Chapter 268
"Your Majesty, don't worry, everything is fine with the concubine, the imperial physician will come to check the pulse the next day, and sometimes another imperial physician will come to see, the fetal image is all fine."

Yao Xiang smiled lightly, looking very gentle and obedient.

Now that there is no confidant imperial physician, in order to prevent herself from being tampered with, she deliberately asks the imperial physician nearby to visit her occasionally.

Although no one dares to believe everything, but it is always more reliable to have a comparison.

In case anyone has a ghost, they can also detect it.

And now that there is Haisheng who is proficient in medical skills by his side, it is considered safe.

"That's good." The queen nodded, and changed her soothing tone again, "Ming Xiuyuan's temper is erratic, and she always attracts attention. This crying child has milk to eat. The emperor always cares about her more. You are a quiet girl. Temperament, it's a bit neglected, don't blame the emperor."

Yao Xiang hurriedly shook his head, pretending to be terrified, "The concubine must never dare to have the slightest thought of complaining. She just wants to raise the baby well and give birth to a son and a half for the emperor."

Seeing her like this, the queen's eyes became a little more relaxed.

After being demoted one after another and not being favored, even if she is pregnant with a child, she still feels anxious.

But it was her own death, with dirty hands and feet again and again, which made the emperor's little life-saving grace to her wiped out.

Thinking about it in this way, the queen felt that Yao shi was a good provocateur.

Immediately, his face changed into a considerate and gentle look.

"You are too cautious. Since the emperor restored your title, he must not blame you. You don't need to worry about it every day. You are also pregnant. If Ming Xiuyuan can have it, you should too. Don’t belittle yourself.”

"I understand, thank you for your forgiveness." Yao Xiang lowered his eyes.

The queen smiled, "What can I forgive you, and only the emperor can forgive you a little bit. Well, I still have accounts at hand that have not been checked. Since you have nothing to do, I will go back first. .”

"The concubine sent the empress respectfully."

Yao Xiang immediately supported Zizhu's hand to get up, and saluted slightly.

The queen looked at her stomach before turning around and leaving.

After Feng Jia left, Yao Xiang ordered someone to throw away the teacup that Empress Cai had used just now.

She was a successor in the previous life, and finally became the middle palace, but she still wanted to be a concubine to Xie, the dead Empress of the Yuan Dynasty.

I have been in love for most of my life, and now I don't want to get involved with Xie Shi at all.

"Jieyu, what does the empress want to do, come here on purpose, just to have a look?"

Zizhu refilled the tea and asked in a low voice.

Yao Xiang sneered, "What else could it be? It's all about trying to push me to compete with Mrs. Ye."

"Then what does Jieyu think?" Zi Zhu curled her lips, "The emperor is too biased. Ever since Jieyu was pregnant, she seldom came to visit her, but she went to Yuxiu Pavilion very diligently!"

"Isn't it possible that the emperor will give birth to a golden baby if she visits a lot?" Yao Xiang snorted, "I don't know whether Ye's belly is a boy or a girl. Don't disappoint the emperor by giving birth to a girl."

Nian Wen, who was adding charcoal to the stove, answered immediately.

"That's right, but folks say sour girls are hot girls, and our Jieyu loves sour food, and her stomach is also pointed, so she will definitely give birth to a prince."

This remark obviously pleased Yao Xiang.

I saw her reach out and touch her belly, her eyes were shining brightly, she was very proud.

Others don't know, but Yao Xiang knows it well, she was the fourth prince who gave birth to the emperor in her previous life.

This time, the time was right and the sequence was right, so a boy was definitely going to be born.

What she carries in her stomach is the future emperor of Nanqi, and also the biggest bargaining chip in her life.

Therefore, Yao Xiang does not allow any mistakes in this child.

So no matter how the queen provokes, she will not do anything.

Now she just wants to take good care of the baby and give birth to her son safely.

Of course, it's not good to be too calm, otherwise, wouldn't it be that the queen came here for nothing.

So after two days, Wei Ruixuan rarely said that he was not feeling well, and asked the emperor to take a look.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it, it's just that there are some cramps in the legs and feet.

The imperial physician and Ning Chen explained that this is a normal phenomenon, when a woman is pregnant, it will be like this when she gets older.

Yao Xiang's stomach is almost six months old, which is really normal.

"This is the first time a concubine is pregnant. I don't know it's common, so I'm a little scared. Please trouble the emperor to go there. I'm really scared." Yao Xiang said embarrassedly.

Ning Chen waved his hand, "It's okay, it's good for you to be cautious, I may not come to see you for a long time, so I'll have lunch with you today before leaving."

"Yes." Yao Xiang nodded with a smile on his face.

Fengqi Palace.

When the Queen heard about this, she had a more confident look in her eyes.

Sure enough, Yao still made a move, that's fine, she really didn't like seeing Ye's family dominate.

They are all pregnant concubines, and their family backgrounds are similar, but they are missing a bit in favor, but they can make up for it with their stomachs.

At this moment, if you don't carry Yao Shi to fight against Ye Shi, when Ye Shi gives birth, it will be nothing to watch.

"Give Fang Jieyu the statue of Avalokitesvara delivering a child. The emperor values ​​Ming Xiuyuan. As a queen, I still have to balance things out for the emperor. I can't chill Fang Jieyu's heart."

Nanny Ding responded and sent someone to go immediately.

This is also a signal to the harem that the emperor favors Ming Xiuyuan, but the empress supports Fang Jieyu, so no one will suppress the Yao family.

Otherwise, no one would be able to pull out the queen to suppress Ye Yun.

As for why Yi Shunrong was left out, it was probably because she had given birth to the third prince, and En Chong was always slightly inferior to Ye Yun. Seeing that it was impossible to maintain a long-term balance.

The little concubine below has not yet gained a firm foothold, and it is not enough to look at. Now only the Yao family can have the capital to contain Ye Yun one or two.

Ye Yun guessed the queen's thoughts from when she only sent things to Wei Ruixuan.

But Ye Yun didn't care at all.

She and Yao shi have been torn apart for a long time, no matter how they fight, they have to fight, and they don't care about this morning or night, when it starts.

What's more, Yao shi is smart, so he won't do it now.

After all, when two pregnant women fight, it doesn't look good, and if they miss, they are afraid of hurting the child.

So I guess it's just to be jealous and put on airs.

Time flies, and the first month is over soon.

On the first day of February, Ye Yun officially set the date of moving.

Please ask Qin Tian to monitor the sky and arrange it on the tenth day of February.

But since February, things have been going there one after another.

Anyway, people are the last to pass.

She really has a lot of things, and the small warehouse is full. If I don't move some of them first, I will definitely not be able to move them all in one day.

It was also this time after a thorough inventory that Ye Yun realized that Ning Chen had rewarded her a lot in the past few years since he entered the palace.

The fabric that was rewarded last year is still useless.

It's not good to keep these things for too long, so I just picked some good ones and gave them to Wang Shunyi and Zhou Wanrong, and Zheng Cairen also got some.

(End of this chapter)

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