Chapter 287
Ye Yun raised her eyebrows, flicking her dog's ears not too concerned.

"This rice cake was not too big when it came to me, but after raising it for so long, it really looks like a child."

"Xiuyi was joking, you like rice cakes, as long as we know about it, it won't sound good if it spreads to the outside world." Nanny Liang laughed along with her.

The fourth prince is of the blood of the Son of Heaven, so how can he be any brother with a dog.

Although rice cake is indeed cute and smart.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to say anything." Ye Yun seemed to compromise, let go of the dog, wiped his hands, and hugged his son to tease him for a while.

After a while, I heard footsteps outside.

Luzhi raised the curtain and came in, "Xiuyi, the Suqin who is beside the empress is here."

"The queen's people?" Ye Yun was puzzled.

Luzhi nodded, "Yes, Suqin said it was about the fourth prince's full moon banquet, there are some details, the queen wants to ask Xiuyi what it means."

Hearing this, Ye Yun's eyes flickered.

In the end, he handed the baby to the wet nurse, "Let her in."

Not long after, Suqin was brought in.

It is also a polite first salute.

"Excuse me." Ye Yun waved his hand, and there was no smile on his face, "The fourth prince's full moon banquet will be held in Qionghua Palace with the third princess. The emperor told me early in the morning, then everything will be obeyed by the empress and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. arrangement, so that there is no need to ask me anything.”

Suqin didn't expect to be rejected as soon as she came up, and she was a little embarrassed for a while.

With a sneer, "Although it is done by someone, but Xiuyi, you are the birth mother of the fourth prince, and the empress also thinks that the fourth prince and the third princess are born differently. Although it is done together, there should be some distinction at least."

"What's the difference?" Ye Yun glanced at her with a smirk, "They are all the blood of the emperor, and they must be called the empress mother. The fourth prince and the third princess are the same, and the empress just follows the rules. .”

Having said that, he paused, propped himself up and sat up, and looked straight at the past with the corners of his lips hooked.

"I'm young, and I haven't experienced anything, so I don't dare to tell you anything. Everything will be handled by the empress, so there will be no problems, right, Miss Suqin."

Suqin was stared at by her and felt a little guilty, she hurriedly lowered her head to avoid it.

She laughed uncomfortably, "Naturally, the empress loves children the most."

Ye Yun then slowly withdrew her gaze, and made a look to the side.

Huiyue immediately stepped forward, "Since sister Suqin is fine, and Xiuyi is tired after talking for a while, I'll send my sister out."

"Okay, then the servant girl will leave." Suqin blessed Ye Yun, and then Huiyue sent her out.

Wherever she went on weekdays, she would be sent away respectfully after finishing her speech, although today she was also sent off by the great court lady Huiyue herself, but no matter how she looked at it, she was driven out under the order of expulsion.

When Suqin came out of Zhaochunxuan, her complexion was always bad.

In the room, Ye Yun squinted her eyes and thought about something, and said to Liang Shi, "Nurse, you are tired after half a day today, so go back and rest first, Hui Yue and Nan Zhi are watching over here." Just do it."

Nanny Liang knew that it was the master and the servants who wanted to talk, so she retreated wisely.

After all, the days of close service are not long, and it is not so easy to blend in.

What's more, she waited until Ye Yun was confinement, so she should leave.

"Do you remember that on the night of Fang Xiurong's delivery, everyone was in Wei Rui Xuan. The Empress was worried that I would be frightened in the rainy night, so she specially sent Su Qin to Zhao Chun Xuan to greet her." Ye Yun said suddenly.

The two girls thought for a while and nodded.

Nan Zhi added even more, "At that time, Xiuyi had just finished taking a bath and lay down in the inner room, Suqin went in to have a look and greet Xiuyi."

"That's right, no one came to my room that night except Suqin." Ye Yun frowned and said in a low voice.

Huiyue's complexion changed, "Does Xiuyi suspect that there is something wrong with Suqin?"

"En." Ye Yun nodded, "I always think that there is a problem with the snake crawling into the inner room. It is because the imperial doctor said that it is afraid of the cold, so it can't be such a coincidence."

"But from the moment Suqin entered the room to the time she left, she didn't even have the time to make a cup of tea, she didn't touch anything, she didn't wander around, she didn't get too close to Xiuyi, what kind of tricks can she do?" Nan Zhi became worried. .

If something was really done, it would be too subtle.

"I'm just skeptical, and there's no evidence." Ye Yun narrowed her eyes, "What's more, it's been almost a month, and even if there is something, it has been dealt with long ago, so keep an eye on it in the future. , The queen is not a good stubble either."

The princes in the harem were born one after another, and the birth mother's family background was not bad. The queen couldn't give birth by herself, so it was impossible not to worry.

In this urgency, it is inevitable to do something.

She can't control her pregnancy, but she can plan to attack concubines and emperor's heirs.

So we have to be on guard all the time.

On the other end, Suqin replied truthfully when she returned to Fengqi Palace.

The queen was pruning a pot of peonies, and the golden scissors in her hand were shining coldly.

"Ms. Ye is really calm. The emperor spoils her so much, and gave birth to a prince, but she didn't think about showing off."

She sent someone to ask, which naturally means to guide.

At the full moon banquet at that time, the two children will serve wine together, but the content is different.

And if Ming Xiuyi brought up this difference, what would the emperor think?

Although the queen didn't expect to do anything to Ye Yun with these small tricks, she didn't expect Ye Yun to refuse so decisively.

It also seems to be wary of Fengqi Palace.

"Forget it, take your time. Now that her brother has repeatedly made military exploits, it's time for glory. I just want to support her well." The queen sneered.

Only now did Suqin follow up, "The higher the lift, the worse the fall will be in the future."

"That's right, isn't Anshi just an example." The queen said softly.

The scissors in his hand suddenly fell, and with a click, they cut off the tenderest branches and leaves next to the peony.

"Only Ben Gong can be the one who sits the most steadily forever."

The queen murmured in a low voice, her eyes gradually turned dark.

But no matter what, the full moon banquet of the third princess and the fourth prince came as scheduled.

But because of the war in the north, the banquet is kept simple.

Only the concubines in the palace and the close part of the royal family will celebrate together.

So apart from the large number of concubines of the emperor, there are four families in total: King Ping, King Kang, Princess Jiahe, and Princess Jiarou.

This day was really refreshing for Ye Yun.

For nothing else, she was finally allowed to wash her hair, take a shower, and clean up.

Ye Yun took a full hour and a half of bathing during the confinement period, and it was as meticulous as he hadn't washed since he was born.

It was boring for a month, it was terrible.

After giving birth to this one, I don't want to have a second one.

Whether it hurts or not is another matter, that is a matter of several hours, but confinement is too tortured.

But she didn't feel the benefits of confinement at all.

The conditioning was very careful this time, and I feel that my body is much more relaxed after this month.

(End of this chapter)

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