Chapter 237

Just half an hour before dinner, Ning Chen came over.

Ye Yun was surprised when he heard the pass.

After straightening out my clothes, I went out to pick up the driver.

"Chen and concubine see the emperor."

"Get up, today is your birthday. I have been busy all day, so I came here at night and brought you some gadgets. Let's see if you like it."

Ning Chen held him up, led him along the way, and pointed to the box held by the young eunuchs the day after tomorrow.

The first two were nothing unusual, just a few bolts of good cloth and some jewellery.

When the last box was opened, Ye Yun got a little interested.

"Is it the night pearl?"

Go over and take a closer look, it really is.

But they are all small ones, the size of soybeans, and they are packed in a small box.

"Well, they came from the west as a tribute, and the larger ones were given to the queen mother and empress. This small box, the man said, it's good to wear it in strings to make jewelry. It's sparkling at night, and it's very beautiful." Ning Chen said.

Seeing that she liked it, she couldn't help but smile a little.

Ye Yun thanked her in a good mood, and welcomed him into the house.

As soon as he came in, Ning Chen caught a glimpse of a few miscellaneous books on the table, travel notes, anecdotes and so on.

"Watch these in your spare time?"

"Otherwise, the emperor thinks that all the courtiers and concubines read military books and history books?"

The question was asked suddenly, and Ye Yun asked back without thinking about it, causing Ning Chen to choke.

What to say.

On weekdays, he saw that this woman was well-informed when talking about the government affairs of the previous dynasty. He really thought that Ye Yun usually read military books and history books.

The last time I found the love story book in Lingxi Garden, I thought it was the little daughter's family who secretly read it occasionally, but I didn't expect Ye Yun to read only miscellaneous books on weekdays.

"Chenqie is a woman's family, what to do is to look at those things that are beaten and killed, and read idle books to pass the time, it's good."

Ye Yun stood up and poured tea for Ning Chen, rounding up the question just now.

In the end, she obediently sat down beside her, and said with a little reproach, "If the emperor often visits his concubines, he doesn't need these idle books to pass the time."

This sentence is more like coquettish.

Blame the emperor for not coming for a long time.

Ning Chen naturally enjoyed it, and squeezed her hand with a smile, "The state affairs are busy, and there are always times when you can't get away. Qingqing, please be considerate, I am here."

"Fortunately, the emperor still remembers the concubine's birthday, otherwise, the concubine is going to be sad today and won't be able to eat."

Ye Yun made an aggrieved look on her face, and gently squeezed Ning Chen's palm.

Nan Zhi and Eyue, who were waiting on the sidelines, couldn't see it.

My master's ability to open his eyes and tell lies is getting better and better. He clearly said this afternoon that he would eat stewed beef and roasted pigeon in the evening.

Another look at the emperor.

Well, this one seems to really believe it.

After dinner, Ning Chen naturally stayed overnight.

Since he didn't come to accompany him during the day, he wronged Ye Yun, so on the bed at night, Ning Chen tried his best to make up for it.

Maybe it was so touching that it made people cry.

The next day, Ning Chen had to get up early to go to court, but Ye Yun didn't have to get up early to pay his respects.

But it's rare for Ye Yun to have a conscience, so she got up to wait for Ning Chen to wash and have breakfast.

But only Ye Yun knew that she was completely woken up by the sound of the dog emperor getting up, and wanted to go to the bathroom.

People have gotten up, can they still pretend to sleepwalk and go back to sleep?
We can only wait on the gold master first.

After Ning Chen left, she took off her shoes and socks again, climbed back to bed and fell asleep.

The emperor came here once, and the servants of Yuxiu Pavilion are like seedlings that have experienced nectar for a long time, and today they are beaming again.

In the entire Yuxiu Pavilion, there is no one without a smile on their face.

The opposite is Feihong Pavilion.

Since last night, Su Jieyu hasn't slept well.

Feeling dizzy and uncomfortable in my stomach, but it was like a nightmare, and I didn't wake up to take a look.

I was woken up by Baicao early this morning, only to realize that my stomach is really uncomfortable.

"Go and ask an imperial doctor to come and have a look. I always feel uncomfortable, and my back is very sore."

Su Jieyu leaned on the pillow, frowning all the time.

Baicao responded and went in person when she was busy.

But this person was stopped by Wei Ruixuan's Nian Wen before he arrived at the Tai Hospital.

"Miss Baicao rushed to the Tai Hospital early in the morning, but what's wrong?"

Seeing that she was Fang Xiuyuan's personal maid, Baicao didn't hide it, and told about Su Jieyu's discomfort.

After hearing this, Nianwen frowned and said after thinking about it.

"Don't worry, Su Jieyu doesn't have a confidant imperial physician in the palace, but our Xiuyuan has one, just go back and wait, I'll ask Xiuyuan to ask someone she can trust to come and see, Jieyu If you are pregnant, you can't be careless."

"It's also the same reason, I'm thinking too much, so thank you sister Nianwen, and thank you Fang Xiuyuan!" Baicao thanked Fushen gratefully.

There is no need to go to the Tai Hospital, and go back to Feihong Pavilion to wait for the news.

And just after she turned around, the nervous expression on Nian Wen's face disappeared.

His eyes were calm, as if he knew this would happen early in the morning.

In half an hour, Yao Xiang came with a doctor Hu.

After feeling the pulse, his complexion changed.

Su Jieyu keenly sensed something was wrong, and immediately asked, "Doctor, is there something wrong with my stomach?"

Imperial Physician Hu looked at Yao Xiang, who frowned and nodded before he spoke.

"The pulse condition is weak. I'm afraid that this baby will not be saved. If I use medicine to force it, it can last up to six months."

"What did you say?" Su Jieyu suddenly lost her composure, and stared at the imperial physician with wide eyes, "I have always been in good health, and I have never eaten anything that is not easy for the fetus. How can I lose my good health?"

This excitement caused even more discomfort in her lower abdomen. She wanted to stand up, but she could only sit back.

Yao Xiang frowned, signaling her to be calm, and then turned to ask Dr. Hu.

"According to the imperial physician, there is no foreign object on Su Jieyu's body that is harmful to the fetus, but the pulse condition is suddenly bad?"

Imperial Physician Hu shook his head and cupped his hands, "Xiuyuan and Jieyu don't know that some women's bodies are not suitable for pregnancy. When the fetus is getting bigger, the mother's body can't bear it, and the fetus will naturally not be able to survive to give birth. There are many women who obviously take care of their babies and are careful, but they still can't keep them when the month comes."

After he finished these words, Su Jieyu's complexion quickly turned gray, and even her lips turned pale at that moment.

It's just that she suddenly thought of something again, and blurted out, "What if the pregnancy was forced to use drugs from the beginning?"

"Su Shi!" Yao Xiang raised her voice, and interrupted her with a cold look.

Imperial Physician Hu was taken aback for a moment, rolled his eyes, and replied cautiously.

"As long as you can conceive, it is in accordance with God's will, and there will be no hindrance. Jieyu's birth is indeed due to the mother's body."

"Okay, you go down, don't reveal a word about today's affairs, remember?" Yao Xiang waved his hand.

Imperial Physician Hu nodded, "Don't worry, Xiuyuan, I just came to ask for Ping An's pulse, everything is in order, there is nothing wrong with it."

 There is only one update today, ahem, company team building, drink some wine
(End of this chapter)

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