Chapter 272 Sister
Within a few days, it was the day when Ye Yun moved to a new house.

After all, it was a happy event, so two tables were set up in Zhaochunxuan on this day.

From the queen to the concubines below, all came.

Even the queen mother and several concubines who did not come gave some rewards.

This is naturally because Ye Yun is pregnant and favored, otherwise, how could there be such a big scene when Xiuyuan moved from the fourth rank.

"Seeing that you look so good, I feel relieved. Now you and Fang Jieyu are the two most important ones in the palace."

The queen took Ye Yun's hand affectionately, and patted it lightly, looking very kind.

"Thank you for your concern, but the courtiers and concubines are no more important than the empress. The health of the empress is the luck of the whole Nanqi, and it will be a blessing for the whole country to give birth to a son-in-law in the future." Ye Yun said with a smile.

Saluting with blessings, he calmly withdrew his hand.

The queen pursed her lips slightly, "Then I will lend you a good word."

Concubine Jingde at the side also smiled and took over the conversation.

"Now there are three princes in the palace, and Ming Xiuyuan and Fang Jieyu are about to give birth. When the Empress Empress gives birth to a son-in-law, with the help of so many brothers, it will definitely make my Nanqi more prosperous."

These words sounded like flattery and humility, but there was always a hint of difference.

Yes, before the queen was born, there were already three princes before her.

The latter two are in my stomach, and they are almost there. If they are all princes, then they are five princes.

When the queen gives birth by herself, will there be more fights, or will there really be brothers who are willing to bow their heads and profess their vassals and help them with all their strength.

They are all people who have been immersed in the harem for many years, and no one knows the answer in their hearts.

"It's still unknown whether it will be a boy or a girl. Everything is determined by God. Now that the princes are still young, the concubine de concubine is thinking too far."

Yao Xiang, who was sitting by the side, immediately opened his mouth.

Ye Yun smiled slightly, and said, "The concubine wants to have a daughter more. Seeing that the eldest princess and the second princess are cute and beautiful, I really envy the concubine Shu and Hui Shunyi."

Regardless of whether the words were true or not, the queen's face softened a little.

It was also at this moment that there was a chorus outside, and the emperor arrived, and Yi Shunrong arrived.

Everyone naturally got up and went out to pick them up.

It's just that they were all surprised, why did Yi Shunrong come with the emperor, and brought the third prince along with her.

After saluting, Yi Shun Rong explained.

"I made you laugh at the ladies and sisters. The third prince got up early and was not attached to his concubine, so he had to bring him along. I think he knew that Ming Xiuyuan and Fang Jieyu had little brothers and sisters in their stomachs, so they wanted to come to see them." See you soon."

Needless to say after this, naturally he came late, and happened to meet Ning Chen together.

The queen still had her usual magnanimous appearance, she smiled and took the third prince over and hugged her.

"You raise the child well, and the child is close to you. I may not have seen the third prince for a long time. This little face is so chubby, so cute."


It was also at this moment that the third prince, who was being held by the queen, yelled uncomfortably.

"Oh, look, Your Majesty, the Third Prince is really smart, he can already make people." The Empress was surprised, she smiled and turned to Ning Chen and said.

Ning Chen was also in a good mood, so he reached out to take the child over.

Yi Shunrong had a proud face, smiling like a flower, "This child seems to have spoken earlier, and these days he will be called Niangniang, Mammy, and Auntie, and they are all simple words."

Ye Yun was sitting on the emperor's right hand right now, very close to the third prince.

Looking at this soft and cute kid, I really want to pinch his face.

The emperor and Yi Shunrong were not bad in appearance, and the third prince was naturally born well, carved in powder and jade.

Seemingly aware of Ye Yun's gaze, the third prince turned his head and looked at her with raised eyes.

Ye Yun couldn't help it, and reached out to scratch his chin.

"Looking at the fact that the third prince and Ming Xiuyuan are very close, I don't know if it's because of the blood relationship that Ming Xiuyuan is about to give birth." Yi Shunrong said with a smile.

Li Cairen on the side also smiled.

"When the concubine was in her boudoir, I heard that children could tell whether the baby in a woman's belly was a boy or a girl. I don't know if the third prince could see whether the baby in Ming Xiuyuan's belly was a brother or a sister."

"Hey, Li Cairen is really funny, how do children know this, it's just rumors, it can't be true." Yi Shunrong waved her hand.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Shu, who was listening to the play, was very active.

Immediately got mixed up, "Is this true? Just ask our third prince, if Xiuyuan is born tomorrow, don't you know?"

Several people linked up, and even Ning Chen became a little curious.

Then he said to the son in his arms, "Ms. Ming's belly, is it a younger brother or a younger sister?"

It's just that the third prince didn't seem to understand, he stared wide-eyed and didn't open his mouth.

Only then did Yi Shunrong make a sound, and repeated, "Han'er, the emperor asked you, is the one in Empress Ming's belly a younger brother or a younger sister?"

This time, the Third Prince finally spoke.

Softly, she called out, "Sister."

As soon as the words came out, Yi Shunrong smiled and tried to smooth things over.

"Hey, I'll just say it, how can a child believe what everyone says, he doesn't know anything, he just repeats what the adults say."

Concubine Shu looked gloating, "That's not necessarily true, maybe, our third prince just saw it."

Among the concubines in the palace, no one wants to have a son.

Although the princess is also precious, but in this era, compared with the prince, it is still far behind.

Just when everyone wanted to see how Ye Yun would step down, Ning Chen spoke out first.

"Anything is good. I like it. If I have a daughter, I will call it Jiaying. I hope she is as intelligent as Ming Xiuyuan."

After finishing speaking, he handed the third prince to the wet nurse.

He turned his head and said, "Prince and princess, they are all good. I like my children equally."

These words were obviously addressed to all the concubines, but in the end, his eyes fell back on Ye Yun.

It made everyone jealous.

In the end, it was the queen who answered first, "The emperor really likes the princesses. This Ming Xiuyuan is not born yet. I have already thought of a name. Let's wait until tomorrow."

As soon as this is said, it means to turn the page.

Everyone was also interested, so they started chatting about other topics.

The main reason is that the emperor has already talked about this, and it also shows that he likes having a daughter. Who would dare to make fun of himself and use this as an issue.

It's just that the more Ning Chen treats Ye Yun well, the more jealous Ye Yun will always be.

At this moment in Zhaochunxuan, there are probably not many people who hope that Ye Yun can give birth safely.

If there were people who expected her to have a daughter in the past, after this incident, it is estimated that even the daughter did not want her to be born.

(End of this chapter)

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