Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 273 No choice

Chapter 273 No choice

The banquet was over, Ning Chen naturally stayed with Ye Yun, and the other concubines consciously went back.

Yi Shunrong walked back slowly, followed by Li Cairen.

"Now the emperor loves Mrs. Ye more and more. This hasn't been born yet, and even the name has been thought of. The name of Han'er in this palace was just given a name not long ago. If things go on like this, when Mrs. Ye is born, how can the emperor still see her?" Can accommodate this palace."

When she said this, Yi Shunrong's face was irritated and her brows were furrowed.

Li Cairen smiled, "No matter how much the emperor pampers her, it's unknown whether she will have a boy or a girl. Shunrong is different. Our third prince is smart and healthy, and the prince who can touch and see is no better than the prince who is separated from her." Jingui with a belly?"

"That's what I said, but the emperor is so kind to her, it makes me feel uneasy." Yi Shunrong sighed.

Li Cairen next to him looked at the wet nurse holding the third prince, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Take two quick steps, get closer to Yi Shunrong, and lower your voice.

"The palace doesn't want her to give birth. We are not the only ones. Why don't we come and push the boat along."


Yi Shunrong interrupted her directly.

"The emperor values ​​Mrs. Ye, and Mrs. Ye herself is a formidable person. If something happens to her, the emperor will investigate thoroughly. If I get a little bit contaminated, the third prince will also be affected."

When you have children, you are always cautious and don't take risks lightly.

Just as Li said, there are many people who don't want to see Ye give birth safely, so she doesn't need to get involved in this troubled water.

Just wait and see.

Even if you have a son, you must be able to raise him up, and when you grow up, you must be able to earn the throne.

Yi Shunrong doesn't believe that Ye Yun can be favored for a lifetime, there will always be a time when it fades away.

Wouldn't it be safer to do it at that time than it is now?

"You, I also think about how to keep the emperor on weekdays. I mentioned you many times in front of the emperor, and the emperor also went to your place. Why can't you keep people?"

Yi Shunrong glanced at Mrs. Li, with the meaning of hating iron but not steel.

Li Cairen said in embarrassment, "The concubine should be more attentive, and dare not disappoint Shunrong's cultivation."

"Naturally, you have to pay more attention. Look at Mrs. Yu who entered the palace with you. How many times can the empress see the emperor every month? It's only mentioned a few times, and she will serve you more than you. And Zhang Wanrong, Those are all old people from the previous batch, don't even compare to her." Yi Shunrong said
Hearing this made Li feel very uncomfortable, but he didn't refute it.

Just nodded.

In fact, Li Caixin thought, the queen is the queen, you are just being compliant, so what if you are favored, after all, your words are not as important as the queen.

Naturally, the emperor is more willing to give the queen face.

But of course she won't say that, she still has to rely on Yi Shunrong to be promoted.

Li's father, Li Daoqin, was an official in Jingzhaoyin, and was under Ning Chen's subordinates, so his family background was naturally not bad.

After entering the palace, she found that she did not have the Sacred Heart, and at first she wanted to curry favor with the queen, but the queen was small-hearted and refused to support and cultivate her.

Later, it was Yi Shunrong who handed over the olive branch, so she had no choice.

Now, let's live like this first, she can really stand up on her own, and she doesn't want to be under Yi Shunrong forever.

Zhao Chunxuan.

After everyone left, Ye Yun immediately rubbed his face and went into the inner room to change clothes.

Ning Chen sat outside drinking tea and teasing the dog.

After waiting for a while, Ye Yun came out.

He changed into a light blue cloud-pattern uniform, and took off most of the jewelry on his head, leaving only a few plain silver short hairpins.

"Tired?" Ning Chen said softly, then raised his hand to signal her to come over.

Ye Yun walked in, put his hand on Ning Chen's palm, he gave him a little support, and sat down on the couch.

"After laughing for a long time, my face became stiff, and I was even more tired than New Year's Eve."

"Congratulations are really bothersome. If you don't want to see them in the future, just close the door." Ning Chen said, taking a water glass from the table and passing it over, "The temperature is just right, drink some to moisten your throat."

Ye Yun raised her eyes and smiled, took it and drank half of it.

At the end, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "The emperor agreed to thank the guests behind closed doors. If someone said that the concubine was deliberately putting on airs, the emperor would not allow him to stand on the concubine's side."

"Even if I don't agree, you still have to thank the guests behind closed doors. With your temperament, will you let others disturb you at will?" Ning Chen looked at her with a smile and said.

He still doesn't know that this woman is a jerk, just to make him open his mouth.

Sleek and tight, leaving no hints at all.

Ye Yun snorted, and reached out to clasp his palm, "The concubine's thoughts belong to the concubine himself. I just want to hear what the emperor has to say."

"Since you want me to do things, there must be some benefits." Ning Chen got playful and made a flirtatious look on purpose.

Picking up Jiao Niang's catkin, she put it to her mouth and bit it lightly.

It made Ye Yun raise his hand and patted someone's dishonest paw.

"The concubines are going to give birth to a little princess for the emperor, isn't that good enough?"

Ning Chen let go of his hand with a smile, tilted his head back, squinted his phoenix eyes to look at Ye Yun's stomach, and finally leaned over a little closer.

Lowering her voice, she said, "But I always feel that Qingqing is going to give birth to a prince."

"Your majesty even thought of the name of the princess, but you expected it to be a boy?" Ye Yun gave him a look.

It actually made people see a bit of disgust.

Seeing her delicate appearance, Ning Chen liked her so much that he stopped teasing her.

He took a long breath and said, "Prince and princess, I have already thought of a name. If it is a prince, I will call it Yu Jing. Jing means bright and pure. I hope he is as sincere and transparent as you."

Looking at Ning Chen's expectant eyes, Ye Yun also smiled softly.

Leaning over to place a light kiss on his chin.

"The concubine wishes the emperor's wishes to come true."

Ye Yun put one hand on her stomach, and her heart was a little complicated.

She knew in her heart that she might not be as good as Ning Chen had imagined, but from the very beginning she had positioned herself to take the path of enthusiasm and publicity.

Honesty and honesty do exist, but not all of them. What she can guarantee herself is that she will not offend me and I will not offend others, and try her best to live a clean life.

But in Ning Chen's eyes, compared with those concubines who were similarly lenient and gentle in the harem, Ye Yun was definitely not a kind person, but he was definitely more real.

Because of this rare truth, the more Ning Chen sees hypocritical people, the more he cherishes Ye Yun's difference.

This is why after the newcomer entered the palace, he prefers to come to Ye Yun.

It is said that spring is sleepy and summer is exhausted.

Ye Yun's body became heavier, and it happened to be spring, so she became more and more sleepy, and it was March in a blink of an eye.

When the weather is fine, it is time to plant flowers and plants.

On a sunny day, the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs dragged two carts of flower seedlings, some of which had already bloomed.

"Trouble your empress for half a day. The servants are planting all these today. In the next four seasons, there will be flowers blooming in Xiuyuan's yard every season. Just like Xiuyuan, they will always bloom undefeated."

The leading eunuch is very sweet.

 I really like the words Chun and Jingming in Yueyang Tower

(End of this chapter)

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