Chapter 254

Time flies, and ten days will arrive soon.

Dr. Zhang and Dr. Shen came to check Ye Yun's pulse.

This day is really confirmed, it has been more than one month, and after calculation, it should be conceived in early August.

Ning Chen came to Yuxiu Pavilion to see her after the court, and was even more overjoyed.

He really wanted to come here often, but Ye Yun didn't allow it.

"It's said that the concubine is sick. The emperor comes here too often, so don't let others talk about it. If the concubine is over sick, I will tell the emperor. If you are really worried, just ask Yuan Gonggong to come and see it often."

Ning Chen touched his stomach that hadn't risen and fell, feeling a little bit reluctant, but for the safety of Ye Yun's mother and child, he agreed.

So in the days that followed, everyone who thought that Ming Xiurong would be left out due to illness found that the emperor was very concerned about Ming Xiurong's condition.

Every two or three days, Yuan Jiu or Huai'an would be sent to Yuxiu Pavilion to have a look, and occasionally Shen Pingzhi, who specialized in treating Ye Yun, would be sent to Jiuchen Palace for questioning.

Ye Yun also looked very sick, and didn't leave the yard at all.

He only said to the outside world that he has no strength and needs to stay in bed.

The queen was a little suspicious at first, so she asked someone to inquire about it.

But who dares to reveal the fact that the emperor issued a password-locking order?

Physician Zhang also said that some people are so healthy that they don't complain about illness easily, but once they get sick, they are more severe than others.

This statement is also more reliable, and the queen dispelled her doubts.

Of course, everyone will not pay too much attention to how a sick person is, after all, it is important to compete for favor.

Ye Yun couldn't sleep with her, so her share was divided.

Among the newcomers, Qi Wanrong and Wan Wanrong were the most favored, followed by Huo Cairen, and Yu Baolin fell in love with the queen a few times, and the rest were not so good.

Among the old people, Xia Meiren can't do it. She has no one to rely on, not as good as Zhang who has taken refuge in the queen.

Ye Yun was sick again, so Yi Shunrong was the only one who was okay.

It seems that the old people are all compared.

Qi Wanrong didn't get close to Chen Jieyu after all.

In fact, she has a cold temper and doesn't get close to anyone.

On weekdays, I like to read in my own yard, or go for a walk in the imperial garden.

According to the servants, the Qi family did not bring many clothes and jewelry when he entered the palace, but he brought a large box of books.

Ning Chen knew that she loved reading, so he rewarded them a lot.

In short, it is still a favorite.

When there are more favored people, there will be more right and wrong.

The long-awaited first-time rookie fight came.

The reason is also very simple, it is caused by a plate of peach blossom crisps.

This pastry is not easy to make just by hearing the name. It is made by mixing beet juice with water and dough, kneading it into a pink dough, then rolling it into a very thin skin, layering it up layer by layer, kneading it into a peach blossom shape, brushing with oil and drying it in a small stove. from.

Because it takes time to make, this thousand-layer peach blossom cake will not be made without the master's order.

Qi Wanrong went to Jiuchen Palace to serve pen and ink on the first day, and after eating such a dessert, she thought it was good, but she wanted to eat it again the next day, so she asked the girl to go to the dining room to ask for it.

This thing has been in production for quite some time now, and it just so happens that today Wan Wanrong asked someone to ask for it.

Wan's share has already been prepared, and the dining room staff thought, this is a great opportunity to curry favor.

Qi Wanrong's natal family is from Kyoto, so isn't it better than the Wan family from Shenzhou?

So he gave Qi's a portion of the Thousand Layer Peach Blossom Cake first.

When Wan Wanrong's servant came to get it, he was told that it was not ready yet.

Wan felt strange that it hadn't been done for so long.

At first I wondered if it was because the dining room watched people order dishes and refused to make them for her, but after checking later, it turned out that they asked Qi to take them away first.

This time I was very angry.

On the second day, please An, and then caught Qi Shiran overtly and covertly.

Qi Wanrong's temperament is that she doesn't like arguing with people, but she was so anxious today that she finally couldn't hold back.

"Wan Shi, what do you mean, you got angry elsewhere, so don't bark in front of me!"

Wan Wanrong was also annoyed by the rude words, and even more rude.

"Be angry, who can I be angry with? I have always looked at you as aloof, but I never thought that you are a cunning trick behind your back, trying to snatch me a plate of peach blossom cakes. Why, you will not recognize it after eating it? It's gold and jade." The outside is ruined!"

"You are talking nonsense, when did I steal your snacks, my girl was yesterday"

Qi Wanrong slapped the table angrily, but in the middle of her words, she came to her senses and stopped slowly.

"What happened yesterday? Qi Wanrong finally remembered it?" Wan snorted coldly, "The Qi family is also a big family. Could it be that Wanrong is still so rare about this plate of dim sum and can't wait for it to be out of the oven, so she wants to grab it?"

At this moment, Mrs. Qi had already thought about what was going on.

Frowning, he said to the girl next to him, "Yusuo, you went to the dining room to get some snacks yesterday, what happened?"

Yusuo was also a little flustered, and hurriedly replied truthfully, "My servant went to the dining room yesterday, and the father-in-law in charge said that it happened to be there, so I asked my servant to take it away. I don't know anything about it."

Qi's face suddenly felt a little uneasy, he narrowed his eyes in embarrassment, stiffened his neck to avoid Wan's eyes, and said in a low voice.

"The servant below must have made a mistake and took Wan Wanrong's dim sum by mistake. I will apologize to you here."

"Hey, I can't afford it." Wan Shi sneered, "Since it is said to be a slave, then it is the slave's fault, and I will naturally not care about the slave."

When he spoke, he deliberately bit down the word "slave", no matter how he heard it, it had a special meaning.

However, Qi's wrongdoing comes first, and he has a noble temper, even if he heard the deep meaning, he could only bear it and did not make any excuses.

The pinching of the two of them made everyone see clearly.

The Queen deliberately did not persuade them to make peace, and waited until the quarrel was over before saying a few words without pain.

It's clear that I also want to see what kind of temper these two people have.

Usually pretending to hide it is not easy to see, but when angry and impulsive, it is the most real.

This time it can be revealed, Qi Wanrong is straightforward and not good at verbal disputes, but Wan Shi is formidable, she speaks softly, but her words are sharp.

It is estimated that it is also a person who is not willing to suffer easily.

Have a good temper, when Ye's illness is cured, the two of them rush together, that will be nice.

The queen thought so, and so did the other concubines.

In Yuxiu Pavilion, although Ye Yun was raising a baby, she also cared about outside affairs.

Today, the two Wanrongs in Fengqi Palace knew about the quarrel.

But she could see more clearly that this time Wan's face was torn apart out of urgency, and she didn't plan to confront her head-on from the beginning, but Ye Yun was different, she liked to get straight to the point the most.

In the final analysis, Wan Shiyue is the kind who picks up soft persimmons, while Ye Yun pinches both hard and soft persimmons.

Tough bones, just cut with a knife, anyway, I am determined not to suffer and not to be thankful.

However, these thoughts of hers could not be communicated.

Now in Yuxiu Pavilion, news from the outside can come in, but nothing from the inside can be revealed.

These are the two allies, Wang Shunyi and Zhou Wanrong can't sit still.

After waiting for a month, on Ye Yun's birthday in October, he finally seized the opportunity.

Another sick visit, another birthday celebration.

(End of this chapter)

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