where death may occur at any time.

"Go to sleep, there will be new recruits in the coming year, and we still have to fight."

Ye Yun took a deep breath, showed a self-comforting smile, got up and entered the inner room.

(End of this chapter)

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