Chapter 236 Cake
late at night.

A black shadow flashed out from Concubine Jing's palace, and went all the way to the place where the criminal slaves were held.

Not long after, Biyun, the maid next to Lin's, was brought out.

"You change into this eunuch's clothes, go out with the carriage you bought in the palace tomorrow morning, and go to the west of the city. Your cousin will be waiting for you in the bookstore at the innermost alley in the west of the city."

"Thank you father-in-law, thank you father-in-law, the servant's survival today depends on the help of the empress, the empress is so kind, the servant will never forget it!"

With a happy face, Biyun took the purse from the other party and hurriedly said good things.

"From today onwards, quickly forget about being a damsel or not. You escaped by yourself, and I will arrange the rest."

"Yes, yes, this servant has remembered." Biyun nodded.

The eunuch looked around before beckoning to her, "Come on, I'll take you to a place, you just wait there, someone will pick you up in the early morning."

The two walked farther and farther all the way, and arrived at a remote palace wall.

At this moment, the eunuch turned around suddenly, covered Biyun's mouth and wrung her neck.

Before Biyun could even make a sound, he died.

On the second day, it was the guards patrolling who found her.

In the end, it was concluded that she wanted to climb over the wall by stepping on the accumulated debris, but she couldn't stand still and fell down and broke her neck and died.

In the purse she was holding, she found Lin Xiuyi's jewelry, several pairs of high-quality earrings and a pair of jadeite bracelets.

As for how she escaped, no one pursued it.

Now that the empress was assassinated, the palace was in the limelight, and the steward who imprisoned the slaves was also afraid of being punished, so he secretly talked about it and suppressed it.

Anyway, Biyun is Lin's personal maid, and she is also going to die.

You have to die sooner or later.

This happened quietly, and no one knew about it in the end.

The queen was injured, and Ning Chen did not enter the harem again during this period of time.

Except for going to Fengqi Palace to see the queen every two days, the rest of the time was spent reviewing papers and meeting ministers in Jiuchen Palace.

It was not until October that he entered the harem again.

First went to see pregnant Su Jieyu.

Although she doesn't love her, she is still pregnant with her own child.

In the evening, he didn't stay in Feihong Pavilion, but went to Yi Xiuyuan's place to spend the night.

After resting at Yi Xiuyuan's place for two days, they went to have lunch at Concubine Shu's, Concubine Jing's and Wang Xiuyi's respectively.

It's like watching all the children.

This is the benefit of having an heir. The emperor misses the child and always goes to see it.

In the past, Concubine Jing was not within the scope of the emperor's travel, but now she is raising the second prince, and she can see the emperor alone.

After walking around like this, I didn't enter the harem for several days.

Like just watching the kids.

Seeing that it was the seventeenth of October, Ye Yun's birthday would be tomorrow, but there was no movement in Jiuchen Palace.

Ye Yun had dinner and sat in the room talking to the girls.

"There are a lot of things going on this year. I guess the emperor won't come to celebrate my birthday with me. Let's spend it by ourselves tomorrow. Every year, every year, every year, I can't be sloppy."

The girls were afraid that she would be sad, so they nodded hastily.

"If Xiurong doesn't dislike it, tomorrow's servant will make longevity noodles for Xiurong. I don't have anything good to offer to Xiurong. A bowl of longevity noodles, I wish Jieyu good luck and good health." Lu He laughed.

She has always been a man of few words, but she is very steady and down-to-earth.

It's been a good practice over the past few years.

Now the three second-class girls, Lvzhi, Lvhe, and Lvmei, are all very good. They can basically be independent and get close to Ye Yun.

Right now, Ye Yun can only have two first-class court ladies.

When Ye Yun reaches the position of concubine, there may be an aunt in charge, and the four first-class maids will also be promoted.

"It's been so long, I still don't know you have this skill, if so, I can wait to eat noodles." Ye Yun said with a smile.

She is not in a bad mood.

The emperor will come when he comes, and he won't come if he doesn't come. Anyway, she has a plan in her heart, and she is far from falling out of favor, so she is not afraid of this.

The master and servant were chatting and laughing in the room, and the atmosphere was quite active until bedtime.

Eyue waited for her to wash up, and then lay down.

Before going to bed, Ye Yun said casually, "I really want to eat cake."

"Cake?" Eyue was a little puzzled, she had never heard of it.

Ye Yun smiled, "I just said casually about the snacks I read from the scriptures."

Huiyue nodded, tucked in the quilt for her, turned off the lights before leaving.

However, this matter is still on my mind.

During this period of time, the emperor came once since the day he returned to the palace, and he hasn't come for a month. Although the master didn't say anything, there is no concubine who doesn't want to be favored.

Huiyue felt that Ye Yun must be afraid that they would worry, so she endured the discomfort in her heart.

It's rare to have something I want to eat nowadays, and if I find it, it should make the master happy.

Thinking of this, Huiyue asked people everywhere, but no one in Yuxiu Pavilion knew what this cake was.

Bai Shu suggested that he go to the dining room to ask the pastry chef tomorrow morning.

What they don't know, the pastry chef should know.

Early the next morning, Bai Shu went to the dining room, but the pastry chef was also questioned.

"From what I read in the scriptures, it may be fabricated, but this pastry should be related to eggs, so I'll just think about it."

Maybe it's chicken cake, although it's a little troublesome to make, but it's soft and delicious, and it's really delicious.

This matter was not hidden from anyone, it was twisted and twisted, and it reached Ning Chen's ears during lunch.

After hearing this, he remembered that today is Ye Yun's birthday.

"I forgot in a hurry, and you forgot too?"

This was said to Yuan Jiu.

Yuan Jiu was frightened to death, and confessed with a bitter face, "The emperor is busy with the affairs in the south these days, and the servant is devoted to taking care of the emperor's daily life. If I miss this matter, I ask the emperor to forgive me."

Although Lanzhou has arranged for newcomers to go there, most of them are officials sent by Kyoto. They are not very familiar with the local conditions and are still adjusting.

Now it's October, the weather is getting cooler, and I'm also worried that there will be snowstorms this year like last year, so Ning Chen has been busy with this during this time.

Always be prepared in advance, just in case.

"Forget it, let's go to Yuxiu Pavilion tonight, you go to the storeroom to pick some things, and bring them there at night."

"Yes, this servant is going to prepare right now, but do you want to send a message to Yuxiu Pavilion in advance to ask Ming Xiurong to prepare?" Yuan Jiu said.

Ning Chen thought for a while, then shook his head.

"No need, it's her birthday, so if you go and spread the word, it'll be tiring for her to get ready."

Yuan Jiu nodded, and went down to prepare things.

The storeroom is nothing more than silk and satin, gold and jade jewelry, anyway, just pick a few items that are of good quality and in compliance with the rules.

Speaking of it, he didn't even remember how much he gave to Yuxiu Pavilion, the emperor rewarded many things both openly and secretly.

On the other side, Ye Yun didn't know that the emperor would come at night.

In the morning, I ate Lvhe’s Longevity Noodles, and at noon, I tasted the chicken cakes carefully prepared by the servants. I felt very beautiful.

In any case, at least the few people in front of her are sincere and loyal to her, which is very good.

 Work hard three more~
(End of this chapter)

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