Chapter 255 Surprise
Ye Yun has been two months old now, so she didn't plan to hide it from the two of them.

So I didn't put on makeup on purpose.

When Wang Shunyi and Zhou Wanrong came, they found that her complexion was rosy, and she looked very good. It seemed that she had grown some flesh.

Seeing the two of them in a daze, Ye Yun laughed.

First, he dismissed the idle servants, leaving Huiyue and Nan Zhi in the room to wait on him, and then he opened the conversation.

"It's not that I wanted to hide it from you, but there are too many people and too many people who know the news, so it's always unsafe."

Wang Shunyi was puzzled, "What happened to my sister, I am really confused."

Apparently Zhou Wanrong was the same, looking at her with puzzled eyes.

"I'm pregnant, just two months old." Ye Yun said softly.

However, it fell like a thunderbolt to Wang Shunyi and Zhou Wanrong's ears.

Immediately, both of them opened their mouths in surprise.

"Oh, my good sister, you have kept this matter so tight. If I had known earlier, I should have come to see you often and told you some parenting lessons!" Wang Shunyi laughed.

Looking at her belly, he said, "Do the math, it's only a few days away from Fang Jieyu's birth, what a blessing."

Zhou Wanrong was also happy, but before laughing for a while, she became worried again.

"Sister is hiding it like this, does the emperor know? If you say it seriously in the future, you won't blame me."

"What a fool, the emperor sent someone to come and see it every few days, don't you know?" Wang Shunyi poked Zhou Wanrong's forehead.

It made Zhou feel embarrassed.

Now Wang Shunyi doesn't want to be favored anymore, and she almost doesn't go to bed. She puts all her heart on her daughter, and when she turns her head to look at Ye Yun and Zhou Wanrong, she feels like a younger sister.

The younger sister is doing well, so she naturally follows suit, so she is naturally happy.

In the end, the two sat for half an hour before leaving.

I was also afraid of disturbing Ye Yun's rest, so I didn't save lunch.

They didn't stay, but Ning Chen came at noon.

Ye Yun was embroidering handkerchiefs when he came.

Originally, she didn't like this, but thinking that when she gave birth to a child in the future, she would have to sew something for the child by herself, so she practiced with a handkerchief first.

Huiyue made a simple pattern for her, and she embroidered accordingly.

"Why are you still doing embroidery? It's a waste of your eyes. You need to rest more now." Ning Chen came in and said.

Ye Yun put down the embroidery shed and stood up, "Why didn't the emperor tell someone to pass it on in advance? The concubine is just embroidering for fun, so I won't tire myself."

"I'm afraid I told you first, you have to bother to prepare lunch, so I didn't ask anyone to tell."

Ning Chen took her hand and sat down on the soft couch by the window together.

"Today is your birthday. I'm tired of those gold, silver and jewellery. I have prepared a special one for you."

"What?" Ye Yun's eyes lit up.

Looked like a child craving candy.

In fact, Ye Yun has gained weight these days, and her face is a little more fleshy, making her look smaller.

She doesn't look like someone who is about to be a mother, but more like a little girl who just got out of the cabinet.

Ning Chen couldn't help pinching her fleshy face lightly.

It feels really good.

There were other concubines in the palace who were pregnant before, but none of them looked as good-looking as Ye Yun.

Really cute tight.

"I said before that I would change your place of residence, but now I'll tell you to choose one yourself, choose whichever you like." Ning Chen said with a smile.

After saying this, he took a scroll from Yuan Jiu and spread it out on the small table between the two of them.

This is the house drawing of the harem, and everything is on it.

Ye Yun did not expect such a surprise.

The residence of a concubine has always been determined by the emperor or empress, but now she is asked to choose by herself, which is really an honor.

Ye Yun couldn't hold it back, she held Ning Chen's face and smacked.

"The emperor treats his concubines so well!"

This action made Ning Chen blush in front of several servants, and his heart went numb.

After coughing, he quickly changed the topic and asked Ye Yun to choose a place to live.

Ye Yun looked carefully for a while, and finally pointed to one of them.

"Zhao Chunxuan?" Ning Chen read aloud, and suddenly laughed.

Ye Yun didn't know why, "Why is the emperor smiling so politely?"

"Hey, Xiurong and the emperor really have the same heart. The emperor just said in Jiuchen Palace today that Xiurong probably chose Zhaochunxuan!" Yuan Jiu smiled and explained in a hurry.

This is really unexpected.

It made Ye Yun laugh too.

Ning Chen took a sip of tea before saying, "This Zhaochun Pavilion was originally called Zhaochun Hall, but the courtyard is smaller than the hall and larger than the Xuan. It was renamed Xuan when the first emperor, and there is a small garden next to it. , and the pool, but it’s not too close to Jiuchen Palace and Fengqi Palace.”

"The concubine has picked up a treasure. This residence is bigger than others." Ye Yun curled her lips, "As for the distance, as long as the emperor has a concubine in his heart, nowhere is too far away."

When looking at the picture, Ye Yun just took a fancy to this clean place.

There are only gardens and ponds next to it, and it takes a long distance for other people to live.

Now that she is raising a baby, this place is the most suitable place.

Ning Chen played with her hand while talking.

"You are only two months pregnant now, and you will tell the outside world when you are three months old. It will be November by then. It will be very cold in the winter months, and it will not be convenient to move. Why don't you make a decision first and move in February next year. It can also be a good omen for the dragon to raise its head."

"The emperor thinks carefully, so he listens to the emperor, and the concubines just need to be a little bird."

Ye Yun winked and leaned over as if she had no bones.

Ning Chen put his arms around him, and laughed, "You are not a Yiren bird, you are clearly a lazy little fox, just wait for me to arrange for you."

"Then the concubine is just lazy, the emperor loves the concubine, isn't it?" Ye Yun squinted and smiled.

He reached out and wrapped his arms around Ning Chen's neck.

It's really not honest to be pregnant.

On this day, Ning Chen had lunch and took a nap with Ye Yun for an hour before leaving.

He really wanted to stay.

But firstly, Ye Yun claimed to be sick, so it was not easy for him to stay overnight, and secondly, Ye Yun was pregnant, so Ning Chen was afraid that he would not be able to hold back the chaos, so he could only avoid it.

But even so, he also stayed in Yuxiu Pavilion for more than half a day.

It caused all the concubines in the harem to secretly call her a fox.

He didn't stop when he was sick, and even hooked up with the emperor.

Ye Yun doesn't care what the outside says, she is holding back her voice now.

She had already guessed what everyone in the harem would look like when she was pregnant after three months.

Ye Yun is at ease, but Yao Xiang, who is also pregnant, is not so relaxed.

Today, Yao Xiang found something unclean on his newly made clothes.

But a piece of clothing, from fabric, tailoring, embroidery to making clothes, was sent to her again. It took a long time, and I don't know how many people passed through it.

It's not easy to check.

And last time the sour plum soup was also added, but fortunately Zizhu tasted something wrong.

It has only been more than a month since the pregnancy was known to others, and it was almost counted twice.

It's really hard to guard against.

(End of this chapter)

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