Chapter 263

The snow fell late this year, but it was extraordinarily heavy.

Especially on the night of New Year's Eve, it was like a goose feather.

Fortunately, this year is really Ruixue, everywhere is peaceful, and there is no more snow disaster.

At the end of the year, two more concubines were pregnant in the palace, Ning Chen was in a very good mood.

When the banquet started, the eldest princess took the lead, and several princes and princesses greeted the New Year together.

Both the emperor and the queen and the queen mother smiled and rewarded a lot of things.

The atmosphere became lively.

Taking advantage of the excitement, Ning Chen announced the promotion of Ye Yun.

At the Double Ninth Banquet not long ago, the others had just passed the promotion, so this time it was Ye Yun who stood out.

Pregnant, favored and family background, for a while, Ye Yun and even the Ye family and even the Chu family became popular.

"Now Ming Xiuyuan and Fang Jieyu are both pregnant, so naturally they can't wait on them. The emperor can also visit the concubines next to him more. The late emperor didn't have many heirs, so the emperor should spread out more."

The queen mother spoke earnestly.

Ning Chen nodded obediently, "What the mother said is true, the son must remember."

Anyway, if you say yes first, it's another matter whether you do it or not.

"Speaking of which, the second and third princes haven't been named yet, and the third prince is almost one year old. Your majesty has to think about it."

The queen smiled and spoke, showing the generosity and gentleness of a aunt.

It was as if he really regarded these princes as his own.

"The queen reminded me. I thought about it for a long time before, so let's take it together today."

Ning Chen looked at the two younger sons in a good mood, and said.

"The second prince's name is Yuchun, and the third prince's name is Yuhan."

The two princes who got their names were immediately hugged by the wet nurse to thank them.

Only with a name can the jade plate be placed on the jade plate seriously, and these two princes will be recorded in the annals of history.

Since ancient times, it is difficult to raise royal children, and the premature death rate is too high, so it is assumed that they will be properly ranked when they reach one year old, and if they die too early, they will not be ordered.

In fact, Ning Chen is not a serious third prince, there are two other princes who have not raised one year old before him.

It's just that he died early and didn't make it to the list, so Ning Chen on the jade plate was considered the late emperor's third son.

Just as everyone was celebrating the two princes, they could hear crying from the banquet.

"I want to eat, I want to eat! Woooooo..."

"Yu Rong, what's the fuss about? Come quickly to the emperor's grandmother."

The queen mother frowned and waved to the audience.

The eldest prince was led by the wet nurse, and walked to the empress dowager's side not smoothly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, cry well, come on, tell the emperor what you want."

It can be seen that the queen mother really loves the eldest prince.

Holding the child in his arms, he took out his handkerchief and wiped away his tears.

"I want to eat that." The eldest prince curled his lips and pointed at something aggrieved.

Everyone looked at her finger, and it turned out to be a dish on the table of the eldest princess sitting next to him.

This is a candy painting of the word "Fu" made by the dining room, it is very beautiful.

It's not a staple food for everyone to taste the sweetness and win a lottery.

"Empress Dowager, the eldest prince has already eaten a piece. The imperial doctor said that the eldest prince is weak and cannot eat more sugar." The wet nurse looked suspicious.

It's just that as soon as she finished speaking, the First Prince burst into tears.

The head rested on the Empress Dowager's shoulder, twitching, looking very pitiful.

The Empress Dowager died in embarrassment.

On the one hand, I feel sorry for my grandson, and on the other hand, the imperial doctor ordered me not to eat more.

In the end, Ai Sun Xinqie prevailed.

"It's not too much to eat another piece. You can go and get him another piece. If you make a fuss for a while, the child is crying so hard that he can't breathe."

Hearing what the queen mother said, the eldest prince slowly held back his tears, and stared at the wet nurse sobbing.

It's just that Ning Chen couldn't sit still before the nurse took it.

"Yu Rong, come to Emperor Father."

The eldest prince looked up, and seeing his serious face, he shrank back in fear.

"Emperor, the child is still young..."

Before the Queen Mother finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ning Chen.

"come over."

Seeing his determined expression, the queen mother couldn't say anything, so she had to ask the wet nurse to lead the child over.

The eldest prince timidly leaned back, unwilling to be brought over.

Ning Chen knew that he was afraid, so he tried his best to look gentle.

He raised his hand and touched the child's head.

"Yu Rong, the imperial physician said that you can't eat too much sugar. You have already eaten a piece today, so you can't eat any more. Otherwise, you will get sick and feel uncomfortable for a long time. Do you know that?"

The eldest prince curled his lips, and was about to cry.

Ning Chen frowned and put his arm around his shoulder.

"You are a boy and my eldest son. How can you cry for a piece of candy? It's not that the emperor won't give you some candy, but you can't eat any more today. If you want to eat, you have to wait until tomorrow. You must learn to restrain yourself." , not capricious."

No one had ever said such words to the First Prince, so he was a little stunned and a little scared.

After thinking about it, he still sniffed and agreed.

Ning Chen took his little hand and squeezed it again, showing a little smile, before letting the wet nurse take him back.

But without the candy, the eldest prince has been feeling sick all the time.

He was already in poor health, so he cried hard again, and soon began to feel sleepy.

The queen mother offered to take the eldest prince back to rest first.

The grandparent and grandson had just left, and Ye Yun wanted to go out to get some air.

It's snowing and cold today, and the charcoal fire in the hall is extremely full, she was wearing a lot of clothes when she came, and now she feels a little stuffy.

He greeted the queen and went out.

Who would have thought that as soon as he came out, he heard the eldest prince who hadn't gone far was crying and asking the queen mother for sweets.

"Hey, so is the emperor. Yu Rong is young and not in good health. Why do you have to make him cry? You go to the dining room and ask the cook to make a small piece. It's okay to eat less." .”

The queen mother sat on the sedan chair, and the eldest prince was next to her.

The wet nurse sighed, but there was nothing she could do, so she had to follow suit.

After the Queen Mother had gone far away, Ye Yun came out from behind the red pillar outside the hall and glanced over there.

Can not help but shook his head.

If things go on like this, the First Prince is afraid that the Empress Dowager will spoil him.

Not to mention the future, the signs have already been seen now.

It is also a crime to say.

When I was a mother, I didn't pay much attention to my son. Now that I am old, the relationship between mother and child is not good, and I lack love and family affection.

The family side was taken by the Chen family, and the love side was all thrown on the eldest prince.

I don't know what the mother-child relationship will be like in the future.

But she could only sigh and remind Ning Chen from the side at most. After all, she is just a concubine, so she can't be in front of the Queen Mother.

"Go in, it's not good to leave the table for too long." Ye Yun withdrew her thoughts.

Huiyue nodded and helped her back to the palace.

But when he came back at this time, he found that everyone in the hall was busy.

As soon as he came in, he heard Yi Shunrong beside him speak.

"Yo, I was still talking about it just now, and Ming Xiuyuan came back."

(End of this chapter)

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