Chapter 267 Climbing Back

"The emperor has a clever mind, and the courtiers and concubines have nothing to repay. They can only wait for the flowers to bloom, and invite the emperor to come and enjoy the flowers together." Ye Yun said with a smile.

Looking around, in fact, it has almost been repaired.

The doors, windows, and wooden corridors have been painted with new paint, and the window paper is also newly replaced. The roof is also new, and it should be that the tiles have just been replaced.

Hearing the movement in the front yard, the chief eunuch who was supervising the construction in the back room hurried over to pay his respects.

"Slave Li Yonghuai, please greet the emperor and Ming Xiuyuan."

"Excuse me." Ning Chen waved his hand, "Ming Xiuyuan and I came to see how the courtyard is being repaired. Since you are in charge, please lead around."

Li Yonghuai responded, kowtowed his head before getting up, and opened his mouth with a smile.

"This Zhaochun Pavilion can be regarded as a courtyard with two entrances, but the structure is different. The front is larger and the back is smaller. Entering the gate is the front yard. There is a main room and two wing rooms on the left and right. There is a hanging flower door, and behind it is a slightly smaller main room and two side rooms, which are not as spacious as the front."

Ye Yun didn't observe these things much, Yuxiu Pavilion is a well-regulated courtyard, with only one main house and two small side rooms.

She has been living in the main house since she entered the palace, and the wing rooms on both sides are for the maids.

Looking closely now, the wing room is really not that big.

Thinking of Yao Xiang who was driven by Yi Shunrong to live in the east wing of Weirui Xuan, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I'm very satisfied after seeing it, and I laughed before I saw much." Ning Chen squeezed her hand.

Ye Yun withdrew her thoughts, and curled her lips at the person beside her, "Given by the emperor, my concubine likes everything."

Seeing the interaction between the two, Li Yonghuai became even more cautious.

The emperor loves Ming Xiuyuan so much, he can't offend him at all.

I will introduce other places when I am busy.

Basically, it is quite satisfactory, but it took some thought to change the east wing room to the delivery room.

The modification is very clever and easy to restore.

After giving birth, it can be restored, re-inhabited, or used as a small warehouse.

As for the apse, it is for children.

In the palace, even if children are raised, they will not sleep next to their mothers, they are all in separate courtyards.

Going to the back, there are still palace people painting and changing tiles in the backyard, so I didn't go in to look.

Turn back to the front yard, and go into the main room to have a look.

The layout has not changed much, but it is much more spacious.

"I see that you have a lot of yellow pear wood tables and chairs, so you might as well ask people to replace them with this one. You can use them first, and if you don't like them, you can change them later."

While talking, Ning Chen touched a table next to him, and it felt pretty good.

Ye Yun was naturally satisfied with looking at it, and went to the back room to look with a smile.

Although the bed has not been made yet, the wardrobe and the bed are all ready.

Surprised at just one glance.

"Is this bed made of nanmu?"

"Well, I ordered someone to make it specially. Phoebe wood is durable and good for making a bed." Ning Chen said.

Ye Yun stretched out her hand to touch it, and whispered, "But this is too precious."

Ning Chen raised his eyebrows, "It's just ordinary nanmu, not golden nanmu, Qingqing is afraid that I won't be able to make a good bed."

"The emperor treats his courtiers and concubines so well that they are a little scared." Ye Yun whispered.

Turned around and looked at him fixedly.

Seeing the sadness in his eyes made Ning Chen's heart tighten.

He stretched out his hand and pulled the person over, "What's the matter, I'm protecting you, what are you afraid of?"

"The concubine is afraid that one day, the emperor will no longer like the concubine, and the kindness to the concubine today will become a sharp knife for others to hurt the concubine."

Ye Yun's voice was a little dull.

Carefully resting her head on Ning Chen's shoulder.

At that moment, she was as weak as a wounded rabbit.

Such a situation is really rare, and Ning Chen's heart was pulled.

No matter how domineering and perverse the person in her arms is, she is just a straightforward little girl. How can Ye Shi be so upright and upright to fight against those people who hide their swords in their smiles and pretend to be false.

"Don't worry, Qingqing, I will protect you and keep your mother and child safe."

Ning Chen reached out and stroked Ye Yun's back gently.

Ye Yun lowered her head slightly, a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes, and then she returned to her slightly smiling appearance.

And deep in the eyes, there is silence.

Coming out of Zhaochunxuan, Ye Yun couldn't move anymore.

After all, he overestimated his physical strength.

The five-month pregnant woman is still wearing thick winter clothes, so she is really tired.

But fortunately, the sedan chairs followed, so they sat back.

When I came out, I didn't deliberately avoid anyone, so the whole harem knew about it.

The emperor accompanied Ming Xiuyuan to the new residence to look around.

The concubines were naturally jealous again.

On the other side, the Queen made a trip to Weirui Xuan.

Hearing that Fengjia was coming, Yao Xiang was also surprised, but he hurried out to greet him.

"You are heavy, don't care about these vain rituals, get up quickly." The queen smiled and helped her up.

Yao Xiang got up, "I don't know why the empress suddenly came to my concubine's place. It's cold outside. Come in and sit down and have a cup of hot tea."

"Okay." The queen nodded and went to the main room.

"Your Majesty, please go this way." Yao Xiang said awkwardly.

The queen was stunned, with a puzzled look on her face, "Why did you live in the wing room? You are pregnant, and the wing room is small. Isn't it very crowded?"

"Returning to the empress, the concubine is not a concubine, and I really dare not violate the rules and live in the main house. Yi Shunrong just reminded me a while ago, and the concubine immediately moved out." Yao Xiang said.

She doesn't believe that the queen doesn't know about this matter, but at this moment, she can only play along with her.

Previously, the emperor didn't care about her here, and it was understandable that the emperor didn't know about moving out of the main house, but the empress stared at the harem all day long, so it is impossible that there is no news at all.

It can only be said that the Queen came to sell her favor this time, so she deliberately mentioned this matter.

Sure enough, the queen sighed, and came over and took her hand and patted it.

"Hey, I have wronged you. You have to live in a side room while you are pregnant. In this way, I am the master. You should move back to live in the main room first. After all, after the child is born, you will also be promoted. It doesn't matter if it is earlier."

"The concubine thanked the empress." Yao Xiang propped up his back, leaning slightly.

This favor still has to be accepted, after all, it is related to whether I live comfortably or not.

In Yao Xiang's last life, he was regarded as a noble and precious man for most of his life, and it is the same in this life. He has never been subject to these restrictions.

The two of them went into the side room and sat down.

The servants served refreshments and withdrew.

The queen took a sip from the teacup and found that the tea was quite good.

Take a closer look, in fact, the furnishings in this room are all excellent.

As expected, everyone was born, and there is a grand imperial concubine to take care of them, even if they are demoted one after another, life will not be difficult.

It's one thing not to be sad, but another thing to want to be more beautiful.

A noble girl who fell from a height would want to climb back even more.

After narrowing her eyes, the queen spoke with concern.

"Is your food and clothing all right at these times? The fetal image is still healthy. I only listen to the doctor's words, and I feel uneasy after all. I still have to come and have a look for myself. After all, there is a lesson from Su Jieyu."

(End of this chapter)

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