Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 264 One Only One

Chapter 264 Only one copy

"Why are you talking about courtiers and concubines? Yi Shunrong is so interested."

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows and sat down unhurriedly.

Li Cairen next to him immediately explained it enthusiastically.

"Just now Qi Wanrong wrote a poem, which won applause from all the audience. Yi Shunrong was telling everyone that Xiuyuan, you were in Zasak, and you surpassed the demeanor of the princess of the grassland. I praise you and Qi Wanrong for being as good as one pen and one weapon , a generation of double pride."

"Really?" Ye Yun curled her lips into a smile, and raised her eyes to look over, "The concubines that Yishunrong boasted are all embarrassed, and this civil and military concubine and Qi Wanrong have taken over, so is Yishunrong herself not good enough? ? Don’t make yourself sound like you’re making up numbers.”

This era is not the time to praise women for being good at martial arts.

Because of this, even though his father was a famous general, Ye Yun was only allowed to learn archery and horseback riding in her boudoir.

He can even only be in his own schoolyard, accompanied by his father and elder brother, and cannot be seen by others.

At that time in Zasak, Ye Yun made a move to protect Ning Chen's face, and also to make himself show off, and now there is no need for it.

Ke Yishunrong praised her and the Qi family in front of all civil and military officials.

It seems to be like protecting the law from left to right.

That's all for writing. Talented women have been sought after since ancient times, but how many men like those who only know how to punch and kick?
So this is not a compliment, but a compliment.

As for Li Cairen, who was eager to explain.

Among this group of newcomers with a good family background, Mrs. Li is the least favored, maybe she got on Yi Shunrong's boat.

"Ming Xiuyuan really likes to joke." Yi Shunrong's expression froze.

For a while, I didn't know how to refute it, after all, she was the one who praised others first, so it was hard to open her mouth.

Wan Wanrong sat beside her, smiled and took the conversation.

"The concubine remembers that Yi Shunrong is also good at writing and can paint. If this is counted, how can others live? It's just that Ming Xiuyuan is the only one who is special in the end. He will always treat us I haven't learned it."

But this time, before Ye Yun could open his mouth, Huo Cairen, who was also born as the daughter of a general, stepped forward first.

"Since you haven't learned it, don't talk about it. If Wan Wanrong learns it when, maybe she can barely catch up with Ming Xiuyuan."

The Huo family is also the daughter of a general.

Unlike Ye Yun, this one is serious about boxing, because the Huo family started from her elder brother's meritorious service, and was just an ordinary small family before.

She is not a rich lady, so she has learned a lot from her father and brother.

Later, when the family got an official position and became rich, they seriously asked Madam Xi to teach her.

That's why she is more reluctant than Ye Yun to listen to other people's satire on the vulgarity of the general's daughter.

Wan's face turned cold when he was pushed, "Huo Cairen is really angry, you should take some gossip between the sisters so seriously."

"There are no idlers in the palace, Wan Wanrong should stop gossiping in the future." Ye Yun glanced at her lightly.

There is a bit of warning in the eyes.

This was the moment that calmed down Wan Shi, and he shut up resentfully.

But another person mentioned in this turmoil, Qi Wanrong, did not speak from the beginning to the end.

Just sit quietly.

It's really aloof and arrogant, not to participate in these disputes.

Ye Yun couldn't help but look at her so much.

And at this moment, Concubine Shu, who hadn't interrupted the conversation just now, joined in very inappropriately.

"In the past, I only thought that Ming Xiuyuan was eloquent, but now there is Huo Cairen, who really imitates the example. Don't you think that if you become perverted and domineering, you will be favored?"

Ever since she was refuted in the draft, she has always been unhappy with Huo Shi, and she would say a few words whenever she got the chance.

But obviously Concubine Shu didn't keep up with the rhythm at all this time.

Everyone has already said it all, and she is still eager to get involved, as if she is deliberately provoking trouble.

Ning Chen's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Concubine Shu, if you are full, you can go back first if you have nothing to do. I see that I drank a lot today, so don't talk nonsense at the banquet."

Concubine Shu's heart tightened, she hurriedly retracted her head, "I'm fine with my concubine."

Seeing that she was being honest, Ning Chen withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun was calm, smiled and picked up the small cup of hot milk in front of him, replaced the wine with milk, pretended to be booze, and killed it.

Just now Ning Chen was annoyed by the chatter of these women, now he was easily amused.

He also picked up the wine glass and drank it all together.

At this point, the incident that was brought up for no reason was completely over.

When the banquet was halfway through, Ye Yun began to feel sleepy.

I didn't try to force myself, so I went back to rest after explaining carefully.

The queen simply asked Yao Xiang to leave the table together, and went back to rest first.

Two pregnant women should not treat each other too favorably.

The second day is the day to kneel in the Taimiao, which reflects the benefits of pregnancy, and Ye Yun, who is carrying a dragon cub, naturally doesn't have to go.

Even if I left the meeting early yesterday, I went to bed very late, so I just happened to catch up on sleep today.

Also today, a box was suddenly delivered from Jiuchen Palace.

Open it, and inside are two lucky bags, one big and one small.

Huai'an explained with a smile, "The emperor personally studied the ink and wrote the pen, wrote two peace symbols and put them inside, and then asked the mage to chant scriptures and consecrated them, and let Xiuyuan hang them on the bedside. Take it off again to ensure that Yuanyuan and the little master in your stomach will be safe and sound."

Ye Yun took it, opened the big one, and took a look, it was indeed Ning Chen's handwriting.

There was a smile on his face.

Put the things away for Eyue first, then ask again at the end.

"Is this mine, or does everyone else have it?"

"Hey my empress Xiuyuan, how can others be so lucky, this is specially prepared by the emperor for empress."

Huai'an flicked the fly whisk in his hand, and smiled happily.

"I wrote it on the day of my mother's birthday, sent it to the mage for consecration, and sent it when it was full in the Buddhist hall."

Then this time, it is truly her only one.

Ye Yun's mood immediately became better, and as soon as he raised his hand, he pulled out a hairpin from his head and stuffed it into Huai'an's hand.

"Eunuch Lao, let's go, this is my annual gift to him."

Nothing she wore on her head was vulgar.

Huai'an was so excited, he said a lot of auspicious words before going back to report.

After he left, Huiyue and Nan Zhi were also excited.

In a hurry, I hung up the lucky bag.

"Although it's not expensive, the emperor is very kind. Now the emperor treats Xiuyuan very well. Fang Jieyu is also pregnant, but Xiuyuan only has the lucky bag." Huiyue said happily.

Ye Yun looked up at the two lucky bags, one big and one small hanging at the corner of the bed, with a smile in his eyes.

Sure enough, having a child is a different stage.

In the past, what she had here was also found in other places, but now it is finally truly special.

It's just that it's not enough, she wants to slowly turn Ning Chen into a habit of being special to her occasionally.

Only then will we be invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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